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Turns out 90+ minutes of 1-0 soccer action was not riveting enough. Fans in S. Africa have introduced the world to the vuvuzela. Will the NFL, NHL, NBA, et al. outright ban these things? I think noisemakers are prohibited at RWS... is that a single stadium rule, or an overall NFL rule? I could not imagine being at a game with those damn things.

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Turns out 90+ minutes of 1-0 soccer action was not riveting enough. Fans in S. Africa have introduced the world to the vuvuzela. Will the NFL, NHL, NBA, et al. outright ban these things? I think noisemakers are prohibited at RWS... is that a single stadium rule, or an overall NFL rule? I could not imagine being at a game with those damn things.



They are annoying. I've watched two games so far with those vuvuzelas blowing constantly with no end in sight. I can only imagine how distracting to the players they are. I read that FIFA was seriously considering banning them for the rest of the tourney. But apparently it hasn't happened yet. I don't see them making it to N. America. They seem to be strictly a soccer/fooball South African item.


If i saw one of those at any game i would attend i would prolly stick a potato in it to silence the sucker.

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I been a soccer fan for a long time and these thing are hardly new. I used to blow one at soccer games in Miami when I used to live down there. In fact, I still have mine at my house. Im watching a Marlins game where they gave the crowd them before the game and they are blowing them like crazy. I dont even notice them at soccer games. Its like the refrigerator drone, you just stop noticing.

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I been a soccer fan for a long time and these thing are hardly new. I used to blow one at soccer games in Miami when I used to live down there. In fact, I still have mine at my house. Im watching a Marlins game where they gave the crowd them before the game and they are blowing them like crazy. I dont even notice them at soccer games. Its like the refrigerator drone, you just stop noticing.



hmm... had no idea they were up here already. I suppose it just takes getting used to. But I'de rather hear the crowd roar than hear a horn.

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They've been going all night at the Rays/Marlins game in Miami, bottom of the 11th and counting...................


I just turned that game on a minute ago after going into extra innings and thought my TV was messed up, LOL.

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Bases chucked for the Marlins down by 4 with no outs, hmmm. Maybe these horns work?


Update: 9-8 marlins down now, nobody out and runners on 2nd / 3rd. Bottom of the 11th, Hmmm....



wow what inning is it now?

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wow what inning is it now?


Marlins had a shot to win but they had a pitcher bat with one out who hasn't batted for like 7 years they said, he was going to try and squeeze bunt but to no avail. He struck out and the Marlins last batter flew out to right, Rays win 9-8.


The announcer said it was the weirdest game ever played by the Marlins and that's saying a lot.

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Marlins had a shot to win but they had a pitcher bat with one out who hasn't batted for like 7 years they said, he was going to try and squeeze bunt but to no avail. He struck out and the Marlins last batter flew out to right, Rays win 9-8.


The announcer said it was the weirdest game ever played by the Marlins and that's saying a lot.



Geez damn close one. I've been trying to the best of my ability to appreciate and learn baseball for years now. It's such a slow paced game. But i know there must be something about it to be appreciated. After all i have to admit, The Natural is one of my favorite movies.

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Geez damn close one. I've been trying to the best of my ability to appreciate and learn baseball for years now. It's such a slow paced game. But i know there must be something about it to be appreciated. After all i have to admit, The Natural is one of my favorite movies.


:) I went to the casting call for Playing Robert Redford as a youth (it was held in Buffalo) and they ended up taking a fat kid for the part.


Baseball is relatively boring but if you are a alcoholic, any sport can be somewhat interesting.

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:) I went to the casting call for Playing Robert Redford as a youth (it was held in Buffalo) and they ended up taking a fat kid for the part.


Baseball is relatively boring but if you are a alcoholic, any sport can be somewhat interesting.



LOL u serious? what a good story to tell even to say u were in the casting call. I'm not an alcoholic but i do drink a lot from time to time. My random postings sure prove that :thumbsup: btw Memo was Hawt!!

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they're not banned in the lots, just the stadium. Part of the bowling ball shot tradition (if you don't know anything about this, you've been living in a cave or just never been to a game) involves a vuvuzela after downing the shot.

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I've been to Bills @ Miami in the Orange Bowl (0-28 Greg Bell gets hurt on 4th and whatever) and they were using those bastards, air horns, whistles and everything else. No such luck at The Rich, though. Every game, Danny Neaverth (via PA) would admonish anyone who mistakenly brought a prohibited noisemaker into the stadium to turn it in to security immediately.


No problem!


We did it with our lungs.


Go Bills.

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Turns out 90+ minutes of 1-0 soccer action was not riveting enough. Fans in S. Africa have introduced the world to the vuvuzela. I think noisemakers are prohibited at RWS... is that a single stadium rule, or an overall NFL rule? I could not imagine being at a game with those damn things.


You can now purchase a cell phone app that makes the same sound as the vuvuzela. So where they banned them you just pull out your cell phone.

Two guys made 2 million bucks with this invention the 1st week it was available.


I'm quite sure artificial noisemakers are prohibbited in all NFL stadiums. Imagine trying to call an audible with this noise in the background. Yikes....

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LOL u serious? what a good story to tell even to say u were in the casting call. I'm not an alcoholic but i do drink a lot from time to time. My random postings sure prove that :) btw Memo was Hawt!!


I had to remember to tell them I am lefty (& I am) and I got spooked at raised my right hand, LOL. What an actor I would of been.

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