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Racism question

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Token black guys? I don't understand that. Also, racism is very logical and is a human flaw. People don't like that which is different than they are- which is one of the main reasons why some of the people on this board are unnecessarily abusive to you, even when you aren't involved in a discussion.

How you could not like something that is different from you is beyond me. Variety is the spice of life.

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How you could not like something that is different from you is beyond me. Variety is the spice of life.

Sorry thats BS on your part. Republicans are different from you yet in a another thread you stated that you hate them which is far from being your spice of life.


You sound like someone who has not quite found their identity yet. You are very conflicted.

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How you could not like something that is different from you is beyond me. Variety is the spice of life.

Many people say that, but the fact is, people like their side to be validated. It is the reason for racism, war and many other types of hatred.

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How you could not like something that is different from you is beyond me. Variety is the spice of life.


Id love to set you loose on Linden Blvd. one day and just start walking up to people and saying this.


THAT would be "comedy gold."

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Why is it when I express my disdain for our"commander in chief :thumbsup: I always[in some circles] get the "well your just a racist " look, But when I express my admiration for Clarence Thomas I am also a racist because I support a "uncle Tom"

What I am getting at is are black conservatives considered traitors to their race? Do the the Dem's have that strong a hold on them?


Why? People think the worst OR they don't think at all.


Could be for the same reason anyone who defends Obama against ridiculous accusations is labeled a liberal.

Hell, I could easily say that the Conservative Anti Obama types are plain out biggots for it.

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Was that a death threat? Did you just say you would like me to get shot and that it would be "comedy gold."?


I doubt it. He was probably thinking you'd get shot in the head, and thus wouldn't be badly injured.

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Please don't speak for other people when you have no idea what you are talking about.


At least for me - I view Clarence Thomas and Michael Steele as "token black guys" for the Republican party intended to mask the appearance of racism. Steele is an idiot, but he's the head of the RNC because the Republicans need to be able to point to something and say "Look, a black guy, see we are not racist".


And sure not all Republicans are racist, probably only a minority percentage are. But that does not change facts like this: In the last 100 years there have been exactly three Republican black men elected to the House of Representatives (Oscar Stanton De Priest, Gary Franks, and J. C. Watts). This is hardly representative of the general populous.


So in any case, if your attacks against Obama are not logical, I tend to suspect racism, as racism is not logical. And yes, I suspect many people are subconsciously racist so that even they are not aware of it.



He was talking about what imbeciles hate and you object to him speaking for you? The first step in the healing process is admitting the problem. You are getting there.

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How you could not like something that is different from you is beyond me. Variety is the spice of life.

Some people just don't like variety. To them, similarity very likely provides the same satisfaction that variety provides to others.


It has always been thus.

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He was talking about what imbeciles hate and you object to him speaking for you? The first step in the healing process is admitting the problem. You are getting there.

You may want to look up the word imbecile in the dictionary. Some person or group of people that are vastly more intelligent than you do not qualify as imbeciles.

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You may want to look up the word imbecile in the dictionary. Some person or group of people that are vastly more intelligent than you do not qualify as imbeciles.


Hey boy genius, does your Cheney quote indicate that deficits really don't matter and the fact that Dick Cheney says so proves it, or is your intention to indicate that deficit spending is destructive and Cheney was a tard for saying otherwise?

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Hey boy genius, does your Cheney quote indicate that deficits really don't matter and the fact that Dick Cheney says so proves it, or is your intention to indicate that deficit spending is destructive and Cheney was a tard for saying otherwise?


He doesn't know what the !@#$ it indicates.

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You may want to look up the word imbecile in the dictionary. Some person or group of people that are vastly more intelligent than you do not qualify as imbeciles.


Uh, what am I not getting here? You are the one that embraced the imbecile mantle. And to think that I complimented you for making progress in your realization of your lack of cognitive reasoning. At least you know enough to make yourself a moving target.

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Typically when a liberal calls you racist its because he cant respond to the point you've made. This is when you know you've won the argument.


And FWIW Blacks vote 99% democratic every presidential election and just elected a senate candidate in SC for the only reason that he was black but the mainstream media perpetuates that its the Tea Party of white males in general who are the racists.

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Typically when a liberal calls you racist its because he cant respond to the point you've made. This is when you know you've won the argument.


And FWIW Blacks vote 99% democratic every presidential election and just elected a senate candidate in SC for the only reason that he was black but the mainstream media perpetuates that its the Tea Party of white males in general who are the racists.


I am 100% FOR that SC dude. He doesn't know what TARP is but I have moreconfidence in him than 90% of Congress.


You make no points AND are a racist. A twofer.

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Typically when a liberal calls you racist its because he cant respond to the point you've made. This is when you know you've won the argument.


And FWIW Blacks vote 99% democratic every presidential election and just elected a senate candidate in SC for the only reason that he was black but the mainstream media perpetuates that its the Tea Party of white males in general who are the racists.

I don't know much about the tea party. Republicans aren't racist- they are garbage, just like the democrats. America is dumb. They want one all powerful leader to come in and fix everything. Again, America is dumb

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Some people just don't like variety. To them, similarity very likely provides the same satisfaction that variety provides to others.


It has always been thus.


I like variety but not all variety. For example, I find British people to be mostly hilarious and fun to be around. On the other hand I don't like the stereotypical stubborn French (or French Canadian) attitude.


There certainly are racial stereotypes that play out in real life. When a person encounters stereotypical racial behavior and then judges that other person based on witnessing that stereotypical behavior, is that person a racist?


If I hire a Brit because I don't want to deal with a stubborn French person (who exhibits those qualities in an interview) am I a racist for doing that?

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