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ok so my point is that your a VP and you get compesated decently enough. Public sector jobs generally suck and make up for with benefits. That is starting to change due to public outcry. So, my lower than median pay really isn't all that great as i am $75k in the hole for student loans (i am probably above average on this category as i had no parental contributions).


So, even at 60 hours a week to be paid like I am, I am gonna be in debt for a while, and i will get flack for having 2 months off from a job that has high turnover due to mental burnout. This goes on top of how children are not taught any lessons of morality and behavior by their parents, and instead blame the teacher for all of the child's shortcomings. Just like our gov't needs to learn to take responsibility, our parents and children need to do the same as opposed to placing the fault on the babysitters, er, teachers.


Did you do any research on what you were getting yourself into before you got into it? I don't think anyone gets into teaching to get rich you get into it to make a difference. I know a lot of people that do good work for little pay but they love it and don't B word about it and many times these people have a spouse that makes decent money to make up for it.

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Did you do any research on what you were getting yourself into before you got into it? I don't think anyone gets into teaching to get rich you get into it to make a difference. I know a lot of people that do good work for little pay but they love it and don't B word about it and many times these people have a spouse that makes decent money to make up for it.



i did the research and at the time, we were guaranteed placement within the region. That is nowhere near the case now. i just hate it when people tell me i am overpaid for the crap that i do and have done.

Just like our gov't needs to learn to take responsibility, our parents and children need to do the same as opposed to placing the fault on the babysitters, er, teachers.

Kinda hard to complain about that when the schools administrators are proactively over reaching to assume parental responsibility (which was the original point of this thread). I do feel for teachers who have to deal with the idiots who run the systems, but then again, teachers don't seem to be seeking much reform.



i did the research and at the time, we were guaranteed placement within the region.

Yet another problem with the administration of our school systems (and government in general).



i just hate it when people tell me i am overpaid for the crap that i do and have done.

Who said you were overpaid?

Yet another problem with the administration of our school systems (and government in general).


Exactly, when I graduated culinary school I was guaranteed I'd be overworked and way underpaid. Most of the instructors asked why we were going into the business.

Who said you were overpaid?


believe i have heard it, especially from parents who only will talk to you when you have to write the kid up (after numerous attempts to contact the parent for the good and the bad). Also, from people who complain about the school taxes being so high, and blame the current teachers for how good the teachers in the retirement system have it as well as the administrators.

believe i have heard it, especially from parents who only will talk to you when you have to write the kid up (after numerous attempts to contact the parent for the good and the bad). Also, from people who complain about the school taxes being so high, and blame the current teachers for how good the teachers in the retirement system have it as well as the administrators.

That's society in general ... by and large, we're a victim society ... no one takes personal responsibility for anything, including parenting, so they think that they can dump their kids off in front of a tv all day ... then dump them off at school and it's the government's job to teach them ... while at the same time liberal wackos have turned schools into social engineering experiments.


My wife is a public school teacher, I see how hard of a job it is, especially when they come up with the "miracle" new program that is supossed to fix everything that is wrong with our educational system. Case in point, I graduated high school in New York when a Regents diploma was something to be earned. But that wasn't fair because not everyone can get one, and we don't want to hurt their feelings, so let's give them to everyone ... only not everyone can meet the standards, so let's lower the standards. So now, instead of having something to recognize students who excel, you have something that is meaningless.


Crap like this is why we're glad to send our kids to a private school.


Don't blame the teachers, they're trying to the best that they can with what they're given.

i did the research and at the time, we were guaranteed placement within the region. That is nowhere near the case now. i just hate it when people tell me i am overpaid for the crap that i do and have done.


Is there a profession that complains more about their pay than teachers? I can't think of one.


The most underpaid professions like police officers and military hardly make a peep in comparison.

Is there a profession that complains more about their pay than teachers? I can't think of one.


The most underpaid professions like police officers and military hardly make a peep in comparison.



Police and military do not have to pony up dollars for a college education. I suppose there is also a halo effect with teachers given their potential to greatly influence the minds of kids.

Police and military do not have to pony up dollars for a college education. I suppose there is also a halo effect with teachers given their potential to greatly influence the minds of kids.


Yeah that whole putting their life on the line means nothing. But hey, they don't have to pay for college. :thumbsup:

Police and military do not have to pony up dollars for a college education.


What's the correlation there to how whiney teachers are?


(Don't even get me started on the value of an Education Masters Degree.)

Yeah that whole putting their life on the line means nothing. But hey, they don't have to pay for college. :thumbsup:


teaching in any city school district is just as dangerous as being a police officer. both professions end up dealing with the same people. sometimes you get lucky and the kids wait until AFTER school to shoot/stab/beat each other.

teaching in any city school district is just as dangerous as being a police officer. both professions end up dealing with the same people. sometimes you get lucky and the kids wait until AFTER school to shoot/stab/beat each other.


Once chance to take this back or revise it.

Once chance to take this back or revise it.


hahaha as i typed it, i knew you were going to jump all over it. enjoy!!


but back to my friend who teaches in one of Atlanta's biggest high schools... the police contact him REGULARLY asking if he has seen certain students lately. its not a secret that high school aged kids contribute to crime as much, if not more so, than anyone else.

Yeah that whole putting their life on the line means nothing. But hey, they don't have to pay for college. :thumbsup:



OTOH, the more educated someone is the less likely he or she is going to commit a crime.

What's the correlation there to how whiney teachers are?


(Don't even get me started on the value of an Education Masters Degree.)



I was not trying to justify their position just trying to explain why the issue seems to come up relative to teachers.

Yeah that whole putting their life on the line means nothing.



I never said anything about your point. I was simply trying to address the post that asked why we may hear about (the perception of) low pay from teachers more often than from others who may be similarly low in the pay scale.


Perhaps the easiest way to address all of this is to say that if high lifetime income is your priority than none of these professions (police, military, firemen, teachers) are ones that you should pursue.

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