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OT: DVD burning software


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DVD Sales Level Off

After years of rocketing growth, DVD sales appear to be leveling off, if business at Best Buy, one of the country's top video retailers, are any indication. According to a report by Video Store magazine, sales of DVD titles accounted for 21 percent of the company's third-quarter revenue last year and this year and 20 percent for the first nine months of both years. The magazine reported that sales of DVD players have begun to show signs of slippage at Best Buy, although the company did not disclose actual figures on DVD hardware sales. The Consumer Electronics Association estimates that demand for DVD players was down 25 percent from last year.
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I feel defeated...


Tracy, you win... you're upside down, backwards and inside-out logic has literally defeated me. I am beat down. Exhausted.


Tracy, first a small point. You are allowed to take the tag off  of your pillow AFTER you buy it. The tag is their so stores won't remove it, and thus the consumer can tell what the fill is composed of.


Second, jaywalking is illegal. But again, it is only a ticketable offense. DLing music CAN get you arrested, like it or not. Also, if someone came to the board and asked how they could help their son J-walk and not get caught, Im pretty sure some people would give you some heat.



The pillow thing is nothing more than a joke. But have you ever jaywalked? Of course you have and I'm willing to bet that every single person on this board has too, even though they know it's illegal. They do it because they think its trivial and they know it's not going to be enforced, right? Have you ever known someone to get a ticket jaywalking? Probably not. But it's still illegal isn't it? Doesn't stop anybody from doing it.


I don't know what more I can say on this subject. I've said DL is generally illegal but it is not generally enforced. Them's the facts. I can't be any more clear than that.

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The pillow thing is nothing more than a joke. But have you ever jaywalked? Of course you have and I'm willing to bet that every single person on this board has too, even though they know it's illegal.  They do it because they think its trivial and they know it's not going to be enforced, right?  Have you ever known someone to get a ticket jaywalking?  Probably not. But it's still illegal isn't it? Doesn't stop anybody from doing it.


I don't know what more I can say on this subject. I've said DL is generally illegal but it is not generally enforced.  Them's the facts.  I can't be any more clear than that.


Actually jaywalking is not illegal everywhere. In DC, cops will pull you over if you jaywalk, in fact they do that more than they catch murder suspect.

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what's wrong with that? :devil:



Nothing. It's illegal, but not enforceable, therefore not illegal, especially if it's intended for consumption on long boring bus rides. If, however, it's placed in a plastic cup and thrown at Ron Artest it's illegal as hell, and Artest would have every right to then beat the crap out of her son while promoting his rap album...which, conicidentally, can be downloaded from the internet via an illegal but not enforceable hence legal action...

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funny that none of you have never done ANYTHING Illegal or unethical in your life....



You don't actually expect anyone on this board to admit to any wrongdoing now do you? That would require honesty, although I am curious to see if any one of the holier-than-thou have enough courage to reply with truthfulness.

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Nothing.  It's illegal, but not enforceable, therefore not illegal, especially if it's intended for consumption on long boring bus rides.  If, however, it's placed in a plastic cup and thrown at Ron Artest it's illegal as hell, and Artest would have every right to then beat the crap out of her son while promoting his rap album...which, conicidentally, can be downloaded from the internet via an illegal but not enforceable hence legal action...


Actually Dex you're wrong. It would give Artest the right to go beat the stevestojan out of some innocent bystander 30 feet away.

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maVen has established themselves quite well the last few months also  :devil:


Indeed. :D

Word is that maVen & VideoCD may be the same release group...

the French in the opening credits on some of their TS's kinda gives it away.

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