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Gonna be great watching all the dumb potheads go batschitt when pot is legalized and the price of a dime bag goes up up up when it becomes the new 'thing' the politcos tax over and over.


You DIDNT think the gubmint was gonna let tax the schitt out of it? Like its somehow "different" than booze and smokes, you dumb !@#$ing glaze-eyed schmuck.


On edit...Not YOU, JA...the morons who think it wont be taxed as heaviliy as other vices are.

Gonna be great watching all the dumb potheads go batschitt when pot is legalized and the price of a dime bag goes up up up when it becomes the new 'thing' the politcos tax over and over.


You DIDNT think the gubmint was gonna let tax the schitt out of it? Like its somehow "different" than booze and smokes, you dumb !@#$ing glaze-eyed schmuck.


On edit...Not YOU, JA...the morons who think it wont be taxed as heaviliy as other vices are.


Given the high profit margins of the illicit drug trade, taxes on marijuana will still be a pittance once you remove the smugglers' premium.

Tax the rich and tax the smokers.


Notice how at the G20, the EU is all about cutting deficits and the US is all about talking governments into stimulating their economies. WTF is this world coming to? The EU is advocating fiscal responsibility?

Well public riots can be a stick in your eye. What the EU takes as a course of action remains to to be seen. Pity we can see others who chose to follow our currant path many years ago and decide to ignore it.

Given the high profit margins of the illicit drug trade, taxes on marijuana will still be a pittance once you remove the smugglers' premium.


I dont buy that. Regardless of why....a market price is a market price and the govt. coffers will GLADLY take that premium and make it their own, and then some.


Or I could be totally off....whats going on in CA?

still no where near covers the public health costs of smoking. 5 days on a ventilator for COPD= $50000+. quitting smoking = priceless.


Do you think that if you quit smoking and live till your 90 you dont need health care anymore?

Do you think that if you quit smoking and live till your 90 you dont need health care anymore?

well that's an entirely different issue: should we be putting 90yo with severe lung disease on ventilators, dialysis, bypass surgery? don't know...do you?

Gonna be great watching all the dumb potheads go batschitt when pot is legalized and the price of a dime bag goes up up up when it becomes the new 'thing' the politcos tax over and over.


You DIDNT think the gubmint was gonna let tax the schitt out of it? Like its somehow "different" than booze and smokes, you dumb !@#$ing glaze-eyed schmuck.


On edit...Not YOU, JA...the morons who think it wont be taxed as heaviliy as other vices are.

The government's policies of prohibition are driving the price sky high now. So the government could legalize it, tax it to half the overall cost it is now and still make money. And even if it was taxed outrageously, who cares, it would still be a win-win to not have prohibition

well that's an entirely different issue: should we be putting 90yo with severe lung disease on ventilators, dialysis, bypass surgery? don't know...do you?


Letme simplify this for you....


The concept of cutting health risks to lower the overall cost of health care is a red herring becuase long term PREVENTION is pretty !@#$ing expensive, too.

still no where near covers the public health costs of smoking. 5 days on a ventilator for COPD= $50000+. quitting smoking = priceless.

So if I go 5 days on a ventilator and produce cigarette receipts the state will pay for the whole thing because I paid so many tax's to them? When did the state pay anybodys medical bills but their union members?

I dont buy that. Regardless of why....a market price is a market price and the govt. coffers will GLADLY take that premium and make it their own, and then some.


Or I could be totally off....whats going on in CA?


The market price is the way it is is because you do not have a perfect supply demand relationship. You have unfettered demand with a very tightly controlled supply. There is absolutely no reason that the price of pot wouldn't be in the same range as the price for cigarettes if were fully legalized. Plus, if legal HTC could be infused into other forms of ingenstion and you wouldn't need to kill your lungs to get high.

The government's policies of prohibition are driving the price sky high now. So the government could legalize it, tax it to half the overall cost it is now and still make money. And even if it was taxed outrageously, who cares, it would still be a win-win to not have prohibition


I question that completely. Prohibition is not whats causing the cost to be what it is. First off, law enforecement is much more dedicated on tyhe local level to bigger illegal drug issues like cocaine and now heroin, which has made its way to widespread use in suburbia. A dime bag or 1/8th of "regs" is the same price its been for decades now. Plus, pot is easier to obtain than ever before. People, with not much more effort than whats required of planting a vegetable garden can grow their own pot of extremely high quality. Whats driving the cost up is not law enforcement but the use and proliferation of more "designer" pot created to a higher quality. What drives the cost of pot is the product itself. For the most part, pot has been as inflation proof of a commodity as there is.

The market price is the way it is is because you do not have a perfect supply demand relationship. You have unfettered demand with a very tightly controlled supply. There is absolutely no reason that the price of pot wouldn't be in the same range as the price for cigarettes if were fully legalized. Plus, if legal HTC could be infused into other forms of ingenstion and you wouldn't need to kill your lungs to get high.


$10 for a pack of MJ cigarettes would give the customer and the man more than their fair shares.


But it would keep people out of prison so why bother?

The market price is the way it is is because you do not have a perfect supply demand relationship. You have unfettered demand with a very tightly controlled supply. There is absolutely no reason that the price of pot wouldn't be in the same range as the price for cigarettes if were fully legalized. Plus, if legal HTC could be infused into other forms of ingenstion and you wouldn't need to kill your lungs to get high.


The price would be higher just based on the fact that a "pack" of joints has something a pack of cigs does not, THC.


Is all liquor priced the same?


Again, how is pot priced in the open market in CA right now? A lot of good info there.

So if I go 5 days on a ventilator and produce smoke receipts the state will pay for the whole thing,because I paid so many tax's to them? When did the state pay anybodies medical bills but their union members?

ever heard of medicaid?

The market price is the way it is is because you do not have a perfect supply demand relationship. You have unfettered demand with a very tightly controlled supply. There is absolutely no reason that the price of pot wouldn't be in the same range as the price for cigarettes if were fully legalized. Plus, if legal HTC could be infused into other forms of ingenstion and you wouldn't need to kill your lungs to get high.

It already is. It's called Marinol. They give it to cancer and AIDs patients to give them an appetite.

Letme simplify this for you....

if only it was simple....medicare is going broke in less than 10 years on its current trajectory (and btw..it pays a fair number of claims for tobacco related illness). there will be rationing (actually there already is even with private insurance). the question is where to put the limited resources...not simple at all

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