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OT: DVD burning software


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Okay lets clear something up here, I NEVER said that downloading music/movies was legal, I said it was unenforceable, like many other laws on the books. I said "Even if I believed it were illegal", but nowhere in these 25 pages did I say that I believed it was legal. Unenforceable, yes, that I said.


For those of you that got your panties all in a bunch, feel better now?

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All sorts of info on RIAA.com, including unit sales http://www.riaa.com/news/marketingdata/facts.asp#unit and purchasing trends http://www.riaa.com/news/marketingdata/purchasing.asp


An interesting thing to look at is this consumer chart:



If you go down to the age demographics, notice how the numbers tank for the 15-19 group starting in 1999.  I'll give you three guesses as to when Napster first went online.


If you look at the raw sales numbers:


you will see that sales growth slowed significantly between 1999 and 2000, and then started to decline. 

The 2004 mid-year numbers look like they are improving, and the unit sales outpacing the $$ would indicate to me that the "end" to price fixing is evident, combined with the pricing of CD's relative to the established "market" price of downloaded songs.  I would say too that the number of sales increasing could potentially be related to the lessened availability of illegal download markets (and yes, fear tactics with lawsuits to back them up...).


I have pretty much quit buying CD's in the last year, and not because of file sharing. It's because I got Sirius. Now the only times I buy a CD is when a group or artist that I really like (for instance, Peter Gabriel) comes out with a new album, I'll go buy it. But no longer do I get the "I like one song I heard, I wonder how the rest of the album is" purchase. This has cut my purchase from around 20 CD's a year down to 1 or 2 a year.

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But you live in a blue state therefore you can marry your car once it goes up your ass.



and that would affect you how?


I still can't believe people are against gay marriage... WHO CARES?


Yeah, heaven forbid two people who love each other spend their lives together and get the same protections as everyone else. . .


And I actually got into a discussion with a woman who thinks gay people shouldn't be able to adopt children.


Listen... if a gay couple wants to have a child, the amount of buerocracy, paperwork, and straight bull sh-- they have to go through should show that they at least WANT the child.


In contrast, you have these white trash women who just keep popping kids out who they can't afford, who they won't properly care for, and who will grow up to be criminals or be exactly like their parents.


It's messed up.


What do people who are against gay marriage ACTUALLY, TRULY have against it?


(wow, this outta take this thread for a sharp right turn)!

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Okay lets clear something up here, I NEVER said that downloading music/movies was legal, I said it was unenforceable, like many other laws on the books. I said "Even if I believed it were illegal", but nowhere in these 25 pages did I say that I believed it was legal. Unenforceable, yes, that I said.


For those of you that got your panties all in a bunch, feel better now?


You admit it!!!!!! The Spanish Inquisition will now move on....watch out BF!!!!!!!!

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Okay lets clear something up here, I NEVER said that downloading music/movies was legal, I said it was unenforceable, like many other laws on the books. I said "Even if I believed it were illegal", but nowhere in these 25 pages did I say that I believed it was legal. Unenforceable, yes, that I said.


For those of you that got your panties all in a bunch, feel better now?



He'll be fine...until he goes to college...

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Okay lets clear something up here, I NEVER said that downloading music/movies was legal, I said it was unenforceable, like many other laws on the books. I said "Even if I believed it were illegal", but nowhere in these 25 pages did I say that I believed it was legal. Unenforceable, yes, that I said.


For those of you that got your panties all in a bunch, feel better now?





Thank you!


Now, use LimeWire instead of Kazaa. It doesn't include spyware.

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and that would affect you how?


I still can't believe people are against gay marriage... WHO CARES?


Yeah, heaven forbid two people who love each other spend their lives together and get the same protections as everyone else. . .


And I actually got into a discussion with a woman who thinks gay people shouldn't be able to adopt children.


Listen... if a gay couple wants to have a child, the amount of buerocracy, paperwork, and straight bull sh-- they have to go through should show that they at least WANT the child.


In contrast, you have these white trash women who just keep popping kids out who they can't afford, who they won't properly care for, and who will grow up to be criminals or be exactly like their parents.


It's messed up.


What do people who are against gay marriage ACTUALLY, TRULY have against it?


(wow, this outta take this thread for a sharp right turn)!



It was a joke. Lighten up dweeb. He brought up the red state stuff. I mentioned the fact that he lives in a blue state therefore when he shoves his car up his ass he can marry it.


Did you follow that, or should I type s l o w e r , s o t h a t y o u c a n c a t c h u p?

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It was a joke.  Lighten up dweeb.  He brought up the red state stuff.  I mentioned the fact that he lives in a blue state therefore when he shoves his car up his ass he can marry it. 


Did you follow that, or should I type s    l    o    w  e  r    ,  s    o    t  h  a  t  y  o  u    c  a  n    c  a  t  c  h    u  p?



dweeb? Good one.


I was gonna add something about it being pointed at you directly, but you said about it up the ass (so i thought gay comment), and blue state).


Sorry, the topic just bugs me.

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I have pretty much quit buying CD's in the last year, and not because of file sharing. It's because I got Sirius. Now the only times I buy a CD is when a group or artist that I really like (for instance, Peter Gabriel) comes out with a new album, I'll go buy it. But no longer do I get the "I like one song I heard, I wonder how the rest of the album is" purchase. This has cut my purchase from around 20 CD's a year down to 1 or 2 a year.


You held out longer than most. The former "prime demographic," the ones who would buy based on one song, was the 15-24 range. Of course that demographic has changed its buying habits as well in the past few years....

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and that would affect you how?


I still can't believe people are against gay marriage... WHO CARES?


Yeah, heaven forbid two people who love each other spend their lives together and get the same protections as everyone else. . .


And I actually got into a discussion with a woman who thinks gay people shouldn't be able to adopt children.


Listen... if a gay couple wants to have a child, the amount of buerocracy, paperwork, and straight bull sh-- they have to go through should show that they at least WANT the child.


In contrast, you have these white trash women who just keep popping kids out who they can't afford, who they won't properly care for, and who will grow up to be criminals or be exactly like their parents.


It's messed up.


What do people who are against gay marriage ACTUALLY, TRULY have against it?


(wow, this outta take this thread for a sharp right turn)!



Now you did it! All the holier-than-thou church crazies are gonna come out of the woodwork now!

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and that would affect you how?


I still can't believe people are against gay marriage... WHO CARES?


Yeah, heaven forbid two people who love each other spend their lives together and get the same protections as everyone else. . .


And I actually got into a discussion with a woman who thinks gay people shouldn't be able to adopt children.


Listen... if a gay couple wants to have a child, the amount of buerocracy, paperwork, and straight bull sh-- they have to go through should show that they at least WANT the child.


In contrast, you have these white trash women who just keep popping kids out who they can't afford, who they won't properly care for, and who will grow up to be criminals or be exactly like their parents.


It's messed up.


What do people who are against gay marriage ACTUALLY, TRULY have against it?


(wow, this outta take this thread for a sharp right turn)!




say amen to that brother

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dweeb? Good one.


I was gonna add something about it being pointed at you directly, but you said about it up the ass (so i thought gay comment), and blue state).


Sorry, the topic just bugs me.



Don't listen to him. He's just starting a crusade to get this thread moved to PPP. :w00t:

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