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Nearly every decision by Obama is for a special interest or against another group. Each decision, each bill that he signs and each policy he pushes. He can stand the inequities that a level playing field creates.

Yes, but it's OUR fault the country is so divisive.


Just like it was OUR fault in the 70's when Jimmy Carter's economic policies failed. 0:)

I really hope this whole Jones Act thing is not because of the unions. IL really do.

Y'see. You DO have hope. Now all you need is some change. 0:)


I can not possibly imagine what other reason he would have for not waiving it. I understand it was waived during Kartrina. What I'm waiting for is someone to explain why, during a time when you want to leave no options off the table, you WOULDN'T waive it. What is so dangerous about waiving it? What is so threatening? Just explain it. That's all I ask. It could very well be that there ARE no foreign countries/ships/equipment that can help us. Fine. But don't tell me you won't rest until everything is done, and then not do something as simple as waiving the Jones Act without explanation.


As a conservative and natural Obama skeptic, the union angle wouldn't surprise me. Once he took over GM and gave a large portion of it to the union, nothing else surprises me.

Nearly every decision by Obama is for a special interest or against another group. Each decision, each bill that he signs and each policy he pushes. He can't stand the inequities that a level playing field creates.


Obama has a policy since spring of '09 to "insource" as much federal work as possible. Bottom line---increase in federal unionized employees and an average increase in costs of 30%. Hope and Change baby!

It's half your fault.

I have no problem owning up to my share of the blame, if in fact I do have some(I think I am just trying to be the voice of adult, educated reason, amidst a sea of child-like, quick-fix, run away from our problems because we don't like them anymore, say anything as long as my team wins, phony, celebrity over substance, psycophants)....but I doubt anybody else will. But, that's because, I have honor, and they...don't.


And, I am not the President. It's his job to set the agenda. If he wants the country to come together, then he needs to stop going after people, and paying off his friends. If he wants to continue to pick a fight with business, then I am here for him all day, and will smoke him like a cheap cigar.

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