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I read over at Profootballtalk.com that Willie Anderson took last year off - retired - despite a handful of teams showing interset in him. He said he wanted to let his body rest so he could play productively again. This guy has been to probowls, is an all pro, and over 13 seasons he missed like 8 games. He knows how to play with injury, and he knows when he's capable of playing at a good level. He's younger that San Diego's Tra Thomas signing.

He wants to play - says he can still get it done, and, more importantly, he wants to teach the players on the team how to develop, how to handle the money, the schedules, how to make priorities.

I think Buffalo would be a great place for him. We've got the "potential/talent" in Bell and Merideth, and he'd be great insurance and he'd be great at leading them into better ways of practicing, playing, preparing, etc.

I say lets give him a chance.


well he really wants a ring too, from that article, I think he would be a good add but also he wouldn't be a LT, he always played RT unless I am remembering wrong. I would imagine he would fit into a decent team as a backup. I am not so sure how he would feel about being on a team like ours. All that being said if he was interested and we were too, I would be in favor of it.


I've viewed his entire career. CIN let him go because of $ prior to the '08 season, and he signed with BAL. And without doubt in my mind, gave BAL his years of info - I recall commentator Gannon in a game saying - "It's as if BAL has CIN's playbook." 0:)


In his last seasons with CIN, he had physical problems - no surprise there considering his longevity. Willie was a fine player, but hard for me to think that somebody would want to sponsor a comeback...


The mentor aspect - always curious to me. Teams hire all kinds of position coaches - isn't that their job?


Anderson is a Fatburger franchise owner:





BTW, ex-MLB player Dave Parker owns a Popeye Chicken franchies a few miles away from me. I dislike the products Popeye offers - everything loaded with sage IMO.

I dont see why we cant try him out. Many players have successfully come back after a year off.



It would be because of $. I'm sure he's not going to play for peanuts and I still think the Bills want to see what they have in the young players. I don't think the Bilsl could justify giving a backup a bunch of money, thoguh Anderson could be a valuable asset in their development.

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