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Letter to the Editor

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I had a letter to the editor in the SF Chronicle published today. Must have been a real slow day.



Beholden to whom?


I think it's interesting to hear people complain about how much money Meg Whitman has been spending on her campaign. I have a question for those people:


Would you rather have a governor who has financed their campaign mostly with their own money and will be beholden to the people of California only or someone whose campaign was financed by special-interest groups and will be beholden to them once elected?


Jim Young, San Francisco

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Lynch Meg Whitman!


(kidding, I have no idea who she is)


I'm not surprised.


BTW here is the letter from the previous day that prompted my letter:



Lean and mean?


It is somewhat astounding to run the numbers on campaign expenditures on the primary election by the men and women wanting to be the next governor of California.


Meg Whitman, who professes a burning desire to make California government more efficient and businesslike, spent $64 for each of the 1.1 million votes she garnered. Jerry Brown, on the other hand, spent 27 cents for each of his 1.5 million votes in the primary. From these results, it appears that Jerry Brown runs a more efficient organization than Meg Whitman.


Seems like Meg is talking the talk of frugality but not walking the walk of spare, lean and efficient governance.


Craig Griffin, Berkeley

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Wow. People are stupid...



...oh, wait, they're from Berkeley. 'Nuff said.


The fact that they posted that nonsensical letter makes the fact that they posted mine all the less satisfying. You wouldn't believe the crap they post.


BTW on another note, my wife got a campaign call from one of our super liberal supervisors the other day. The call came from Phoenix. Well first off, they couldn't find anyone in SF to hire to do it and weren't we boycotting AZ? :)

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And of course Meg Whitman (whoever the hell that is?) won't be beholden to her own special interests because she is the true peoples candidate!








What a great and well informed response. Vote for the person you've heard of. :flirt:


But let me ask you, who will be more likely beholden to the special interest? And of course you are aware of the fact that the reason this state is so !@#$ed up is from all the union concessions given during moombeam's first run in the position right?

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What a great and well informed response. Vote for the person you've heard of. :w00t:


But let me ask you, who will be more likely beholden to the special interest? And of course you are aware of the fact that the reason this state is so !@#$ed up is from all the union concessions given during moombeam's first run in the position right?

Well, if she has the wherewithal to fund her campaign so much she must have exploited the workers at Ebay. Raped the masses by overcharging for Ebay transactions. This makes her a capitalist running dog who, if elected, will only be a puppet serving her peers whom are exploiters of the people like herself.

Go Jerry Brown!! He is way more noble and qualified than someone who has run a major company

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Well, if she has the wherewithal to fund her campaign so much she must have exploited the workers at Ebay. Raped the masses by overcharging for Ebay transactions. This makes her a capitalist running dog who, if elected, will only be a puppet serving her peers whom are exploiters of the people like herself.

Go Jerry Brown!! He is way more noble and qualified than someone who has run a major company



Jerry Brown...the only liberal to be lambasted by liberal punk rockers.

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What a great and well informed response. Vote for the person you've heard of. :w00t:


But let me ask you, who will be more likely beholden to the special interest? And of course you are aware of the fact that the reason this state is so !@#$ed up is from all the union concessions given during moombeam's first run in the position right?

Any idea who's going to win this one? I don't mean polls, just the sentiment of the people you have picked up on. (I am assuming due to your current vocation that you don't have a tin ear.)

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Any idea who's going to win this one? I don't mean polls, just the sentiment of the people you have picked up on. (I am assuming due to your current vocation that you don't have a tin ear.)



My wife is a school teacher who's union does not like Meg Whitman's idea about paying teachers for kids performance. The same union that wanted my wife to call registered voters and have them vote for President Obama knowing all along that President Obama said that he was for performance based pay for teachers during his campaign. But, alas, they will campaign for the Democrat Jerry Brown, because, well, just because I guess. They still haven't come up with a good reason why they want him to be Governor. I presume that we will find out soon enough though.


IMO, it is going to come down to the "special interests" advertising campaign and what they can dig up on either candidate. Let the smearing begin!

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My wife is a school teacher who's union does not like Meg Whitman's idea about paying teachers for kids performance. The same union that wanted my wife to call registered voters and have them vote for President Obama knowing all along that President Obama said that he was for performance based pay for teachers during his campaign. But, alas, they will campaign for the Democrat Jerry Brown, because, well, just because I guess. They still haven't come up with a good reason why they want him to be Governor. I presume that we will find out soon enough though.


IMO, it is going to come down to the "special interests" advertising campaign and what they can dig up on either candidate. Let the smearing begin!


If there's an ® behind the name, the NEA will NOT support that individual.


Regardless of stand.

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Any idea who's going to win this one? I don't mean polls, just the sentiment of the people you have picked up on. (I am assuming due to your current vocation that you don't have a tin ear.)

Jerry Brown has all the backing he needs. Every union and community organizational group from San Diego to Khoonkhwuttune. From SEIU to NEA, he has unions just chomping at the bit to put a liberal dolt like him as Governer.


Will it work? It's honestly hard to say. But Whitman has the cash to give him a run, much like Fiorina has the cash to stick it to Boxer. But the libs have owned this state for so long, it's hard to get optimistic. And now the NYT has anonymous sources talking about some day three years ago when Whitman apparently pushed one her employees. The liberal homes like HuffPo and DailyKos are living large on this, as it is perceived as really, really damaging.


Of course, the same publications are simultaneously explaining how, after physically assaulting a student with a cellphone, NC Congressman Bob Etheridge is really a victim in all of this. That's the beauty of being a far left loon; you can have it both ways because there are just enough people who will agree with you.

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My wife is a school teacher who's union does not like Meg Whitman's idea about paying teachers for kids performance. The same union that wanted my wife to call registered voters and have them vote for President Obama knowing all along that President Obama said that he was for performance based pay for teachers during his campaign. But, alas, they will campaign for the Democrat Jerry Brown, because, well, just because I guess. They still haven't come up with a good reason why they want him to be Governor. I presume that we will find out soon enough though.


IMO, it is going to come down to the "special interests" advertising campaign and what they can dig up on either candidate. Let the smearing begin!

Interesting, thanks. I can't think of a good reason either...especially since Chef seems to blame his policies for getting them into this mess in the first place. Personally, I blame Silicon Valley women. The only logical explanation for this is poor morale. The Valley women must have stopped putting out as soon as you say the words "project manager" or "technical architect" or even, "(annoying, d-bag) system test lead". :) They need to resume their patriotic duties . :w00t: That alone could be a reason to elect Brown if he promises it. :beer:


I still say a "pay for teacher's AND parent's performance" system is the best way to go. We need to take away every excuse and solve the problem on all sides. Blaming teachers and blaming parents, and not blaming the kids themselves isn't getting us anywhere. I especially like it because it would reduce the power of the union. As we have seen, the union treats, and insists that we treat, all teachers like they are the same, and clearly, that is not the case.


Oh, and tell your wife not to worry. Pay for performance is just one more thing that Obama talked about but had no intention of doing. Ask her union how happy they are now that GITMO is closed. :lol:

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I can't possibly see Jerry Brown stand up to the unions. We're in a different sort of down turn, it's going to take a badass governor, who is willing to make the tough and unpopular decisions of cutting the budget. The fact that the three highest taxed states are the three states that have the largest budget shortfalls tells you that it's not so much a revenue issue as much as it is a spending problem.


The pension system in California is unsustainable, if it doesn't get reformed there will be no chance of California's economy avoiding default, unless of course the federal government continues to support them, but even that's going to get really expensive unless they start making the difficult decisions.


If Brown wins, California is going to get TAXED!!

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