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Moratorium on deep water drilling lifted

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I know the answer to that. I do get the feeling that he is well intentioned and could someday see the light. Conner and his dog though are another story.

My intentions are quite simple.. to better understand complex issues, discuss them, and hopefully allow others in the discussion to better understand the complexity.


Plus it passes the time while the Bills are lifeless.

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Ever notice how libs shutter at the thought of drilling on a secluded barren shore off the coast of Alaska because it may only have a few BILLION barrels of oil, which is too insignificant to consider, yet when they suggest hamstringing the industrialized world to potentially reduce "carbon emissions" by less than 1/10 of 1%, that every little bit counts?




The word is Shudder, not shutter. That is all.

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My intentions are quite simple.. to better understand complex issues, discuss them, and hopefully allow others in the discussion to better understand the complexity.


Plus it passes the time while the Bills are lifeless.

I hunt Alaska antelope to pass time. And ride "oil boats". Yep you are Conners bro no doubt. Saying, bring something to the table if you wish a intelligent discussion.

At lest arm yourself with SOME facts.

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I hunt Alaska antelope to pass time. And ride "oil boats". Yep you are Conners bro no doubt. Saying, bring something to the table if you wish a intelligent discussion.

At lest arm yourself with SOME facts.

I'm sorry that you couldn't detect my somewhat sarcastic and snarkish language in that particualr post. I guess it's my fault for thinking someone might have the intelligence to see through the language on a few items that I would think are pretty well common knowledge. I'll dumb down my humor in the future.

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I think that's #3 on the "Ways to know if you're an idiot" list. :w00t:

If you look around the room and can't tell who the idiot(s) is(are), then you're an idiot.


Which number is that?

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I'm just about 20 years older than you. Wasnt on the test, retard. Thanks for the new word, Sean.


...............if I took todays tests for SAT's I'd fail, badly. I can admit that, you? Did OK back in the day. Got a degree. ran my own business for about ten years. GMI grad also. Enjoy you Iphone nerd.


Though I'm sure you're smarter than me in every aspect of my life. :w00t:


Are you off your meds? And why are you calling me Sean?


And happy 60th.

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Its just you reminded me of this kid back in grade school named Sean who alway whined and bitched all the time, got his ass kicked about every other day. I thought maybe it was you, sorry. :thumbsup:


Yeah...good reference, err, Henry.


I got my ass kicked once and that was because I accused a neighborhood kid of stealing my bike (which he did). He said he was just borrowing it and that's why it was in his garage. When I went to take it back, he beat the piss out of me.


I learned some important lessons that day, not the least of which is that you don't underestimate the strength of a borderline retard AND few kids are tougher than those in foster homes.

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Now I know not to take anything you say seriously from now on out.

That's' wise. Because I reserve the right to always change my mind. Also, I reserve the right to argue the opposite just because it needs to be argued. But, that doesn't mean I'm not always right.

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