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Obama the one trick pony

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I was really frustrated and let down with Obama’s speech last night; it was short on answers and long on rhetoric.


Yes, BP will “pay for their actions” but there is plenty of time for that later after the leak is stopped. Dollars are not going to plug the leak.


Why is it that Obama administration believes all of the country’s problems including the oil leak can be solved by the confiscation and redistribution of wealth? :rolleyes:


I would have rather the president get up and say we are going to put the very best creative minds together to solve this problem. He should have said “I am directing the full resources and cooperation of NASA to come up with solutions”. This would also be a great PR move for NASA.

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I was really frustrated and let down with Obama’s speech last night; it was short on answers and long on rhetoric.


Yes, BP will “pay for their actions” but there is plenty of time for that later after the leak is stopped. Dollars are not going to plug the leak.


Why is it that Obama administration believes all of the country’s problems including the oil leak can be solved by the confiscation and redistribution of wealth? :P


I would have rather the president get up and say we are going to put the very best creative minds together to solve this problem. He should have said “I am directing the full resources and cooperation of NASA to come up with solutions”. This would also be a great PR move for NASA.


Yes.....I agree.....the National AERONAUTICAL and SPACE Administration has tons of expertise and equipment to help plug a hole a mile underwater. :rolleyes:

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I don't know about you guys, but the other day when BO was in La. he had stated:


“Even though I’m president of the United States, my power is not limitless,” Obama, who has forced himself to ingest a load of gulf crab cakes, shrimp and crawfish tails, whinged to Grand Isle, La., residents on Friday. “So I can’t dive down there and plug the hole. I can’t suck it up with a straw.”


Does anyone else find this to be disturbingly egocentric?

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Don't worry, Obama is to be appointing a new Oil spill commission and Czar.


Oh and don't forget the Nobel Prize winner. :rolleyes:

Wasn't that a Nobel PEACE Prize? Is the plan to create peace with the oil leak?


You know his speech was useless when you have Olbermann, Matthews and Fineman all together at one time discussing how bad it was. He's getting killed from every angle now as the world gets to see first hand that he's great at addressing a crisis as long as HE gets to create the crisis. Link here.


I saw a story on HuffPo that kind of nailed it; if you replace oil leak with health care reform, last night's speech seemed eerily familiar. "We're up to the task. I won't tolerate inaction. There are those who say it can't be done, but we put a man on the moon..."


And somewhere, Jimmy Carter wipes some sweat from his brow and finally gets a good night's sleep.

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Yes.....I agree.....the National AERONAUTICAL and SPACE Administration has tons of expertise and equipment to help plug a hole a mile underwater. :rolleyes:

whats the diff between working with robotics 2 miles under water and working with robotics in space.........not much

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It would have been nice if he'd at least address the disaster of his presidency.


Anybody think Guiliani would have waited 2 months to speak with the CEO of BP? Think he would have turned down offers for oil skimmers? Think he would have been golfing and partying during these 2 months?

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I don't know about you guys, but the other day when BO was in La. he had stated:




Does anyone else find this to be disturbingly egocentric?

It's all about him. Except that he has to have someone else to blame/kick their ass/demonize/disparage for, well - everything.

What do you expect from someone who spent their life in a marinade of leftist trashing of America?

Hippie opportunist for a mom, attended private schools, was an affirmative action student at Columbia and Harvard, twenty years listening to the Right Irreverant and Repugnant Jeremiah Wright, buddies like Bill Ayers, William Rezko. No wonder he appoints people like Van Jones and Craig Becker.

The only reason the America is great - is because it was capable of producing HIM!

Prior to HIS arrival we were an arrogant despicable country that never did any good in the world.


He does not know how to lead. He only knows how to campaign.

The only time he does anything besides campaigning is simply in reaction to criticism.

His instincts are bad for this country. He loves big government. He's a cargo cultist of the first order. In fact, he's the high priest of the new cargo cult.

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Actually, a !@#$ of a lot.

There is, but there are a lot of brilliant minds at NASA, who have to understand the ramifications of performing tasks at varying levels of pressure. It sure couldn't hurt and this is more pressing than anything else on their table right now.


I'm still waiting to hear how he's going to force BP to pay for this.

Very good point- while he obviously shouldn't have to force them or the other oil company to do it, that seldom makes a difference.

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I'm still waiting to hear how he's going to force BP to pay for this.

Well, they should absolutely be 100% liable of ALL damages. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few days.

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Well, they should absolutely be 100% liable of ALL damages. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few days.

What about the oil company in Oklahoma? Don't they own about 40% of the destroyed rig?

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Well, they should absolutely be 100% liable of ALL damages. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few days.


Define "damages"


Becuase you can bet every !@#$ from Pensacola to Galveston is going to knock on BP's door looking for/demanding a handout. I wouldnt be shoicked if even a lot of !@#$s in the interior will look for check from BP claiming "lost wages or income" or even "emotional harm" from the spill.


This isnt to undermine the folks ALONG THE COAST who were indeed harmed.


There are just a looooot of !@#$s out there looking for a quick buck they didnt earn and/or have no right to.

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Let me rephrase that, anyone who was involved in causing the Oil Spill should be 100% liable of all damages.


I agree but the President has no authority to do this. There is a process to determine the scope of their liability and accidents do happen. Now I pretty sure that BP !@#$ed up royally here and should be required to pay but Obama was just pandering to the uninformed. "Yeah, you go Prez, stick it to them!!" That could have been worded much better.

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