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OT: DVD burning software


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Okay lets clear something up here, I NEVER said that downloading music/movies was legal, I said it was unenforceable, like many other laws on the books. I said "Even if I believed it were illegal", but nowhere in these 25 pages did I say that I believed it was legal. Unenforceable, yes, that I said.


For those of you that got your panties all in a bunch, feel better now?



Umm, I think you did:


No matter what some of you want to tell yourselves, there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files. If it were truly illegal and prosecutable, there'd be untold millions of people in jail right now for downloading music and movies.


Here's the link:



Care to explain?



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I can't find the post, but from the RIAA data






I don't see as much damage as the RIAA would like to believe. '98-'02 (the peak of file sharing) are all higher values than '93-'97. You can't specifically tie the overall loss in '02 and '03 to filesharing IMHO. We've been in a recession for the past 2-3 years as well, which is probably more of a factor in declining music sales than filesharing (again, IMHO).


(and to clarify, I'm not saying it's legal or ethical to download music/movies. Just saying that I think the RIAA is overstating their damages by quite a bit).



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Okay lets clear something up here, I NEVER said that downloading music/movies was legal, I said it was unenforceable, like many other laws on the books. I said "Even if I believed it were illegal", but nowhere in these 25 pages did I say that I believed it was legal. Unenforceable, yes, that I said.


For those of you that got your panties all in a bunch, feel better now?



That's the spirit! You admit that it isn't legal and yet you are bragg that it's ok to cheat because you won't get caught. Hey, the 'Parent of the Year' people are on line one.... :devil:

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Umm, I think you did:

Here's the link:



Care to explain?





Sure. I said "there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files", and generally, there isn't. But, where did I say it was legal? Where did I use the term legal? I said it was unenforceable which would lead one to believe that I believed it was illegal. Maybe there's a gray area :devil: ?


You're beating a dead horse.

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Sure. I said "there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files", and generally, there isn't. But, where did I say it was legal? Where did I use the term legal?




Ok, Now i KNOW this has to be BF...


ok, Tracy, let me get this straight:


You said there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files




you never said it was legal?


Is this what you are saying?


Again, you said "There's nothing illegal", yet you never said "it was legal"


My brain just jumped out of my head and bit me in the face - that's how cunfusing what you just said was.

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I can't find the post, but from the RIAA data






I don't see as much damage as the RIAA would like to believe.  '98-'02 (the peak of file sharing) are all higher values than '93-'97.  You can't specifically tie the overall loss in '02 and '03 to filesharing IMHO.  We've been in a recession for the past 2-3 years as well, which is probably more of a factor in declining music sales than filesharing (again, IMHO).


(and to clarify, I'm not saying it's legal or ethical to download music/movies.  Just saying that I think the RIAA is overstating their damages by quite a bit).





Look again. Napster came on-line in '99, behind other file sharing sites. Look specifically at what happens to the young demo's (15-19 and 19-24) in that time-frame. First the college age kids start dropping, then the younger ones. The sales of singles bottom out in 2000.

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Look again.  Napster came on-line in '99, behind other file sharing sites.  Look specifically at what happens to the young demo's (15-19 and 19-24) in that time-frame.  First the college age kids start dropping, then the younger ones.  The sales of singles bottom out in 2000.



Singles started dropping significantly in '98, before filesharing. People realized that $10 for 2 songs was a ripoff.


Looking at their overall size, 2002 was larger than 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997. 2002 is before the lawsuits and was a time when filesharing was widespread. Yet they still made more money than '93-'97, when there was no filesharing.


I agree that the drop in the 14-19 age range sales is partially due to filesharing. But the industry as a whole seems to be doing just fine based on those numbers.



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Sure. I said "there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files", and generally, there isn't. But, where did I say it was legal? Where did I use the term legal? I said it was unenforceable which would lead one to believe that I believed it was illegal.



okay...you MUST be a Bill Clinton protégé....sorry I can't defend your cause anymore.

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Ok, Now i KNOW this has to be BF...


ok, Tracy, let me get this straight:


You said there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files




you never said it was legal?


Is this what you are saying?


Again, you said "There's nothing illegal", yet you never said "it was legal"


My brain just jumped out of my head and bit me in the face - that's how cunfusing what you just said was.



Steve that's what "gray area" means. I said it wasn't enforceable which would lead one to believe that I believed it to be illegal, get it? I thought I cleared this up already but some people like to beat a dead horse.

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Steve that's what "gray area" means. I said it wasn't enforceable which would lead one to believe that I believed it to be illegal, get it?  I thought I cleared this up already but some people like to beat a dead horse.



But tracy, the simply fact is, there is no gray area.


It is 100%, without a doubt, in black and white, ILLEGAL.



When I lived at home and used to DL music and movies, I knew it was illegal. I just want you to say "It is not legal. It is illegal"..


That way we all know you are actually knowledgable of what COULD (small chance, again) happen to your son.


And believe me, they go after the Movie people MUCH more than they do the music downloaders.

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okay...you MUST be a Bill Clinton protégé....sorry I can't defend your cause anymore.



And here I thought that merging Mel Brooks & Monty Python wouldn't work. Maybe Tracy is working on a new script for Cleese. Welcome to the Ministry of :devil:

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Steve that's what "gray area" means. I said it wasn't enforceable which would lead one to believe that I believed it to be illegal, get it?  I thought I cleared this up already but some people like to beat a dead horse.



By unenforceable do you mean they(police) can't come to your house and arrest you OR are you playing the odds that they won't?


If you are playing the odds you are right and probably safe but they DO come after people...even the ones just downloading to for their own use.

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By unenforceable do you mean they can't come to your house and arrest you OR are you playing the odds that they won't?


If you are playing the odds you are right and probably safe but they DO come after people...even the ones just downloading to for their own use.





I mean, if it was 100% risk free, no one would EVER buy a CD again... why would you? for the cover art? Because guess what? You can DL that, too.

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