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OT: DVD burning software


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If you are hanging out with a female who likes Star Trek, you have much bigger issues than copywrite violations.




She is married and is a pain in the butt, and I would love an excuse to refuse to do this that would not make me look like a bad guy.

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so that's like being a little pregnant?  Either it's legal or not...a crime is a crime...isn't it?


Severity of crime. I would never condone my child speeding or downloading movies. Again, if she was to do one or the other, I would hope she went 5 over the limit however.


And it's not like being a little pregnant. It's more like getting in a fight and slapping someone versus shooting someone.

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Thank's Rico. :w00t:


Hey, I think I've got this figured out and will use the information I got in this thread to great advantage. Thanks in advance for all the help.


Here's my plan.


My son is an electrician. He's way cool with wires and switches and technical thingies like that.

I was talking with him the other day about a special little "project" I've been thinking about since I started reading this monumental thread to the American free spirit. He's a really nice kid. Still lives at home with him mom and dad, and he's just trying to help out in his own way.


He's figured out a way - get this - to tap into the power company's lines and bring free power into the house. He can wire up another box with most of the house's wiring on it and we will use that for our own personal downloaded electricity - FOR FREE! I mean, like we'd still have to have a meter and that box thingie in the basement so the power company wouldn't know, but most of the house will be on the FREE electricity lines!


Is that cool or what? I'm so proud of my son. He thinks it'll be ok as long as we don't run extension chords over to the neighbor's house. So on card night, I've got to keep it a secret from the guys. No problemo as long as I keep the wife locked up in the root cellar. Like I said, no problemo.


Well, you know I just said it'll be "free" exectricity, but before you start slinging the moral tide of abuse my way, just remember this: I've got a lot of wire and a whole other service box and circuit breakers to buy. And believe you me, that's gonna cost a TON! PLUS I'm going to have to do a lot of the actual work. My son didn't exactly tell me he'd do this, he just said he'd tell me HOW to do it.


And for any of you puny punks that think I'm doing sumpf'n wrong, YOU'RE responsible for the moral decline in society - not me! If you didn't have those friggin standards, they wouldn't ever be violated, now would they? Besides, the power company has tons of lines and power stations and transformers all over the place, and for what they charge for electricity, they should be delivering it to your house personally in a large truck. Anyway, all of this electricity I'll be downloading will be for use in my house, by my family, for our own personal use. :w00t:


Life is good. I'm such a lucky guy! :w00t:


how long did it take you to come up with that story?

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Thank's Rico. :w00t:


Hey, I think I've got this figured out and will use the information I got in this thread to great advantage. Thanks in advance for all the help.


Here's my plan.


My son is an electrician. He's way cool with wires and switches and technical thingies like that.

I was talking with him the other day about a special little "project" I've been thinking about since I started reading this monumental thread to the American free spirit. He's a really nice kid. Still lives at home with him mom and dad, and he's just trying to help out in his own way.


He's figured out a way - get this - to tap into the power company's lines and bring free power into the house. He can wire up another box with most of the house's wiring on it and we will use that for our own personal downloaded electricity - FOR FREE! I mean, like we'd still have to have a meter and that box thingie in the basement so the power company wouldn't know, but most of the house will be on the FREE electricity lines!


Is that cool or what? I'm so proud of my son. He thinks it'll be ok as long as we don't run extension chords over to the neighbor's house. So on card night, I've got to keep it a secret from the guys. No problemo as long as I keep the wife locked up in the root cellar. Like I said, no problemo.


Well, you know I just said it'll be "free" exectricity, but before you start slinging the moral tide of abuse my way, just remember this: I've got a lot of wire and a whole other service box and circuit breakers to buy. And believe you me, that's gonna cost a TON! PLUS I'm going to have to do a lot of the actual work. My son didn't exactly tell me he'd do this, he just said he'd tell me HOW to do it.


And for any of you puny punks that think I'm doing sumpf'n wrong, YOU'RE responsible for the moral decline in society - not me! If you didn't have those friggin standards, they wouldn't ever be violated, now would they? Besides, the power company has tons of lines and power stations and transformers all over the place, and for what they charge for electricity, they should be delivering it to your house personally in a large truck. Anyway, all of this electricity I'll be downloading will be for use in my house, by my family, for our own personal use. :w00t:


Life is good. I'm such a lucky guy! :w00t:


Reminds me of a story I heard a couple years ago about a guy that while his neighbors were away, went into their house (they gave him a key to watch the place) and hooked into their service panel. Then he buried a cable between the two homes. So now his house was powered from their service panel. The way he got caught is his house caught fire, and when they went to after cutting power to the house, his lights were still on.

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yeah..that was constructive...ever done anything illegal Gavin?



All the time. I'm not posting on a message board on how I can help my son get away with it though...nor would I. I may be weak and flawed, but I don't have make it easy for my son to carry on a weak and flawed legacy.


Your emotional response to this could lead one to believe that a similar situation is occuring in the Nervous Household and you are a little...well...you know.

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All the time. I'm not posting on a message board on how I can help my son get away with it though...nor would I. I may be weak and flawed, but I don't have make it easy for my son to carry on a weak and flawed legasy.


Your emotional response to this could lead one to believe that a similar situation is occuring in the Nervous Household and you are a little...well...you know.



Thank you for admitting you're human...quite refreshing.


my response was directed at the high horse club and the sister organization the holier than thou association....


and as to your belief...you can believe whatever you want to...that is your right.

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Well, what about ebay?  Sellers are openly selling and distributing copied music, movies and software, and people are buying it.  If it's illegal then why no repercussions there?




Maybe the little thing that's called "paying for an item you bought" When was the last time you got a shared" item off eBay?



Keep rationalaiing it.

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