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Obama the one trick pony

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Let me rephrase that, anyone who was involved in causing the Oil Spill should be 100% liable of all damages.

And how liable is the government?? The oil companies have regulations up the wazoo. I'm sure an inspector or even several signed off on this rig. Government is supposed to be shepparding us through all the dangers of the world and life. Aren't they supposed to be protecting us against this stuff?

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And how liable is the government?? The oil companies have regulations up the wazoo. I'm sure an inspector or even several signed off on this rig. Government is supposed to be shepparding us through all the dangers of the world and life. Aren't they supposed to be protecting us against this stuff?

That's a fair question that should be debated, they definitely have skin in the game. Unfortunately, the governments liability is our liability. Know what I'm sayin?

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That's a fair question that should be debated, they definitely have skin in the game. Unfortunately, the governments liability is our liability. Know what I'm sayin?


No it should be deducted from the pay of the government agencies that oversaw this mess before it happened.

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That's a fair question that should be debated, they definitely have skin in the game. Unfortunately, the governments liability is our liability. Know what I'm sayin?


I do. However, their workforce liability doesn't include getting fired, demoted, any loss of pension or benefits, etc. They are the special ones...good work, bad work - not a whit of concern needed, never a repercussion. Not a single person will be discharged. Quite the contrary, hands will be rubbed to extract honors and money to enhance the retirement easy street.

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That's not what he said, conner. He said "provable", not "proven". Some (most, I expect) claims are so obvious that they won't need to go to court. Likewise, some are such obvious bull **** that they'll never see a courtroom. A few will be in a grey area where no one's sure, those should go to court.


And you're both forgetting that this populist administration is perfectly happy to just browbeat BP (and all the other oil companies, for that matter. May as well mae it "collective guilt") into paying everything anyone claims. It's not like they haven't !@#$ed over corporations "for the people" before this.


He said provable and he also said (or at least implied) that ANYBODY that can claim ANY sort of "damages" has a case. Even when I posted an absurd example of a possible claim, he STILL asserted "ALL CLAIMS" should be honored. The "provable in court" argument is a red herring becuase that will NEVER happen. He essentially IGNORED the possibility of people gaming the system to take advantage of what BP is going to (or forced to) offer. And worse, he did so with as you say, the populist, emotion-based reason that "BP deserves it." And worse worse, he STILL wont define what could be considered a fair claims.


Im not conner....Magox is conner.

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I do. However, their workforce liability doesn't include getting fired, demoted, any loss of pension or benefits, etc. They are the special ones...good work, bad work - not a whit of concern needed, never a repercussion. Not a single person will be discharged. Quite the contrary, hands will be rubbed to extract honors and money to enhance the retirement easy street.

That's not entirely true, the previous head of MMS was just fired. But I get what you are saying, and as I stated, there should be a thorough investigation on not only the operations of BP and the other private corporations that are culpable for this negligence, but on all the regulatory agencies that oversaw this clusterf*ck. I believe that criminal charges should be looked into on all the shady dealings that may have taken place. Everyone involved that helped lead to this mess, including the lax oversight from the federal government HAS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

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He said provable and he also said (or at least implied) that ANYBODY that can claim ANY sort of "damages" has a case. Even when I posted an absurd example of a possible claim, he STILL asserted "ALL CLAIMS" should be honored. The "provable in court" argument is a red herring becuase that will NEVER happen. He essentially IGNORED the possibility of people gaming the system to take advantage of what BP is going to (or forced to) offer. And worse, he did so with as you say, the populist, emotion-based reason that "BP deserves it." And worse worse, he STILL wont define what could be considered a fair claims.


Im not conner....Magox is conner.

You're an idiot. That's not what I said at all.


Here's what I said:


Yes "ANY SORT" of claims that are provable in the court of law that falls under the "lost wages" category should be paid for by the responsible parties.


Now only in a RKFast/Conner sort of world would someone interpret what I just quoted up above to "ANYBODY that can claim ANY sort of "damages" should be honored"



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That's not entirely true, the previous head of MMS was just fired. But I get what you are saying, and as I stated, there should be a thorough investigation on not only the operations of BP and the other private corporations that are culpable for this negligence, but on all the regulatory agencies that oversaw this clusterf*ck. I believe that criminal charges should be looked into on all the shady dealings that may have taken place. Everyone involved that helped lead to this mess, including the lax oversight from the federal government HAS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.



I see a whole'lotta new Czars coming out of this mess. :devil:

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I'm sure an inspector or even several signed off on this rig.

Signed off? Hell, they gave them a freakin' SAFETY AWARD a couple of months ago.


Yes, that's right. Someone in the current administration gave THIS specific rig a safety award.


BP is rightfully going to take in the 'ol Connerhole, but for the government to walk around mumbling "We had nothing to do with this" is just embarrassing.

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That's not entirely true, the previous head of MMS was just fired. But I get what you are saying, and as I stated, there should be a thorough investigation on not only the operations of BP and the other private corporations that are culpable for this negligence, but on all the regulatory agencies that oversaw this clusterf*ck. I believe that criminal charges should be looked into on all the shady dealings that may have taken place. Everyone involved that helped lead to this mess, including the lax oversight from the federal government HAS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.


No federal worker will suffer the slightest. It is JUST NOT DONE. Pay and pension benefits always continue. NO exceptions.

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- where would NASA get equipment?

James Cameron. He had that really cool scuba suit that let Ed Harris drop to a mile below the surface. Of course, it involved filling his lungs with water so he could breathe at those depths, but from what I saw, it only took a couple of minutes for his body to adapt.

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How dare I be questioned here. I am pretty knowledgeable about NASA and space; I've watched all the movies on NASA "The Right Stuff" , "In the Shadow of the Moon" and of course Hollywood's most technical movie on NASA "Apollo 13".


In Apollo 13 they solved the problems with gum and duct tape in just a couple of days! So don't tell me it can't be done.

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You're an idiot. That's not what I said at all.


Now only in a RKFast/Conner sort of world would someone interpret what I just quoted up above to "ANYBODY that can claim ANY sort of "damages" should be honored"




Actually, it IS what you said.


I posted an example of someone fraudulently using a claim of "lost wages"...and you tacitly ACKNOWLEDGED that such a claim may indeed have merit. You TOTALLY BLEW PAST my assertion that people will try to game the system. You STILL blow past it now.


You can call me 'conner' and thow insults all you want....like I care.....fact is, youre completely missing my point or ignoring the fact that the system will be gamed. Thats bloody naive.

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The one important thing to take away from the congressional lynching of BP's CEO Tony Hayward is that BP has no other options to to stop the leak right now and the relief well will not be dug until August,.....WTF!!!! Come on someone needs to step up now that BP has tapped out of the solution game.


Funny thing, many people think gov't can solve all are problems, I say prove it now start with this leak.

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