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OT: DVD burning software


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The tip portion doesn't factor into it at all; technically what I'm doing is illegal (tip or no tip) and I've said as much.  If the NFL sends me a cease and desist order, I've already said that I'll desist.


It's a little different than the movie issue, since you can't actually buy the games from the NFL.  It's more on par with the highlight videos that someone from another board used to do until the NFL sent him a cease and desist.





Isn't that sort of like a bootleg? Isn't that also illegal?

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I stole some index cards when I was 6 or 7 (the ones with the alphabet on them; I had some plans on using them for something or other, and my mom wouldn't buy them for me).  My parents were PISSED and I thought I was going to go off to jail because of it. :D


Looking back at it, it was pretty funny.  I put them under my shirt and did the Pledge of Allegience in front of the clerk (while I was holding the cards there).  She thought I was cute. :devil:  Even my mom didn't suspect anything until after we were in the car.  Not sure why I thought that was ok to do at the time.


They thought about returning them to the store, but I think they just threw 'em away.





They didn't tell you it's okay, because you didn't get caught? After they reacted that way, how did you feel about stealing?

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Do you honestly believe if he is doing ths that he isn't making copies and distributing them to friends, or selling them? That is a very good way to get caught when another parent who is holier and mightier see's it and tells the police.

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100% honest on taxes, complete stops at stop signs, never waiting under a light and turning while it is red, at or under the speed limit while driving, never read someone elses news paper, passed someone on the highway, and immediately returned the right lane...I am sure all of you here in the moral police do all of this

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100% honest on taxes, complete stops at stop signs, never waiting under a light and turning while it is red, at or under the speed limit while driving, never read someone elses news paper, passed someone on the highway, and immediately returned the right lane...I am sure all of you here in the moral police do all of this


Actually that pretty much how I live my life. I do on occassion stray, but rarely. Also, I usually sit in the center lane, as we have three lanes on 95. this way people getting on can, of course that is coutesy on my part.

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Ok Tracy, what part of my "I KNOW IT'S ILLEGAL" aren't you understanding???





Thank you fez. I just wanted to hear you admit that you regularly commit felonies :D .


FWIW, I have a copy of the comeback game from you, and I'm perfectly happy with it, felony or not, it's one of the greatest games ever, and thanks to you, I have it :devil: .

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Actually that pretty much how I live my life.  I do on occassion stray, but rarely.  Also, I usually sit in the center lane, as we have three lanes on 95.  this way people getting on can, of course that is coutesy on my part.


you hellraiser you.

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So, doing things that are illegal, immoral or otherwise are just fine and dandy if you don't get caught. Unenforceable=OK. Cool. That makes murder OK, because if I do it, I'm not going to get caught, hence, unenforceable.


I understand now.

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I am reminded of another story....my brother worked in a bar where the owner got busted for tax evasion...my brother had to testify in court about his case and the bar owner's lawyer told him don't admit or say something they can't prove.


So according to him, it was ok to commit perjury as long as no one could prove you did....


This thread just brought that story out of my memory.

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Thank you fez.  I just wanted to hear you admit that you regularly commit felonies  :D .


FWIW, I have a copy of the comeback game from you, and I'm perfectly happy with it, felony or not, it's one of the greatest games ever, and thanks to you, I have it  :devil: .



that's hardly enough browbeating....you'll never make the Spanish Inquisition....


so...two felons in cahoots...you'll burn in hell, you will....

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funny that none of you have never done ANYTHING Illegal or unethical in your life....





For the last time, it is not whether people have or haven't done anything illegal, but the basic premise that some refuse to recognize that they are abetting a felony.


This thing would never last more than a page, if the premise was, "My son is trying to burn DVDs from downloaded Kazaa. I know what he's doing is wrong, and I told him about it. But the kid refuses to listen."

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So, doing things that are illegal, immoral or otherwise are just fine and dandy if you don't get caught. Unenforceable=OK. Cool. That makes murder OK, because if I do it, I'm not going to get caught, hence, unenforceable.


I understand now.



I really think the issue is the number of people commiting these "crimes"...downloading=smoking pot...both are crimes, neither is really all that enforceable due to the extreme numbers doing it...now if murder was that rampant nobody would be alive.

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I really think the issue is the number of people commiting these "crimes"...downloading=smoking pot...both are crimes, neither is really all that enforceable due to the extreme numbers doing it...now if murder was that rampant nobody would be alive.




So if we all start killing each other, we can get away with murder....Hurrah....

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