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Obama the one trick pony

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Define "damages"


Becuase you can bet every !@#$ from Pensacola to Galveston is going to knock on BP's door looking for/demanding a handout. I wouldnt be shoicked if even a lot of !@#$s in the interior will look for check from BP claiming "lost wages or income" or even "emotional harm" from the spill.

Define "damages"? Any sort of lost wage compensation, loss of business revenues or property damages for starters.


What are you getting at? Are you saying that they shouldn't be liable for what I just mentioned?

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Wasn't that a Nobel PEACE Prize? Is the plan to create peace with the oil leak?


You know his speech was useless when you have Olbermann, Matthews and Fineman all together at one time discussing how bad it was. He's getting killed from every angle now as the world gets to see first hand that he's great at addressing a crisis as long as HE gets to create the crisis. Link here.


I saw a story on HuffPo that kind of nailed it; if you replace oil leak with health care reform, last night's speech seemed eerily familiar. "We're up to the task. I won't tolerate inaction. There are those who say it can't be done, but we put a man on the moon..."


And somewhere, Jimmy Carter wipes some sweat from his brow and finally gets a good night's sleep.



Was that followed by their proclamation that they're all racists?

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I agree but the President has no authority to do this. There is a process to determine the scope of their liability and accidents do happen. Now I pretty sure that BP !@#$ed up royally here and should be required to pay but Obama was just pandering to the uninformed. "Yeah, you go Prez, stick it to them!!" That could have been worded much better.

Legally speaking he doesn't have authority to do this, but by using the bully pulpit he can exert public pressure into making really difficult for them to not set up the escrow fund that they are seeking. Public approval of how the BO administration has handled this mess is not good, but whats even worse is the publics approval of BP. So let's keep that in mind.


If BP doesn't set up this escrow fund, then they are finished. We'll see how this plays out.

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Legally speaking he doesn't have authority to do this, but by using the bully pulpit he can exert public pressure into making really difficult for them to not set up the escrow fund that they are seeking. Public approval of how the BO administration has handled this mess is not good, but whats even worse is the publics approval of BP. So let's keep that in mind.


If BP doesn't set up this escrow fund, then they are finished. We'll see how this plays out.


I'm not seeing too much public approval of BP at this time. And why should BP set up an escrow fund for something they have not been legally found liable for?

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I'm not seeing too much public approval of BP at this time. And why should BP set up an escrow fund for something they have not been legally found liable for?

Because everyone knows that they indeed are liable for it, including themselves. They'll give in

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I agree but the President has no authority to do this. There is a process to determine the scope of their liability and accidents do happen. Now I pretty sure that BP !@#$ed up royally here and should be required to pay but Obama was just pandering to the uninformed. "Yeah, you go Prez, stick it to them!!" That could have been worded much better.


Tell that to the bond holders of GM.

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$20 Billion set aside by BP to deal with the claims.

I want to make a claim.

The independent fund will be led by lawyer Kenneth Feinberg, who oversaw payments to families of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In his current role, Feinberg is known as Obama's "pay czar," setting salary limits for companies getting the most aid from a $700 billion government bailout fund.

Wow. I was prescient.

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Define "damages"? Any sort of lost wage compensation, loss of business revenues or property damages for starters.


What are you getting at? Are you saying that they shouldn't be liable for what I just mentioned?


"ANY SORT" of lost wages?


So, say a waitress in New Orleans or Pensacola can file a claim based on "lost wages" becuase tourism is down?


If so, than pretty much the WHOLE COUNTRY can come up with some fakakta story with a "claim", couldnt they?


Im at a marketing agency in New York. One of my clients is based on Avery Island, LA and they havent given me a project I expected becuase they are shut down for two weeks due to the wpill. Thus, lost "income" to me. Hello? BP Claims Center?

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Was reading more reviews on last night's speech, and caught this article from LA Times.


It was mostly the same thing you're hearing from everyone, but dig the NSFW photo of Crist checking a beach "for signs of oil."


This photo is priceless.


Nice pic. I love the headline too. I was saying to my wife this morning until we can get our cars/truck/planes/trains to be fueled by wind and solar I'll get excited. We need to find a means of transportation that doesn't use internal combustion engines. Weren't we supposed to be flying around like George Jetson by now?

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Nice pic. I love the headline too. I was saying to my wife this morning until we can get our cars/truck/planes/trains to be fueled by wind and solar I'll get excited. We need to find a means of transportation that doesn't use internal combustion engines. Weren't we supposed to be flying around like George Jetson by now?


Well, it aitn happenning any time soon. I hate to break it to everyone, but petroleum is still the most cost and energy efficient energy source on the planet, by a Country Mile.

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"ANY SORT" of lost wages?


So, say a waitress in New Orleans or Pensacola can file a claim based on "lost wages" becuase tourism is down?


If so, than pretty much the WHOLE COUNTRY can come up with some fakakta story with a "claim", couldnt they?


Im at a marketing agency in New York. One of my clients is based on Avery Island, LA and they havent given me a project I expected becuase they are shut down for two weeks due to the wpill. Thus, lost "income" to me. Hello? BP Claims Center?

Yes "ANY SORT" of claims that are provable in the court of law that falls under the "lost wages" category should be paid for by the responsible parties.


They are responsible, they !@#$ed up, and they !@#$ed up big. There should be class action suits filed against them from a number of groups, and I don't feel the least bit sorry for them. It is amazing that this was able to happen without having effective safe gaurds in place. Whoever lost wages, even that waitress from Pensacola who will certainly lose wages because of this colossal !@#$ up should be compensated.

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There is, but there are a lot of brilliant minds at NASA, who have to understand the ramifications of performing tasks at varying levels of pressure. It sure couldn't hurt and this is more pressing than anything else on their table right now.


And the operators at the pointy end of the NASA stick train for months or years on a given task. NASA could put a good amount of thought into the problem; they'd act substantially slower on an unfamiliar task than the people already in place. And I'm willing to bet that most of the available undersea robotic vehicles (including a few experimental prototypes I know of that were rushed out of labs) are already in the Gulf - where would NASA get equipment?

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I'm not seeing too much public approval of BP at this time. And why should BP set up an escrow fund for something they have not been legally found liable for?


What I was wondering today was: where's the federal declaration of a disaster area, freeing up the emergency funds for low-interest loans to the region?


Oh, that's right...we can't actually have the White House doing it's job. Not when pandering to the electorate by pointing fingers is so much more important. :rolleyes:

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Yes "ANY SORT" of claims that are provable in the court of law that falls under the "lost wages" category should be paid for by the responsible parties.


They are responsible, they !@#$ed up, and they !@#$ed up big. There should be class action suits filed against them from a number of groups, and I don't feel the least bit sorry for them. It is amazing that this was able to happen without having effective safe gaurds in place. Whoever lost wages, even that waitress from Pensacola who will certainly lose wages because of this colossal !@#$ up should be compensated.


Well, with all due respect, youre insane. You cannot have unlimited liability like that!


Any tom dick and harry can walk up to BP and file any kind of claim they want and it should be paid?


Just total limitless liability for BP?


Come on.

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Nice pic. I love the headline too. I was saying to my wife this morning until we can get our cars/truck/planes/trains to be fueled by wind and solar I'll get excited. We need to find a means of transportation that doesn't use internal combustion engines. Weren't we supposed to be flying around like George Jetson by now?

I had an interesting conversation the other day regarding this topic. There is a lot of hooting and hollering going on out there regarding the Chinese and how they have been investing more money than us or for that matter anyone in the wind and solar energy projects.


Well, there is a reason for that, the Chinese can afford to make a more meaningful investment because they have over $3 trillion in reserves. They can afford to be patient, this is not a profitable business, and if isn't profitable or economically feasible, then the growth in this area will be heavily dependent on government help. The only way this business moves forward is with federal subsidies, so if you have a very very long view, then it does make sense. But the notion that all of a sudden we can start building for tomorrow with the hopes of creating lots of jobs in the short to medium term is ridiculous.


I do believe that we should invest in this area, but not at the expense of hurting our economy. China will undoubtedly lead the world in Alternative energies, simply because they have the money and patience to do so, whereas we have a $13 Trillion National debt (and climbing rapidly), and we don't have the flexibility to continue to heavily subsidize these projects.

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Well, with all due respect, youre insane. You cannot have unlimited liability like that!


Any tom dick and harry can walk up to BP and file any kind of claim they want and it should be paid?


Just total limitless liability for BP?


Come on.

Yes you can, and it will happen, you can bank on that. And the fact that you are suggesting that they shouldn't be liable for ALL damages and lost wages that they are connected to speaks pretty badly about you.

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The best way to ensure that these companies become effectively regulated is by having unlimited liabilities. Nothing will regulate an oil company into becoming a more responsible and prudent entity than operating under the fear of losing billions of dollars.

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Yes you can, and it will happen, you can bank on that. And the fact that you are suggesting that they shouldn't be liable for ALL damages and lost wages that they are connected to speaks pretty badly about you.


It "speaks badly of me" that I dont want to see fraud carried out on a mass scale, with "ambulance chasers" leading the parade into BP's headquarters?


You got issues. Seriously.


Again....DEFINE DAMAGES. And do better than "anyone who lost wages." Beacuase as I pointed out, any shitbag can make that claim if they try hard enough.

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The best way to ensure that these companies become effectively regulated is by having unlimited liabilities. Nothing will regulate an oil company into becoming a more responsible and prudent entity than operating under the fear of losing billions of dollars.


Nothing will also drive them right out of the USA or out of business, either.

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