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OT: DVD burning software


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Okay, so it's legal if it's Piels....?



Actually, it's illegal no matter what the brand. If you throw an empty cup...well, you bought the cup, it's yours, you own it, there's no licensing problem. You may do with it as you will.


Beer however...well, everyone knows you only borrow beer for a little while, so effectively you're licensing it from the brewer for personal use. Ergo if you throw it...it becomes distribution, and hence illegal... :lol:

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It depends.  How many movies is "tons".  If it's a thousand, that's a pretty serious chunk of change...a pretty seriously prosecutable chunk of change.  And if the computer's always on and always hooked up to the internet...that's distribution.  Multiply that thousand movies by a thousand downloads...now you're talking real money.


I doubt that's the case; I doubt his downloads and uploads are nearly that much (a thousand movies is maybe 2 terabytes of data, for starters).  But even one is illegal...it's just not cost-effective for Sony to go after a single download.


And honestly...I don't get the mindset of "It's illegal...but no big deal."  Particularly when it comes to copyright violation.  Hell, if I skim a book at a bookstore and get something useful out of it...I buy it, simply because I've already benefited from the author's intellectual property, and I believe that to not purchase the book after deriving that benefit would be theft.  So maybe - just maybe - I'm overly anal on the subject ( :lol: )...but tie idea that you'd actively help your son commit copyright violations is beyond me...



Go back and read one of my last posts, I said less than 100 and I said he doesn't share, it's for his own personal use. His computer is not on 24/7, (he does have a life, unlike some) and he's not distributing any files to others. Call it whatever suits your fancy, I along with millions of other people, call it sharing files. To me, it's no different than taping a movie off the tv. Did you know that Sony sells mp3 players? And they also sell blank cd-rw's, cd-r's, dvd-rw's and dvd-r's? BLANK! How stupid do you think they are? They cash in on the very things they are against. Isn't it ironic?

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Go back and read one of my last posts, I said less than 100 and I said he doesn't share, it's for his own personal use.  His computer is not on 24/7, (he does have a life, unlike some) and he's not distributing any files to others.  Call it whatever suits your fancy, I along with millions of other people, call it sharing files.  To me, it's no different than taping a movie off the tv.  Did you know that Sony sells mp3 players?  And they also sell blank cd-rw's, cd-r's, dvd-rw's and dvd-r's?  BLANK! How stupid do you think they are? They cash in on the very things they are against. Isn't it ironic?



TL , did you read this?


And from the KAZAA website on their enduser agreement:




2.6 Transmit, access or communicate any data that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
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Actually, it's illegal no matter what the brand.  If you throw an empty cup...well, you bought the cup, it's yours, you own it, there's no licensing problem.  You may do with it as you will. 


Beer however...well, everyone knows you only borrow beer for a little while, so effectively you're licensing it from the brewer for personal use.  Ergo if you throw it...it becomes distribution, and hence illegal...  :lol:





So if you "P" in the cup from the licenced beer that you drank, wouldnt it now be your beer since it came out of you? No foul?

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Actually, it's illegal no matter what the brand.  If you throw an empty cup...well, you bought the cup, it's yours, you own it, there's no licensing problem.  You may do with it as you will. 


Beer however...well, everyone knows you only borrow beer for a little while, so effectively you're licensing it from the brewer for personal use.  Ergo if you throw it...it becomes distribution, and hence illegal...  :lol:



So that means it's illegal to tape "Strange Brew" if it comes on HBO....gotcha!

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Nice to see them really cracking down on all the people that use their software. :lol:


It's called CMA. Anybody trying to go after Kazaa for making said illegal files available gets the terms of usage in return. Kazaa would likely "ban" the user, which means the person would have to come up with another clever user name (Hax0r2), but it allows them to wipe their hands clean of any legal responsibility.

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It's called CMA.  Anybody trying to go after Kazaa for making said illegal files available gets the terms of usage in return.  Kazaa would likely "ban" the user, which means the person would have to come up with another clever user name (Hax0r2), but it allows them to wipe their hands clean of any legal responsibility.


I thought it was CYA, Cover Your Ass. :lol:
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only if you own the Ron Artest... and I'm not even gonna open that can of worms...


Did you see South Park last night? Paris Hilton offered Butters parents $200 Million for him. They refused. Then they asked for $250M and she accepted.

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Call it whatever suits your fancy, I along with millions of other people, call it sharing files. 


Perhaps we should petition Webster's to add a new synonym for theft.


Did you know that Sony sells mp3 players?  And they also sell blank cd-rw's, cd-r's, dvd-rw's and dvd-r's?



Could it be for people who copy legit items for Fair Use? I have thousands of MP3's that I burned from my CD collection, as well as a bunch of CDs that I created off the MP3s that I downloaded from iTunes, etc.


Keep rationalizing it, it will feel better the more you do it.

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Did you see South Park last night? Paris Hilton offered Butters parents $200 Million for him. They refused. Then they asked for $250M and she accepted.



That's a lotta coal to shovel kid.


One of the best episodes ever.

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I along with millions of other people, call it sharing files.



And I along with thousands of my fellow Pistons fans call it 'rooting for the home team' when we pelt visiting teams with cups of beer and urine!


And if I slipped some GBH in your drink and brought you back to my frat house for sex, my friends and I would just call it a good time!


It's fun when we get to make up our own rules!

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And honestly...I don't get the mindset of "It's illegal...but no big deal."  Particularly when it comes to copyright violation.  Hell, if I skim a book at a bookstore and get something useful out of it...I buy it, simply because I've already benefited from the author's intellectual property, and I believe that to not purchase the book after deriving that benefit would be theft. 



Give me a !@#$ing break. So what happens if you read something "useful" in the library? Do you send the author a check?

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Give me a !@#$ing break.  So what happens if you read something "useful" in the library?  Do you send the author a check?



You have to understand that Tom's idea of skimming is spending an hour in a chair with two cups of coffee and making margin notes.

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I'm sure Sony realizes that the problem isn't a 15 year-old kid.



Nope. I'm sure Sony realizes the problem is trashy adults who think it's a-ok to steal their stuff.


And we wonder why kids keep growing up to be stevestojanny adults. :lol:

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