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OT: DVD burning software


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Guest shane conlan

now if you no-fun, stuffy, up-tight parents want to point the judgement finger, by all means go ahead.  but like it or not, its legal, the "industry"'s lawyers just got you to fall in line behind their scare tactics.  They're just worried about cash, not the laws, get off your high-horses.  cause i'll tell you what, if you think youre gonna be that stick in raising a daughter she's gonna end up a stripper.  no offense, but thats how this sh-- works.




ahahaha, btw, i definitely didnt mean to say "stick in raising your daughter", that should have been "strict", whew, one slip up changes the whole meaing of that statement huh?

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Guest shane conlan

i'd also like to say that im leaving work now and wont be posting til tomorrow so if you want to rip me apart go 'head, i wont be able to see it til tomorrow when this things will be at 25 pages, goodnight

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also, just because 5 people on a football message board conclude its illegal to share, doesnt make it so.  i dont need to read the thread, unless there is a link to some government or legal website that i missed, everyone is just talking out their stinkpipe, so no, its not completely false just because a page worth of posts disagree, or you guys made a good arguement in the thread, doesnt matter, legally he's ok, and thats what counts



Isn't it hypocritical to say that you are asking people to provide proof when you provide none of your own?


Try reading Title 17, section 106 of the US Code, and the accompanying notes. Owners of copyrights of movies are granted the exclusive right to perform or display it publicly. By definition, for the sake of movies, performing means "to show its images in any sequence or to make the sounds accompanying it audible," displaying should be obvious. ( Section 101, definitions ).

Look further at the definition of performing publicly, and it says:

(1) to perform or display it at a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances is gathered; or

(2) to transmit or otherwise communicate a performance or display of the work to a place specified by clause (1) or to the public, by means of any device or process, whether the members of the public capable of receiving the performance or display receive it in the same place or in separate places and at the same time or at different times.


If you look at the accompanying notes, you will see that the law has been changed to eliminate the "for profit" provisions that originally existed, as the lines between "for profit" and "non profit" have been blurred. It also goes into much greater detail about public performance and display....


So then let's skip ahead to Chapter 5, Infringement and remedies. Under section 506:

Any person who infringes a copyright willfully either—

(1) for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain, or

(2) by the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $1,000,

shall be punished as provided under section 2319 of title 18, United States Code. For purposes of this subsection, evidence of reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work, by itself, shall not be sufficient to establish willful infringement.


Let's argue that DVD's have a "retail value" of $20. That means if at least 25 people download a movie from your "share" in 180 day period, you are liable for criminal prosecution, whether you are doing it for $$$ or not. I'm too tired right now to say for certain, but I believe, the way they have "public performance" defined in the notes, that simply making the movie available for share means it is distributed to everyone using the sharing facility, if not the entire internet.


By reading this you may say the person who downloads the movies is not breaking the law. Technically that would be correct, under copyright law, but other laws may come into play. That doesn't mean you have a legal copy of the movie though...and I believe the copy you download is subject to seizure.

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I know what my child is doing.  He's not stealing other people's work with my blessing or help.


Pretending because a bunch of suits are still making a ton of money that it's not screwed up to steal is horrible logic.  With tremendous freedom comes great responsibility.  The internet is the most free thing available to civilization at this time.  The attitudes displayed in this thread are the largest reason it won't remain that way much longer.






Hey, man, I really like you and respect your opinions.


I don't think it's smart to post right after watching those Spiderman flicks.


Who luvs ya baby! :doh:


*smooch* :D

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LMAO :doh:  :D  :D


I havent read this thread then noticed it had over 300 replys.  I should of known BF was being a fuggin obnoxious retard again.  BF=dumbest person on the entire internet



Mommy gave you some more internet time huh Pete?


I love internet tough guys.

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Mommy gave you some more internet time huh Pete?


I love internet tough guys.



I would bet money that you still live at home junior. Have you gotten a piece of ass yet? Didnt think so :doh: BF the "look at me- I am an obnoxious retard" king

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Thanks to those of you who offered suggestions, we figured it out. Works like a charm now :doh:.


No matter what some of you want to tell yourselves, there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files. If it were truly illegal and prosecutable, there'd be untold millions of people in jail right now for downloading music and movies.


I think it's time for you to move on and fixate on something else more important, like who illegally removes the tags from their mattresses and pillows, when it clearly states "Do not remove this tag under penalty of law". I must confess, I cut all the tags off of my pillows as soon as I buy them. I guess I should be on the lookout for the pillow police :D . But hey, I'm sure all of you fellows with the sticks up your asses still have those tags on your mattresses and pillows and would never dream of cutting them off so don't worry you're still holier-than-thou!


(I wonder how many of you are pathetic enough to run and check for those tags right now :D )

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Guest mattress police
Thanks to those of you who offered suggestions, we figured it out.  Works like a charm now  :doh:.


No matter what some of you want to tell yourselves, there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files.  If it were truly illegal and prosecutable, there'd be untold millions of people in jail right now for downloading music and movies.   


I think it's time for you to move on and fixate on something else more important, like who illegally removes the tags from their mattresses and pillows, when it clearly states "Do not remove this tag under penalty of law".  I must confess, I cut all the tags off of my pillows as soon as I buy them.  I guess I should be on the lookout for the pillow police  :D .  But hey, I'm sure all of you fellows with the sticks up your asses still have those tags on your mattresses and pillows and would never dream of cutting them off so don't worry you're still holier-than-thou!


(I wonder how many of you are pathetic enough to run and check for those tags right now  :D  )



This is why people mock white trash instead of attempting to educate it.


Btw, the mattress tags say removal is ok if you are the consumer. The penalty is for the distributor or retailer. No surprise that you weren't smart enough to figure that out.

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Thanks to those of you who offered suggestions, we figured it out.  Works like a charm now  :doh:.


No matter what some of you want to tell yourselves, there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files.  If it were truly illegal and prosecutable, there'd be untold millions of people in jail right now for downloading music and movies.   


I think it's time for you to move on and fixate on something else more important, like who illegally removes the tags from their mattresses and pillows, when it clearly states "Do not remove this tag under penalty of law".  I must confess, I cut all the tags off of my pillows as soon as I buy them.  I guess I should be on the lookout for the pillow police  :D .  But hey, I'm sure all of you fellows with the sticks up your asses still have those tags on your mattresses and pillows and would never dream of cutting them off so don't worry you're still holier-than-thou!


(I wonder how many of you are pathetic enough to run and check for those tags right now  :D  )



Easiest way to find out...Call your states attorney general give them your name and address tell them what your son is doing and ask them if it's legal...Better yet go to Best Buy walk out with a DVD and tell them it's ok you're just merchandise sharing ... ;)

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Thanks to those of you who offered suggestions, we figured it out.  Works like a charm now  :doh:.


No matter what some of you want to tell yourselves, there's nothing illegal about downloading shared files.  If it were truly illegal and prosecutable, there'd be untold millions of people in jail right now for downloading music and movies.   


I think it's time for you to move on and fixate on something else more important, like who illegally removes the tags from their mattresses and pillows, when it clearly states "Do not remove this tag under penalty of law".  I must confess, I cut all the tags off of my pillows as soon as I buy them.  I guess I should be on the lookout for the pillow police  :D .  But hey, I'm sure all of you fellows with the sticks up your asses still have those tags on your mattresses and pillows and would never dream of cutting them off so don't worry you're still holier-than-thou!


(I wonder how many of you are pathetic enough to run and check for those tags right now  :D  )



One more thing...link...


Until the industry provides a reasonable online alternative, consumers will continue feeling all too justified choosing the easy, illegal option.


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i read it, ive read most of the "cases" that are brought up against these felon 14 year old downloaders, ive been in meetings about this stuff, and its legal, sorry


they can publicize that its illegal all they want, but they really cant do anything about it



Ummm, if it were legal, what happened to Napster (the original)? Oh, that's right, the RIAA sued them and Napster lost. The judge ruled what they were doing was *illegal.* How can that be? They weren't charging people for the service! Heck, they weren't even storing the illegal files on their servers! Please explain.


If you want to do it, fine. Chances are you won't get caught. Just don't pretend that it's legal and don't actively encourage your kids to do it (nobody said "Take away internet access from your child," they said, "Don't do the research of trying to figure out how to burn the movies to DVD for your son, as that gives parental consent that it's ok and that's the wrong message to send.")


In short, download if you want just know it's illegal and don't help your kids do it.


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Before this thread dies, I wanted to thank everyone for their answers on my hypothetical question about stiffing someone on Bills Tickets....I especially appreciate the fact the most of this board understand the meaning of the word hypothetical, knowledge that seem to pass by one person....

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