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OT: DVD burning software


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you dirty bastard!  what example are you setting for your children...not only your children, but all children?  they'll grow up and turn into criminals!



Only if he insists to his kids that not stopping is perfectly legal because the roads in Alaska are always so %*^&ing icy.


And besides, the guy in front of us didn't stop in front of the line, and he didn't get a ticket, so it's perfectly legal...

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Im still picking the Bills guys



I appreciate the effort. But what you're doing is tossing spitballs at a charging rhino.


This thread is not going to be de-railed by Bills talk.



Unless, of course, its copywrited Bills talk... and it's stolen...

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Have a job? Make some product, or provide some service for pay?


Ok if I take your product for free? Ok if you provide a service to me but I don't pay you for it?


Its like prohibition, right or wrong doesn't matter, it isn't enforceable, that is a reality that has to be dealt with.


Besides, I don't think collusion is right but for some reason, all movie prices are the same whether it is a much anticipated blockbuster everyone wants to see or piece of doggy doo that no one wants to see. Same with music CD's, all the prices are basically the same. Maybe you save a dollar here or there if you buy on-line or at Wal-mart but basically, the prices are the same. Even if there were no meetings, it is defacto collusion. I'll get upset at all the terrible felonies being perpetrated by the pimply kid next door on his power mac some other day. Speeding is wrong but if you lower the speed limit on the thruway to 25, don't come crying to me about what a bunch of crooked drivers there are who flout the law.


As for food being taken off the table of union workers on films, please. Studies have shown that sales have not been cut by this kind of file sharing. My sense is that if her kid had couldn't download slapshot, he just wouldn't see it. The idea that if he couldn't he would run out and buy it is speculation not backed by a number of studies. The kids are choosing between downloading for free and not buying at all as opposed to downloading for free or buying it at Walmart.


The interest of copyright holders is certainly valid but you can only charge what the market will bear, that is economics 101 kind of stuff. Technology has altered the market so that the gravy train of hack "musicians" and record industry tycoons making a gazillion bucks on lame music may be seeing the beginning of the end. It won't end music, it will just lead to a more tenable economic model. Charching more than the market will bear leads to depressed sales or a thriving black market. It is an old story. Either they drastically lower prices to undercut the black market, figure out ways to make the same cash outside of CD sales or deal with the rock stars making 1.5 million a year instead of 35 million a year.


For example, here is my stab at a new economic model:


A band releases a new CD for free on the internet. The music turns out to be popular so their web site is inundated. At the site, they sell advertising at a very pretty penny because they draw so many hits of people downloading their free music. The free download means that just about every 15-20 year old in the country has their CD. Accordingly, their live appearnces are sold out everywhere at a premium price, especially because their web site hints at a great new song not released yet which can only be heard at live concerts. To get the free music, the kids have to register by providing all their vital stats and so on so that the band can direct market to them. Time for these people to get out of the buggy whip business.

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Accordingly, their live appearnces are sold out everywhere at a premium price, especially because their web site hints at a great new song not released yet which can only be heard at live concerts.


Except that after the first concert, someone bootlegs the new song and posts it on the internet for people to download for free.


Along the same lines, since I don't want to give my vital marketing information out, I'll just go online and download the tracks from TracyLee's son, thus bypassing having to give you my information as well as having to view the stupid ads.


BTW, there's no price collusion for movie tickets; each theater sets the price for those and they vary. Music CDs I'll agree on, but they've already been sued for price fixing.


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if you read this thread you know who and what I'm talking about...there's alot of high and mighty sh-- in here that did get kinda personal if you ask me...yeah, yeah...but it's funny...well, questioning a person's parenting skills and their morals is pretty !@#$ing personal.



Don't be obscure, NG...you can name names... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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I joined in because they was a helluva lot of judgements being thrown about.  [...] I'm quite sure that you would not like being judged on a small portion of your behavior.



And it happens a thousand times a day here. For example, passing judgement on me because, if I happen to find a book useful, I buy it.


I guess that kind of judgement is okay to pass...but God forbid anyone should question the wisdom of someone aiding and abetting a minor in the commission of a felony. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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And it happens a thousand times a day here.  For example, passing judgement on me because, if I happen to find a book useful, I buy it. 


I guess that kind of judgement is okay to pass...but God forbid anyone should question the wisdom of someone aiding and abetting a minor in the commission of a felony.  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


what was my judgement? :w00t:

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I don't always stop before the stop line.  But I'm a miserable prick.


My Drivers Ed teacher in High School had a routine if you did not stop before the line. He had a speech written out about how you promised to always obey the line, etc. If you went over the line he would have you park, get out of the car, face the stop sign or signal and read the speech so everyone in the car could hear you. Of course he would turn up the radio so you would be screaming to be heard over it.


Thankfully I know about this from other people so I always made sure to stop in time.

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My Drivers Ed teacher in High School had a routine if you did not stop before the line. He had a speech written out about how you promised to always obey the line, etc. If you went over the line he would have you park, get out of the car, face the stop sign or signal and read the speech so everyone in the car could hear you. Of course he would turn up the radio so you would be screaming to be heard over it.


Thankfully I know about this from other people so I always made sure to stop in time.


Been so long since I took my drivers test, but it used to be, if you did one illegal thing they failed you immediately. Exceed the speed limit, failed. Run a stop sign, past the line, failed.


The judging was only based on the "quality" of your driving.

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As for food being taken off the table of union workers on films, please. Studies have shown that sales have not been cut by this kind of file sharing


then why are music sales falling year after year for the first time ever? Amazing that it coincides with the advent of file sharing. Mickey, head down to your local college bookstore or cd shop and ask them how many cd's they sell now vs 5 years ago.


And as for the "buggy whip" comment, I totally agree that the music industry f'd up and got caught way behind the curve, but that doesn't mean you should be able to steal their sh--.

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Been so long since I took my drivers test, but it used to be, if you did one illegal thing they failed you immediately.  Exceed the speed limit, failed.  Run a stop sign, past the line, failed. 


The judging was only based on the "quality" of your driving.


This was drivers ed, not the drivers test. That one I was worried I was going to fail because during parrallel parking, I thought I was too far from the curb.

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then why are music sales falling year after year for the first time ever? Amazing that it coincides with the advent of file sharing. Mickey, head down to your local college bookstore or cd shop and ask them how many cd's they sell now vs 5 years ago.


And as for the "buggy whip" comment, I totally agree that the music industry f'd up and got caught way behind the curve, but that doesn't mean you should be able to steal their sh--.



Find a reference stating that sales are declining. The only thing I've heard is that it's not increasing as quickly as before (ie: We used to see 10% sales growth a year, now it's only 6%).


I'd be interested in seeing if I misheard/understood the sales data.


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