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Turns out 90+ minutes of 1-0 soccer action was not riveting enough. Fans in S. Africa have introduced the world to the vuvuzela. Will the NFL, NHL, NBA, et al. outright ban these things? I think noisemakers are prohibited at RWS... is that a single stadium rule, or an overall NFL rule? I could not imagine being at a game with those damn things.


Theyve had those things all over for years? Why is it such a big thing now?

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They are annoying. I've watched two games so far with those vuvuzelas blowing constantly with no end in sight. I can only imagine how distracting to the players they are. I read that FIFA was seriously considering banning them for the rest of the tourney. But apparently it hasn't happened yet. I don't see them making it to N. America. They seem to be strictly a soccer/fooball South African item.


If i saw one of those at any game i would attend i would prolly stick a potato in it to silence the sucker.

Blower, you'd silence the blower. You don't suck a vuvuzela, counter intutitive I know but language is funny that way.

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they're not banned in the lots, just the stadium. Part of the bowling ball shot tradition (if you don't know anything about this, you've been living in a cave or just never been to a game) involves a vuvuzela after downing the shot.


:thumbsup: Though to me it tastes like cherry cough medicine!!!

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I believe they are playing some soccer matches over there that are being watched by a kazillion people. Could be wrong though.

Yuppers. The vuvuzella has been in South America and Africa for many years. It is only news now in the US because more Americans are watching World Cup now than before (due in no small part to the great coverage by ESPN) so more Americans are annoyed by the sound. ESPN really should have implemented a secondary audio stream (like they do with Spanish for example) and had the vuvzella frequencies filtered out or if that was too hard, had just the announcers mics.


EDIT: I just emailed ESPN with that suggestion. I'm sure they will get right on it :thumbsup:

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Wow I actually got a response back from ESPN.

FIFA is now filtering the audio on the world feed that is provided to all World

Cup rights-holders in order to reduce the buzzing of the vuvuzelas. ESPN

continues to mix the audio through our own production efforts and we continue to

monitor the situation. Thank you for your sharing your views with us.


I'm not home to check now, but hopefully it has gotten better!

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