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NAACP demands "racist" card be pulled for 'black ho'

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So amazingly stupid, you couldn't possibly make it up...



"LOS ANGELES --- A space-themed, talking Hallmark graduation card is being pulled from store shelves because of the card’s reference to a black hole.


But members of the Los Angeles NAACP say the message sounds like "black whore" in the card's audio recording. That's how they hear it, and they say it's racist, KABC-TV in Los Angeles reported."






So instead of feeling embarrassed for their error, they outright refuse to understand the meaning and comic reference of a black hole and still demanded the card be pulled???? And Hallmark actually pulls this card from the shelves???? Next stop Idiocracy.

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So amazingly stupid, you couldn't possibly make it up...



"LOS ANGELES --- A space-themed, talking Hallmark graduation card is being pulled from store shelves because of the card’s reference to a black hole.


But members of the Los Angeles NAACP say the message sounds like "black whore" in the card's audio recording. That's how they hear it, and they say it's racist, KABC-TV in Los Angeles reported."






So instead of feeling embarrassed for their error, they outright refuse to understand the meaning and comic reference of a black hole and still demanded the card be pulled???? And Hallmark actually pulls this card from the shelves???? Next stop Idiocracy.



in related news, the LA NAACP is listening to every rap song written since 1985 as there are rumors some might actually contain the word "ho". no word yet on what they've found. "hole" should be stricken from the dictionary. it's racist and sounds dirty, too.

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So amazingly stupid, you couldn't possibly make it up...



"LOS ANGELES --- A space-themed, talking Hallmark graduation card is being pulled from store shelves because of the card’s reference to a black hole.


But members of the Los Angeles NAACP say the message sounds like "black whore" in the card's audio recording. That's how they hear it, and they say it's racist, KABC-TV in Los Angeles reported."






So instead of feeling embarrassed for their error, they outright refuse to understand the meaning and comic reference of a black hole and still demanded the card be pulled???? And Hallmark actually pulls this card from the shelves???? Next stop Idiocracy.



It may be time to split our nation into 2. Liberal minded nanny staters on one side, conservative self sufficient on the other.

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It may be time to split our nation into 2. Liberal minded nanny staters on one side, conservative self sufficient on the other.


Can we set aside some space for the "!@#$ you idiots, this is ridiculous" crowd?


Personally, I'll settle for Hawaii.

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I think Hallmark pulled it because it was one of the stupidest ideas for a graduation card ever. They're just using the racist comments as a smokescreen for their complete lack of creativity.


Is that card for 1st graders graduating? And, if so, can you really expect kids to conquer black hoes in 2nd grade?

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I wonder where they hope to advance to.


They hope to create a world where the gravitational singularities of the universe aren't considered second-class celestial objects compared to the Type I and Type II "fusion-reacting astronomical objects" (because we can't call them "stars" - that's elitist). Gravitational singularities shouldn't be oppressed just because they don't radiate. Dammit, every astronomical objects should be a "main sequence star".


Except those "white dwarves". !@#$ those little degenerate cracker midgets.

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They hope to create a world where the gravitational singularities of the universe aren't considered second-class celestial objects compared to the Type I and Type II "fusion-reacting astronomical objects" (because we can't call them "stars" - that's elitist). Gravitational singularities shouldn't be oppressed just because they don't radiate. Dammit, every astronomical objects should be a "main sequence star".


Except those "white dwarves". !@#$ those little degenerate cracker midgets.



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So amazingly stupid, you couldn't possibly make it up...



"LOS ANGELES --- A space-themed, talking Hallmark graduation card is being pulled from store shelves because of the card’s reference to a black hole.


But members of the Los Angeles NAACP say the message sounds like "black whore" in the card's audio recording. That's how they hear it, and they say it's racist, KABC-TV in Los Angeles reported."






So instead of feeling embarrassed for their error, they outright refuse to understand the meaning and comic reference of a black hole and still demanded the card be pulled???? And Hallmark actually pulls this card from the shelves???? Next stop Idiocracy.

Thoughts on this idiocy:


Hallmark missed a golden opportunity for free advertising by pulling this card, rather than fighting this by keeping the card in circulation.


Rappers, you keep on degrading. It's OK, because it means colored people are advancing. Hallmark is probably run by whites, so even perceived racism must be stopped at all costs. The NAACP has given even more fuel to the already sick of the "race card" being played sentiment. This is one of the more ignorant fights in recent history.


So what is next, all references to the color black will be stricken due to any possible negative connotations? Color should be stricken completely when referring to ethnicity, since there are no worse cases of racism than this card being taken WAY out of context. This must finally prove that racism no longer exists in the US. Hurray for mankind! :huh:


Advancement has taken many steps backward thanks to this action.


D.C. Tom, great post! ;)

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They hope to create a world where the gravitational singularities of the universe aren't considered second-class celestial objects compared to the Type I and Type II "fusion-reacting astronomical objects" (because we can't call them "stars" - that's elitist). Gravitational singularities shouldn't be oppressed just because they don't radiate. Dammit, every astronomical objects should be a "main sequence star".


Except those "white dwarves". !@#$ those little degenerate cracker midgets.

WOW! I did not realize you were so homophobic.

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With all of the problems facing the black community, both systemic AND self-inflicted, the NAACP decides to crusade against a greeting card?


Anybody remember the guy that got fired for saying "niggardly", and then got big $$ in the settlement? This isn't the first time, and it sure as hell won't be the last. But why does this happen? Oh, I forgot all about those "identity protection" majors in college.


Mission Statement of Identity Majors:

"If only we can improve the identity of women/black people, problems like 50% of black children being born to single mothers will solve themselves. We simply need more "Womyn's Studies" and "African-American's Studies" majors on the job and that single mother problem is toast. You don't need Economics, Psychology, Finance, History, Biology, Public Policy, etc. to solve this problem. All you need do is study Harriet Tubman and great wisdom will be revealed unto you."


Therefore, Conclusion of Identity Majors:

Hmm. 50% of black children being born to single mothers....and...greeting card! That is what is causing people to think black women are whores. Yes, we should have done something about the greeting card business years ago. This whole time they are the ones ruining the identity of black women! The behavior of black women has nothing to do with it!


(Incidentally, Tubman was an interesting and great lady, so I hate to use her, but, she is the poster child for Black Women's studies.)

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