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OT: DVD burning software


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NG, what I can't figure out, is Tom says he knows everything, and everything he doesn't know isn't worth knowing.  So why did he need to cheat?



I never said that. I have said, though, that I try to learn everything, and anything I don't want to learn isn't worth knowing.


And as for my past transgressions...I think that's it. I've done things that were arguably "illegal" but certainly not wrong under the circumstances (e.g. doing 80 in a 45...to rush someone to the hospital after they sliced apart their hand on a table saw).

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Do you honestly believe if he is doing ths that he isn't making copies and distributing them to friends, or selling them?  That is a very good way to get caught when another parent who is holier and mightier see's it and tells the police.



Yes I do honestly believe that he isn't making copies, much less selling them. He's an open book, never shuts his bedroom door, leaves his money on top of his dresser, calls me into his room constantly to show me what he's doing (he's big into autodesk inventor). His friends don't need him to burn them copies of anything, they all have their own computers and burners. I know what he's up to at all times, I live in the suburbs, if he wants to go somewhere I have to drive him there. He doesn't walk the streets distributing anything.

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At issue is not whether anyone has knowingly acted unethically or illegally, it is:

1.) whether downloading and/or making unlicensed copies of movies/songs/software is illegal and enforceable. I think we finally all agree that this issue is settled, that the acts are illegal, but the chances of enforcement will vary based on the ways in which you will partake in these activities (much like "speeding" isn't usually enforced unless you are more than 10-15 MPH over the limit or are doing something else illegal/questionable).

2.) What we teach our children about performing illegal/immoral acts. Parents will always be caught in dilemnas where they may appear hypocritical (giving your son a talk about how drinking is bad while you're drunk), but it's about helping your kid learn how to figure out what the "right thing to do" is, regardless of whether you've been guilty of the thing in the past. Fez's story is a good example. Do we know for certain that his father never stole a thing in his life? No, but that didn't stop the Dad from trying to teach his son a lesson about stealing. In helping your kid with illegal downloads, what message do you think that sends him, Tracy?

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OK - I've been looking at this darned 33 page thread but haven't read it yet. Please, before I waste my afternoon totally - is it worth the time to read?



It depends. Maybe 15 pages of it is BF being a complete idiot. So if you like that sort of thing, dive right in...

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BF has said on several occasions that he is good at Texas Hold Em, and that he wins 60% of the time he plays a tournament. He actaully blogged (yes, I read it - let's discuss that fact later) that he won a 60 person tournament.


Texas Hold Em is a game I play religiously. I play with friends, I play with a group at a local pub, and I play once every two weeks at a horse track down here (100 person tournament).


I would say in the games where I play with 5-8 people, I will win 25% of the time if I am doing good. The 100 person tourney? I've made the final table ONCE.


Anyway, Texas Hold Em requires logic skills, being able to read people, and some rather complex odds reading ability.


That's all I'm gonna say.




Ding ding ding...as someone who's won a tournament or two, I'm amazed and appalled that anyonw would lose to that knucklehead.


And, uh...can you point me to that game? I could use some money :devil:

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Ding ding ding...as someone who's won a tournament or two, I'm amazed and appalled that anyonw would lose to that knucklehead.


And, uh...can you point me to that game? I could use some money :devil:


rain man was a wiz at the tables though...

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OK - I've been looking at this darned 33 page thread but haven't read it yet. Please, before I waste my afternoon totally - is it worth the time to read?



Hey, aussie, aren't you supposed to be on a flight to Florida?

(wanted to make sure somebody asked that in this thread, as somebody has in every other thread you've posted in today....)



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Holy sh--.

I took the day off today so I could donate my blood to myself - (another story for another day).

I come back and there's another 14 pages and it took me an hour to catch up.


Three pages ago it was getting pretty hot and I'm thinking we might need to have Rico get that shovel out again.


I'm beginning to get the feeling that I've entered some wierd timewarp or stargate wormhole and when I come out in the alternate universe at the other side's portal it will be revealed that Tracy is really Ed, and we'll all already know then, why he is a horrible human being.

Maybe it's the lack of blood, but I've gotta go lie down.



meade - I think you're right. 50 by midnight - no problem.

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Yes I do honestly believe that he isn't making copies, much less selling them.  He's an open book, never shuts his bedroom door, leaves his money on top of his dresser, calls me into his room constantly to show me what he's doing (he's big into autodesk inventor).  His friends don't need him to burn them copies of anything, they all have their own computers and burners. I know what he's up to at all times, I live in the suburbs, if he wants to go somewhere I have to drive him there. He doesn't walk the streets distributing anything.



That's one of the reasons I brought up, many pages ago, the issue of whether or not the computer stays on and connected to the net. It is possible, in this context, to be distributing material without intent or even knowledge of doing it (computer stays on and connected, KaZaa's running, others can log in and retreive files...)

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At issue is not whether anyone has knowingly acted unethically or illegally, it is:

1.) whether downloading and/or making unlicensed copies of movies/songs/software is illegal and enforceable.  I think we finally all agree that this issue is settled, that the acts are illegal, but the chances of enforcement will vary based on the ways in which you will partake in these activities (much like "speeding" isn't usually enforced unless you are more than 10-15 MPH over the limit or are doing something else illegal/questionable). 

2.) What we teach our children about performing illegal/immoral acts.  Parents will always be caught in dilemnas where they may appear hypocritical (giving your son a talk about how drinking is bad while you're drunk), but it's about helping your kid learn how to figure out what the "right thing to do" is, regardless of whether you've been guilty of the thing in the past.  Fez's story is a good example.  Do we know for certain that his father never stole a thing in his life?  No, but that didn't stop the Dad from trying to teach his son a lesson about stealing.  In helping your kid with illegal downloads, what message do you think that sends him, Tracy?



something to keep in mind as well, is that physically stealing something is much different than clicking a mouse button...that may not register to kids as actually stealing...

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Hey, aussie, aren't you supposed to be on a flight to Florida?

(wanted to make sure somebody asked that in this thread, as somebody has in every other thread you've posted in today....)





She skipped it, because she was afraid she'd be bored on the flight, because she didn't download any good movies...

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That's one of the reasons I brought up, many pages ago, the issue of whether or not the computer stays on and connected to the net.  It is possible, in this context, to be distributing material without intent or even knowledge of doing it (computer stays on and connected, KaZaa's running, others can log in and retreive files...)


you can disable the sharing aspect of kazaa

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Holy sh--.

I took the day off today so I could donate my blood to myself - (another story for another day).




I don't care what you say, you could be banned from any sport for blood doping....


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something to keep in mind as well, is that physically stealing something is much different than clicking a mouse button...that may not register to kids as actually stealing...



In my experience, the concept of "intellectual property" doesn't register to most kids...hence, downloading and many other things aren't stealing.

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