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OT: DVD burning software


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Before this thread dies, I wanted to thank everyone for their answers on my hypothetical question about stiffing someone on Bills Tickets....I especially appreciate the fact the most of this board understand the meaning of the word hypothetical, knowledge that seem to pass by one person....



get over yourself.

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Thanks to those of you who offered suggestions, we figured it out. Works like a charm now .


good for you. Now just be sure not to B word and moan when somebody rips off your husbands company and he loses his job as a result.

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Ummm, if it were legal, what happened to Napster (the original)?  Oh, that's right, the RIAA sued them and Napster lost.  The judge ruled what they were doing was *illegal.*  How can that be?  They weren't charging people for the service!  Heck, they weren't even storing the illegal files on their servers! Please explain.


If you want to do it, fine.  Chances are you won't get caught.  Just don't pretend that it's legal and don't actively encourage your kids to do it (nobody said "Take away internet access from your child," they said, "Don't do the research of trying to figure out how to burn the movies to DVD for your son, as that gives parental consent that it's ok and that's the wrong message to send.")


In short, download if you want just know it's illegal and don't help your kids do it.




It's called 'file sharing'. If it's illegal why is KaZaa operating? Why is WinMX operating? Along with many, many others? Why haven't they been shut down? Go to ebay, you'll find all kinds of copied movies, music and software for sale, no problems there.


For what it's worth, he didn't ask me for my help, I decided to look into it on my own.

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It's called 'file sharing'. If it's illegal why is KaZaa operating?  Why is WinMX operating? Along with many, many others?  Why haven't they been shut down? Go to ebay, you'll find all kinds of copied movies, music and software for sale, no problems there. 


For what it's worth, he didn't ask me for my help, I decided to look into it on my own.


If you read Kazaa license agreement with you they say you can share files, but if those files are copyrighted you agree not to. Read your agreement. I posted it for you to read.



You agree not to use the Software to:


2.1 Transmit or communicate any data that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;


2.2 Harm minors in any way;


2.3 Impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;


2.4 Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any data transmitted to other users;


2.5 Transmit, access or communicate any data that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under non-disclosure agreements);


2.6 Transmit, access or communicate any data that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;


2.7 Transmit or communicate any data that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;


2.8 Disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, cause a screen to "scroll" faster than other users are able to type, or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users' ability to engage in real time exchanges;


2.9 Interfere with or disrupt the Software;


2.10 Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, including securities exchange and any regulations requirements, procedures or policies in force from time to time relating to the Software;


2.11 Monitor traffic or make search requests in order to accumulate information about individual users;


2.12 "Stalk" or otherwise harass another;


2.13 Modify, delete or damage any information contained on the personal computer of any Kazaa user;


2.14 Collect or store personal data or other information about other users; or


2.15 Intentionally make available spoofed files or files with information designed to misidentify the actual content of the file.

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It's called 'file sharing'. If it's illegal why is KaZaa operating?  Why is WinMX operating? Along with many, many others?  Why haven't they been shut down? Go to ebay, you'll find all kinds of copied movies, music and software for sale, no problems there. 


For what it's worth, he didn't ask me for my help, I decided to look into it on my own.



KaZaa and WinMX (etc) aren't shut down because there is no central server to attack with lawsuits. Everyong using the software becomes a node. Napster actually kept the list of what was on everyone's computer on their servers when you logged in. Made searching much faster but also made lawsuits easy -- just pull up the file from Napster's server and say, "See, here's 1,000,000 illegal files that they're 'sharing.' Shut 'em down." The RIAA tried to make the KaZaa (and other) software illegal, but the judge deemed that there are legal uses to the software and just because the majority is illegal doesn't mean the software itself is illegal.


Also, just because something's for sale, doesn't mean it's legal. I can go by where my wife works and buy any kind of drugs I want. Does that mean drugs are legal? Must be, since they're selling them, right?


Here's a link to eBay's policy stating that you can't sell copyrighted materials:



I can guarantee that if you reported each copyright infringement that you see on eBay that they'd pull the auctions.



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From the COPYRIGHT.GOV website






Is it legal to download works from peer-to-peer networks and if not, what is the penalty for doing so?

Uploading or downloading works protected by copyright without the authority of the copyright owner is an infringement of the copyright owner's exclusive rights of reproduction and/or distribution. Anyone found to have infringed a copyrighted work may be liable for statutory damages up to $30,000 for each work infringed and, if willful infringement is proven by the copyright owner, that amount may be increased up to $150, 000 for each work infringed. In addition, an infringer of a work may also be liable for the attorney's fees incurred by the copyright owner to enforce his or her rights.

    Whether or not a particular work is being made available under the authority of the copyright owner is a question of fact. But since any original work of authorship fixed in a tangible medium (including a computer file) is protected by federal copyright law upon creation, in the absence of clear information to the contrary, most works may be assumed to be protected by federal copyright law.

    Since the files distributed over peer-to-peer networks are primarily copyrighted works, there is a risk of liability for downloading material from these networks. To avoid these risks, there are currently many "authorized" services on the Internet that allow consumers to purchase copyrighted works online, whether music, ebooks, or motion pictures. By purchasing works through authorized services, consumers can avoid the risks of infringement liability and can limit their exposure to other potential risks, e.g., viruses, unexpected material, or spyware.

    For more information on this issue, see the Register of Copyrights' testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


And here is the testimony, where Kazaa and the industries actions are discussed. Basically there are saying Kazaa allows people to share files and that isn't illegal, but what the people share can be, and the industry only recourse seems to be to go after the individuals, which they are now doing.



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This is why people mock white trash instead of attempting to educate it.


Btw, the mattress tags say removal is ok if you are the consumer.  The penalty is for the distributor or retailer.  No surprise that you weren't smart enough to figure that out.



This from a loser hiding behind an unregistered name who actually was pathetic enough to go read his mattress tag :doh: !

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Well, what about ebay?  Sellers are openly selling and distributing copied music, movies and software, and people are buying it.  If it's illegal then why no repercussions there?



Did you even read my last post? :doh:


Go onto eBay and try to sell a peice of software or a CD or a DVD; they put up a message saying something like, "You're selling the original CD/DVD/software that you purchased yourself. Selling a copy is ILLEGAL. Click 'continue' if you're selling the original."


EDIT: I tried creating a fake auction, but never got the messages this time. Interesting.


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Well, what about ebay?  Sellers are openly selling and distributing copied music, movies and software, and people are buying it.  If it's illegal then why no repercussions there?


It's not illegal to sell your legal copy of software, movies or books. Since you would sell your legal license to the copyrighted products. If you copy them and sell them it is illegal. If you read the agreements on these products, it will state you can create a backup copy but if you sell the original you are required by law to destroy your backup.

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