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If you haven't seen it yet - I recommend you do. It's a suspense thriller about a father (an ex-secret service member) who is skeptical of his daughter going to Paris. Long story short - she is kidnapped by Albanian traffickers and the father "comes out of retirement" to find his daughter.


Awesome movie.

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If you haven't seen it yet - I recommend you do. It's a suspense thriller about a father (an ex-secret service member) who is skeptical of his daughter going to Paris. Long story short - she is kidnapped by Albanian traffickers and the father "comes out of retirement" to find his daughter.


Awesome movie.

I heard "Gone with the Wind" and "The Godfather" are also worth a look.

I hope the Bills sign Simeon Rice.

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Awesome movie.



From the 20 minutes I saw on cable, this movie looked cheesy and formulaic, right down to the big car chase at the end (which is when I flipped the channel -- I sure hope there was a happy ending).

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From the 20 minutes I saw on cable, this movie looked cheesy and formulaic, right down to the big car chase at the end (which is when I flipped the channel -- I sure hope there was a happy ending).



Everybody dies?

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From the 20 minutes I saw on cable, this movie looked cheesy and formulaic, right down to the big car chase at the end (which is when I flipped the channel -- I sure hope there was a happy ending).

Bingo. Standard Hollywood cookie cutter flick.

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From the 20 minutes I saw on cable, this movie looked cheesy and formulaic, right down to the big car chase at the end (which is when I flipped the channel -- I sure hope there was a happy ending).

I thought it was pretty crappy too

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yeah, but I've got to admit, I was intrigued by the 'auction'..


lol....that's probably exactly how it happens too: a guy a wearing an expensive suit sitting in a leather chair inside a private booth, puffing on a stoogie and pressing his 'bid' button.


I bet they pay with their AMEX too; might as well get the miles.

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lol....that's probably exactly how it happens too: a guy a wearing an expensive suit sitting in a leather chair inside a private booth, puffing on a stoogie and pressing his 'bid' button.


In the custom-built basement auction house.


You have to pull permits for that? "Yeah, I'm building a place in my sub-basement to sell virgins on the white slavery market...since it's sub-level, do I need a GFI circuit for the bidding switches?"

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Formulaic, lazy writing. You know these folks had no respect for the audience when they expect us to swallow that whopper. I mean, a 17-year old girl is going to spend the summer in Europe following U2? Puhleeezze!!! :devil:



Actually, I enjoyed the scene with the Armenians. "You don't remember me. We spoke on the phone two days ago. I told you I would find you."

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For a moment I thought this was going to be about the Sci-Fi miniseries with Trent Edwards favorite actress

I thought it was about Heintzes missing cooler...



Really, I liked the movie, the best was my daughter saw it and kinda changed her snarky attitude about being grown up, call it cheesy or formulatic, I liked it and is scared the bejesus out of my 16 year old, so two thumbs up for me.

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