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US soccer and Isner (Wimbledon)


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A bit off topic, but our US soccer team barely and I mean BARELY scored in the last minutes to qualify for the next round of the World Cup. This despite what seems to be referee's attempts to thwart us from advancing with bad calls. (Kinda reminds me of how the Bills have been treated in the past).


Also Isner (an American) in Wimbledon is battling a Frenchman in what is the most historic match in tennis history. If any of you watch tennis you will know that 59-59 tied in the 5th set has more than shattered any previous record. I'm talking games in the 5th and not points. Games. This is a match of Epic proportions. The match has been going on for over 9 hours overall. It's been delayed til tomorrow cause of lack of daylight. This means this match started yesterday!


The reason I bring this up on a Bills board is because I have been cheering these Americans on with all my might. I am proud to do so.


This is the way I want to and will continue to cheer our Bills when they finally overcome the hump of the last decade. I will be as proud of our Bills as much as i am of the Americans I just mentioned.


In a way i find it ironic that fins and pats fans are cheering for these Americans as well cause they did pick the wrong pro football teams to cheer for after all :censored:


Go Bills!!!

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