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Watched "The Room" This Weekend


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Thanks to whomever suggested this a while back in one of the movie threads. I put it on Netflix queue and got it last week. I was smiling almost the entire movie. What writing! Acting so genius there wasn't enough screen time for all of them! Amazing thing is that the same guy produced, directed, wrote and played the lead. Cohen bros used to be my favorite film makers but now I'm not so sure. Tom Wiseau is my new cinematic hero. I hope they bring out a Blue Ray version! :unsure:

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Twas me! I'm glad I could spread the joy, its now your duty to get one more person to see The Room so they too can enjoy its magic. I ended up checking this movie out for the first time several years ago on DVD and have since gone to a few theater showings down in DC just to share in the love.


And for what its worth, my favorite character BY FAR is Denney, their idiot man-child neighbor/adopted son who gets involved with drugs for some unexplained reason.

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The genius behind the film is coming to Buffalo's Town Ballroom on August 6th. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun.


"You are tearing me apart, Lisa!"



On Friday August 6 A screening of the cult film sensation presented by the writer/director/producer/star himself with Q&A. Tommy Wiseau presents THE ROOM.
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I haven't seen it. You've made me curious. I just checked it out on IMDB and it gets a 3.3/10!


I mean, I try not to be swayed by reviews and ratings, but 3.3? Seems like most of the people who enjoyed it, they enjoyed it ironically. What is up with that? Is this movie just hugely misunderstood?

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I haven't seen it. You've made me curious. I just checked it out on IMDB and it gets a 3.3/10!


I mean, I try not to be swayed by reviews and ratings, but 3.3? Seems like most of the people who enjoyed it, they enjoyed it ironically. What is up with that? Is this movie just hugely misunderstood?


No, no, no...it's a "so bad, it's good" cult classic. And not even in the Rocky Horror Picture Show sense...just a very very very unintentionally bad film.

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I haven't seen it. You've made me curious. I just checked it out on IMDB and it gets a 3.3/10!


I mean, I try not to be swayed by reviews and ratings, but 3.3? Seems like most of the people who enjoyed it, they enjoyed it ironically. What is up with that? Is this movie just hugely misunderstood?


There are enough clips on youtube to give you a good idea of just how "awfully" good this movie is. You will not believe that someone actually made this as a serious attempt at film making.

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I haven't seen it. You've made me curious. I just checked it out on IMDB and it gets a 3.3/10!


I mean, I try not to be swayed by reviews and ratings, but 3.3? Seems like most of the people who enjoyed it, they enjoyed it ironically. What is up with that? Is this movie just hugely misunderstood?

Understand gringo, the worse the rating the better in this case. The fun is in the incompetence!

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I haven't seen it. You've made me curious. I just checked it out on IMDB and it gets a 3.3/10!


I mean, I try not to be swayed by reviews and ratings, but 3.3? Seems like most of the people who enjoyed it, they enjoyed it ironically. What is up with that? Is this movie just hugely misunderstood?

Gringo, you need to watch it. The whole thing is just so absurd from start to finish. Rent it, Netflix it...do whatever you can to laugh your ass off for 90 minutes.

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Twas me! I'm glad I could spread the joy, its now your duty to get one more person to see The Room so they too can enjoy its magic. I ended up checking this movie out for the first time several years ago on DVD and have since gone to a few theater showings down in DC just to share in the love.


And for what its worth, my favorite character BY FAR is Denney, their idiot man-child neighbor/adopted son who gets involved with drugs for some unexplained reason.

It was a while into the flick before Denney was even explained. His first scene he wants to go up into the bedroom with Tom and his girlie for some reason. I was trying to figure out who he was. He seemed too old to be the chicks kid. Too young to be a friend really. WTF is he doing there? Anyway, its difficult for me to pick a favorite. Was Lisa( chunky Julliet Danielle, pretentious Hollywood name or what?) flat lining through her lines any less amusing? Or how about the robotic pretty boy Mark(Greg Sestero) fumbling his way through his ****? An honorable mention to the mom that really looked more like a grandma to me.

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I haven't seen it. You've made me curious. I just checked it out on IMDB and it gets a 3.3/10!


I mean, I try not to be swayed by reviews and ratings, but 3.3? Seems like most of the people who enjoyed it, they enjoyed it ironically. What is up with that? Is this movie just hugely misunderstood?

Probably as misunderstood as all of the movies that have been featured on MST3K.

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