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OT: DVD burning software


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Another good person who never comes here anymore.  Replaced by the likes of BF.  How are things going for his family?



Got that right. One guy I could argue politics with and still respect because he showed respect.

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I think it's interesting that it's illegal to make a copy of a movie rented from Netflix,

but it's not illegal to copy that same movie if it's broadcast on a HDTV channel. :doh:


AFAIC, as long as it's only for personal use, no problem. :D



That's a quirky legal interpretation which hinges on the fact that it is willfully broadcast. It also involves 'Fair Use,' and the traditional understanding is that even if you record an over-the-air transmission you are not allowed to sell or profit by the recording - for example, selling pirated bradcast movies.

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Yes you could.  It would be another indication of your inability to come up with an original thought.  Plus, you'd probably misspell several words.






I was thinking Al Sharpton, CAN I GET A !@#$ YOU TO KD!!! CAN I GET A !@#$ YOU TO VA!!!!



Kegster was right 3rd grade..............

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I see Tom and Douche are still trying to tell everyone how to think.  I figured after a few futile hours these losers would give up.



For us to tell you how to think, you would first have to THINK, you son of a motherless goat.

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Guest shane conlan
so if you record a Bills game you can't give it to someone else?




i know this goes back a few pages, but i havent been on the board all day and didnt expect to see 17 PAGES on this thing!! jeez guys, give it a rest....


but i digress, to clear this up, its ok to GIVE it to someone else, it's illegal to SELL it to someone else. That's why P2P sharing is making it hard to actually prosecute someone. No one is making money, theyre just sharing.


I'm sorry, it's not "rationalizing stealing", downloading music is not stealing, its sharing and borrowing. This was decided years ago when cassette tapes and VCRs came out. The music and movie industry went nuts, they thought no one was ever gonna buy music or movies again, but then they invested in the production of VCRs and Tape Players, and wouldnt ya know, they had a change of heart.


Anyone who says downloading is stealing is wrong, end of arguement. You can play hollier-than-thou all day, but youre wrong. If i buy a CD, and someone lets say at work finds out i have it, and i dont know them, if they were to ask me for a copy id make them one, why not? and THIS has already been deemed LEGAL.


Now, if they asked me for a copy and i said "sure, 5 bucks" THATS ILLEGAL.


As long as no one is profitting, or making ANY money back, the "industries" dont have a real legal leg to stand on. all they are gonna do is use scare tactics to try and break 13 year olds of this trend.


Download Away!!! MP3s FOR ALL!!!

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i know this goes back a few pages, but i havent been on the board all day and didnt expect to see 17 PAGES on this thing!!  jeez guys, give it a rest....


but i digress, to clear this up, its ok to GIVE it to someone else, it's illegal to SELL it to someone else.  That's why P2P sharing is making it hard to actually prosecute someone.  No one is making money, theyre just sharing.


I'm sorry, it's not "rationalizing stealing", downloading music is not stealing, its sharing and borrowing.  This was decided years ago when cassette tapes and VCRs came out.  The music and movie industry went nuts, they thought no one was ever gonna buy music or movies again, but then they invested in the production of VCRs and Tape Players, and wouldnt ya know, they had a change of heart.


Anyone who says downloading is stealing is wrong, end of arguement.  You can play hollier-than-thou all day, but youre wrong.  If i buy a CD, and someone lets say at work finds out i have it, and i dont know them, if they were to ask me for a copy id make them one, why not?  and THIS has already been deemed LEGAL.


Now, if they asked me for a copy and i said "sure, 5 bucks" THATS ILLEGAL.


As long as no one is profitting, or making ANY money back, the "industries" dont have a real legal leg to stand on.  all they are gonna do is use scare tactics to try and break 13 year olds of this trend.


Download Away!!!  MP3s FOR ALL!!!



That's completely false. If you read the thread, you'd find out why.



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After reading the whole thread I don't understand the debate.  What your son does is not legal, period.  You may not think it's a big deal, to each his own I guess.




I agree but right now what her son is doing is not legal.  I agree with this law if you can buy a movie then put it on your hard drive let your friends "share" your hard drive 100's of people get a movie that one person paid for.






her son is not paying anyone else, and no one is making money, it is technically legal.


now if you no-fun, stuffy, up-tight parents want to point the judgement finger, by all means go ahead. but like it or not, its legal, the "industry"'s lawyers just got you to fall in line behind their scare tactics. They're just worried about cash, not the laws, get off your high-horses. cause i'll tell you what, if you think youre gonna be that stick in raising a daughter she's gonna end up a stripper. no offense, but thats how this sh-- works.

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I am f-cking blown away that you can count to seven.



LMAO :doh::D:D


I havent read this thread then noticed it had over 300 replys. I should of known BF was being a fuggin obnoxious retard again. BF=dumbest person on the entire internet

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That's completely false.  If you read the thread, you'd find out why.





i read it, ive read most of the "cases" that are brought up against these felon 14 year old downloaders, ive been in meetings about this stuff, and its legal, sorry


they can publicize that its illegal all they want, but they really cant do anything about it

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Guest shane conlan
That's completely false.  If you read the thread, you'd find out why.






also, just because 5 people on a football message board conclude its illegal to share, doesnt make it so. i dont need to read the thread, unless there is a link to some government or legal website that i missed, everyone is just talking out their stinkpipe, so no, its not completely false just because a page worth of posts disagree, or you guys made a good arguement in the thread, doesnt matter, legally he's ok, and thats what counts

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