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OT: DVD burning software


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Tracy, I used to do it myself, don't anymore, so please don't think I'm attacking.


But what your son is doing, and all the millions of others are doing, is ILLEGAL.


Your defense seems to be "If its illegal, why aren't tons of people getting in trouble?"


Well, speeding is illegal, but when EVERYONE on I-95 is going 60MPH (minimum) in a 55MPH zone, does that mean what those speeders are doing is now legal?




Think of it this way.


A movie comes out. Costs $12.99 on DVD. Someone of Kazaa rips it. Your son DL's it for free and burns it. Now, two people own it, and the money going to the people who produced the movie is still $12.99.


How do you not see that it is illegal?

I just don't get that.

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NG be a little more specific. 



if you read this thread you know who and what I'm talking about...there's alot of high and mighty sh-- in here that did get kinda personal if you ask me...yeah, yeah...but it's funny...well, questioning a person's parenting skills and their morals is pretty !@#$ing personal.

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No. It's file sharing. But I do not allow him to share HIS files.  I've never shared my files either, when downloading music.  I also do not allow him to make copies for anyone else.  It's only for his own personal use. He understands this. I personally do not have KaZaa on my laptop, nor does my husband have it on his computer, simply because that program takes over everything and causes more problems than it's worth.




Okay, so if you're not sharing back, how is it file sharing? Isn't what you're doing just downloading then? I know when I tell my kids to share, that means they both have to give and take. Where would Kazaa and others be if everyone decided not to share? Don't people in the P2P community look upon people who behave that way as leeches?


And why don't you allow him/yourself to share back?

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Tracy, I used to do it myself, don't anymore, so please don't think I'm attacking.


But what your son is doing, and all the millions of others are doing, is ILLEGAL.


Your defense seems to be "If its illegal, why aren't tons of people getting in trouble?"


Well, speeding is illegal, but when EVERYONE on I-95 is going 60MPH (minimum) in a 55MPH zone, does that mean what those speeders are doing is now legal?




Think of it this way.


A movie comes out. Costs $12.99 on DVD. Someone of Kazaa rips it. Your son DL's it for free and burns it. Now, two people own it, and the money going to the people who produced the movie is still $12.99.


How do you not see that it is illegal?

I just don't get that.



Exactly, it really has NOTHING to do with what he does with it after he downloads it. In that regard he is doing nothing illegal, it is obtaining it in the first place that is illegal.

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Tracy, I used to do it myself, don't anymore, so please don't think I'm attacking.


But what your son is doing, and all the millions of others are doing, is ILLEGAL.


Your defense seems to be "If its illegal, why aren't tons of people getting in trouble?"


Well, speeding is illegal, but when EVERYONE on I-95 is going 60MPH (minimum) in a 55MPH zone, does that mean what those speeders are doing is now legal?




Think of it this way.


A movie comes out. Costs $12.99 on DVD. Someone of Kazaa rips it. Your son DL's it for free and burns it. Now, two people own it, and the money going to the people who produced the movie is still $12.99.


How do you not see that it is illegal?

I just don't get that.



steve...speeding is illegal, downloading is illegal...I just think that some people may view these "crimes" as less damaging to society, than say...rape, armed robbery or murder.

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steve...speeding is illegal, downloading is illegal...I just think that some people may view these "crimes" as less damaging to society, than say...rape, armed robbery or murder.



See you acknowledge it's illegal there are some that don't think it's illegal.

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steve...speeding is illegal, downloading is illegal...I just think that some people may view these "crimes" as less damaging to society, than say...rape, armed robbery or murder.


Except with speeding you really can't go to jail, unless you are doing other things and the fines are usually less than a few hundred dollars, max.


Here the crime is copyright infringement which is classified as robbery, and is punishable by years in jail as well as 30,000 dollars in fine per violation. This is a felony, not a misdemeanor.

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Except with speeding you really can't go to jail, unless you are doing other things and the fines are usually less than a few hundred dollars, max.


Here the crime is copyright infringement which is classified as robbery, and is punishable by years in jail as well as 30,000 dollars in fine per violation.  This is a felony, not a misdemeanor.



what if everytime you drove you exceeded the speed limit and your kids saw this, and they asked you if it was okay to do that...what would you say....would that make you a bad parent...willfully disobeying the law? This is my objection to how all this played out in this thread.

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what if everytime you drove you exceeded the speed limit and your kids saw this, and they asked you if it was okay to do that...what would you say....would that make you a bad parent...willfully disobeying the law?  This is my objection to how all this played out in this thread.


Actually I have a teenager. I do not speed and we do talk about this. So I do not willfully disobey the law. Wrong person to get in the face of.

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it was a hypothetical...just curious...and I was not getting "in your face". :w00t:


Oh I understand, but as the B'more group knows I went to the game up there last year and know that I might have a drink or two (btw, I had 2 beers), I drove up and stayed overnight. It is only a little over an hour drive for me, but I will not drink anything and drive, nor do I speed.


But it is different NG. Condoning speeding which is a misdemeanor and a minor crime, is wrong, but not horrible. Condoning "grand theft" which copyright violations are is different. It is a felony and is the same, believe it not, criminally that same as bank robbery. While a judge will probably not punish as hard, the law says they can. If you are a repeat violator you can ensure they will the second time around.

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I know somebody who cannot get UPN on her system, and I have been taping Star Trek: Enterprise for her....is that ok? :w00t:


Actually no it isn't. It is illegal. You are not permitted to share it, unless she comes to your house to watch. Of course figure she would forgo Enterprise under those circumstances.

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I know somebody who cannot get UPN on her system, and I have been taping Star Trek: Enterprise for her....is that ok? :w00t:



If you are hanging out with a female who likes Star Trek, you have much bigger issues than copywrite violations.

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Thank's Rico. :w00t:


Hey, I think I've got this figured out and will use the information I got in this thread to great advantage. Thanks in advance for all the help.


Here's my plan.


My son is an electrician. He's way cool with wires and switches and technical thingies like that.

I was talking with him the other day about a special little "project" I've been thinking about since I started reading this monumental thread to the American free spirit. He's a really nice kid. Still lives at home with him mom and dad, and he's just trying to help out in his own way.


He's figured out a way - get this - to tap into the power company's lines and bring free power into the house. He can wire up another box with most of the house's wiring on it and we will use that for our own personal downloaded electricity - FOR FREE! I mean, like we'd still have to have a meter and that box thingie in the basement so the power company wouldn't know, but most of the house will be on the FREE electricity lines!


Is that cool or what? I'm so proud of my son. He thinks it'll be ok as long as we don't run extension chords over to the neighbor's house. So on card night, I've got to keep it a secret from the guys. No problemo as long as I keep the wife locked up in the root cellar. Like I said, no problemo.


Well, you know I just said it'll be "free" exectricity, but before you start slinging the moral tide of abuse my way, just remember this: I've got a lot of wire and a whole other service box and circuit breakers to buy. And believe you me, that's gonna cost a TON! PLUS I'm going to have to do a lot of the actual work. My son didn't exactly tell me he'd do this, he just said he'd tell me HOW to do it.


And for any of you puny punks that think I'm doing sumpf'n wrong, YOU'RE responsible for the moral decline in society - not me! If you didn't have those friggin standards, they wouldn't ever be violated, now would they? Besides, the power company has tons of lines and power stations and transformers all over the place, and for what they charge for electricity, they should be delivering it to your house personally in a large truck. Anyway, all of this electricity I'll be downloading will be for use in my house, by my family, for our own personal use. :w00t:


Life is good. I'm such a lucky guy! :w00t:

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But it is different NG.  Condoning speeding which is a misdemeanor and a minor crime, is wrong, but not horrible.  Condoning "grand theft" which copyright violations are is different.  It is a felony and is the same, believe it not, criminally that same as bank robbery.  While a judge will probably not punish as hard, the law says they can.  If you are a repeat violator you can ensure they will the second time around.



so that's like being a little pregnant? Either it's legal or not...a crime is a crime...isn't it?

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