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Obama the one trick pony

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The one important thing to take away from the congressional lynching of BP's CEO Tony Hayward is that BP has no other options to to stop the leak right now and the relief well will not be dug until August,.....WTF!!!! Come on someone needs to step up now that BP has tapped out of the solution game.


Funny thing, many people think gov't can solve all are problems, I say prove it now start with this leak.



Why wasn't the National Guard deployed in 2 days?!?!? Where's FEMA!?!?! What's going on!?@??!?! OUTRAGE!! Barack Obama MUST hate white people! If the Gulf Coast was populated with black people, you'd better believe he'd have built a wall to protect those people!!! RAAAAGE!



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Why wasn't the National Guard deployed in 2 days?!?!? Where's FEMA!?!?! What's going on!?@??!?! OUTRAGE!! Barack Obama MUST hate white people! If the Gulf Coast was populated with black people, you'd better believe he'd have built a wall to protect those people!!! RAAAAGE!



The Nation Guard and Coast Guard are tied up blocking the oil skimmers.

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There is enough blame to be passed around and the conservatives and liberals should shut the .........up. I don't care that the liberals blamed 911 on the supposed conservative Bush or that the conservative in their infinite wisdom are taking their vengence by saying that the government intentionally dragged their feet to make this worse. Whoever registers with either party is an idiot. Our government has become unmanagable and too bureaucratic that they can't get anything done when they need to.


Although much of the cost should be handed over to BP for their negligence, we should be using every resource- government and private sector to get this fixed. While I am not an environmental wingnut, we live in this country and need to take care of it and the area around it- the gulf is being ruined and we have to get it fixed.


If anyone questions whether BP, Haliburton and the other company in Oklahoma are liable, as I said before, I know someone who used to be in the oil business and by the way- he is pretty much to the right of Cheney and Rove if you want a basis on his opinions- apparently the normal mud (forgot what it was called) HAS to be used at that depth, as seawater will not counter the pressure at that depth. There were warnings that the seawater used was failing, but they continued using it. Furthermore- and I know I will screw this up, as I don't fully understand what was said, the Blowout preventer wouldn't have helped because of something with the location of the leak on the pipe- with that flaw, the ridiculous and indefensible use of seawater was a recipe for disaster

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There is enough blame to be passed around and the conservatives and liberals should shut the .........up. I don't care that the liberals blamed 911 on the supposed conservative Bush or that the conservative in their infinite wisdom are taking their vengence by saying that the government intentionally dragged their feet to make this worse. Whoever registers with either party is an idiot. Our government has become unmanagable and too bureaucratic that they can't get anything done when they need to.


Although much of the cost should be handed over to BP for their negligence, we should be using every resource- government and private sector to get this fixed. While I am not an environmental wingnut, we live in this country and need to take care of it and the area around it- the gulf is being ruined and we have to get it fixed.


If anyone questions whether BP, Haliburton and the other company in Oklahoma are liable, as I said before, I know someone who used to be in the oil business and by the way- he is pretty much to the right of Cheney and Rove if you want a basis on his opinions- apparently the normal mud (forgot what it was called) HAS to be used at that depth, as seawater will not counter the pressure at that depth. There were warnings that the seawater used was failing, but they continued using it. Furthermore- and I know I will screw this up, as I don't fully understand what was said, the Blowout preventer wouldn't have helped because of something with the location of the leak on the pipe- with that flaw, the ridiculous and indefensible use of seawater was a recipe for disaster


Stop with the informed opinionating already. Didn't you hear the CEO of BP went yachting today?

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Oh, I forgot, he was supposed to play dress up and work in the gulf to improve his image.

Here's my concern with all of this: It's been one PR gaffe after another with these guys, and while I completely understand, appreciate and agree with what you're saying, BP is getting into Biden-stupidity zone. As long as these dolts talk about "the small people" and mumble stupid stuff like "I want to get my life back" and then pony up a $20B down payment on an escrow account before taking little Johnny on yet another one of those dreadful yacht races that the Rochesters put on every year, then the public will gladly allow this administration to bypass virtually any due process in their quest for more mid-term machismo.


Hayward is the BP face of this disaster, and the more he portrays this elitist, snobby, oil-drilling, pelican-killing, nature-hating, condescending dirtbag, the more the WH will continue down the path of "send lawyers first, save the Gulf later" and none of it...absolutely none of it...is good for the rest of us.


On the upside, Hayward's yachting makes Obama's countless rounds of golf seem downright pedestrian. Which is good, because I hear Obama's been in dire need of work on his short game. He's getting off the tees okay, but once he breaks out the nine iron, things fall apart.

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Here's my concern with all of this: It's been one PR gaffe after another with these guys, and while I completely understand, appreciate and agree with what you're saying, BP is getting into Biden-stupidity zone. As long as these dolts talk about "the small people" and mumble stupid stuff like "I want to get my life back" and then pony up a $20B down payment on an escrow account before taking little Johnny on yet another one of those dreadful yacht races that the Rochesters put on every year, then the public will gladly allow this administration to bypass virtually any due process in their quest for more mid-term machismo.


Hayward is the BP face of this disaster, and the more he portrays this elitist, snobby, oil-drilling, pelican-killing, nature-hating, condescending dirtbag, the more the WH will continue down the path of "send lawyers first, save the Gulf later" and none of it...absolutely none of it...is good for the rest of us.


On the upside, Hayward's yachting makes Obama's countless rounds of golf seem downright pedestrian. Which is good, because I hear Obama's been in dire need of work on his short game. He's getting off the tees okay, but once he breaks out the nine iron, things fall apart.

:lol: The great helmsman sets the course. It is up to the crew to worry about the details. And I think we all know how competent this crew is.

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:lol: The great helmsman sets the course. It is up to the crew to worry about the details. And I think we all know how competent this crew is.

This country hasn't had a great helmsman since Lincoln- rip Obama and/or Bush all you want, but the American people are idiots. Say that other countries have idiots as well, all you want. I don't care what other countries have.


Here's my concern with all of this: It's been one PR gaffe after another with these guys, and while I completely understand, appreciate and agree with what you're saying, BP is getting into Biden-stupidity zone. As long as these dolts talk about "the small people" and mumble stupid stuff like "I want to get my life back" and then pony up a $20B down payment on an escrow account before taking little Johnny on yet another one of those dreadful yacht races that the Rochesters put on every year, then the public will gladly allow this administration to bypass virtually any due process in their quest for more mid-term machismo.


Hayward is the BP face of this disaster, and the more he portrays this elitist, snobby, oil-drilling, pelican-killing, nature-hating, condescending dirtbag, the more the WH will continue down the path of "send lawyers first, save the Gulf later" and none of it...absolutely none of it...is good for the rest of us.


On the upside, Hayward's yachting makes Obama's countless rounds of golf seem downright pedestrian. Which is good, because I hear Obama's been in dire need of work on his short game. He's getting off the tees okay, but once he breaks out the nine iron, things fall apart.

I couldn't care less what they say- it matters what is being done. And our government has really dropped the ball on this whole disaster, although people who think they wanted it to get worse are as clueless as those who blamed Bush for 911


Good God. Here's the name of that company in OK for you. And it's more like 25% not 40%.




Do you know what being a part owner of the well means?

Yes, I do know- it means you are accountable for decisions that are made about that well. Did you know what talk radio does?

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This country hasn't had a great helmsman since Lincoln- rip Obama and/or Bush all you want, but the American people are idiots. Say that other countries have idiots as well, all you want. I don't care what other countries have.



I couldn't care less what they say- it matters what is being done. And our government has really dropped the ball on this whole disaster, although people who think they wanted it to get worse are as clueless as those who blamed Bush for 911



Yes, I do know- it means you are accountable for decisions that are made about that well. Did you know what talk radio does?


Have no idea, don't listen to it.


But I don't think you really have a clue as to what part ownership means in this case.

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Have no idea, don't listen to it.


But I don't think you really have a clue as to what part ownership means in this case.

That was sarcasm- since you put a little piece of my post in there.


Nobody fully owns the oil well- what are you saying? I hope you aren't saying that it means that nobody's accountable. A terrible decision was made, which directly led to this disaster.

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That was sarcasm- since you put a little piece of my post in there.


Nobody fully owns the oil well- what are you saying? I hope you aren't saying that it means that nobody's accountable. A terrible decision was made, which directly led to this disaster.


Posted twice so far.


First I asked if you knew what a part ownership meant. Second, I said that I didn't think that you knew.


Enlighten me as to how you drew this amazing conclusion from my two posts.


Now, would you like to also explain the individual roles that BP, Haliburton, Transocean, Anadarko, Mitsui & Co, the Federal Gov't and many others played in this mess. And then tell me why each is and isn't responsible for the current mess that we have. And try to do it without making assumptions on what I think or you feel I'm trying to say. That way we might be able to have a discussion not an argument.

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Posted twice so far.


First I asked if you knew what a part ownership meant. Second, I said that I didn't think that you knew.


Enlighten me as to how you drew this amazing conclusion from my two posts.


Now, would you like to also explain the individual roles that BP, Haliburton, Transocean, Anadarko, Mitsui & Co, the Federal Gov't and many others played in this mess. And then tell me why each is and isn't responsible for the current mess that we have. And try to do it without making assumptions on what I think or you feel I'm trying to say. That way we might be able to have a discussion not an argument.

From my understanding, the paperwork clearly traces the ludicrous decision to use seawater to counter the ocean pressure back to BP. The other owners have an obligation to be in on the decision and to turn BP in to the appropriate regulatory agency. Haliburton should be well aware of the danger presented by the decision and should have refused to dig. It appeared cheaper for those companies to just go along for the ride if things worked out and there wasn't a disaster. The federal government should investigate what is being done beforehand, but I don't think that is feasible, unless you think utopia is achievable. The government should have stepped in sooner, but hasn't been able to get out of its own way for decades, if not more.


Its time to bite the bullet and invest in an infrastructure that doesn't involve oil. I don't think this country has the patience or education for something like that- we are a bunch of babies that want what we want- and we want it now.

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