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Blanche Lincoln (Arkansas Senator) Wins Primary...

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Nothing brings a smile to my face like seeing the far-left loons lose. I couldn't care less about this race, and it's likely that she gets blown out in the general, but I never get tired of seeing George Soros, etc. throw away big $$$ for nothing. :wacko:


This lady has been under assault by both parties for at least a year now...and seeing her defy the odds is also cool.


Anyway, every time Soros/Unions buy a win, a turd gets wings and gets crap on all of us = Al Franken. One less flying turd is always a good thing.

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Nothing brings a smile to my face like seeing the far-left loons lose. I couldn't care less about this race, and it's likely that she gets blown out in the general, but I never get tired of seeing George Soros, etc. throw away big $$$ for nothing. :wacko:


This lady has been under assault by both parties for at least a year now...and seeing her defy the odds is also cool.


Anyway, every time Soros/Unions buy a win, a turd gets wings and gets crap on all of us = Al Franken. One less flying turd is always a good thing.

I've got to admit, that was pretty funny OC. 0:)


Ya, I'm pretty happy about the Unions spending so much money and effort into this race and coming away with nothing.

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Nothing brings a smile to my face like seeing the far-left loons lose. I couldn't care less about this race, and it's likely that she gets blown out in the general, but I never get tired of seeing George Soros, etc. throw away big $$$ for nothing. :wacko:


This lady has been under assault by both parties for at least a year now...and seeing her defy the odds is also cool.


Anyway, every time Soros/Unions buy a win, a turd gets wings and gets crap on all of us = Al Franken. One less flying turd is always a good thing.


From it's a wonderful life-

Teacher says every time a bell rings,

an angel gets his wings.

You ruined that movie for me. Al Franken?

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The teabagger/libber-tear-uhn right is way too small in numbers to have any impact at all...no matter how much the corporate conservative biased mainstream media tries to jack up their numbers and make a big deal of them. Any mass demonstrations they hold usually fizzle with just the extremists left holding up their racist signs.

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I live in Arkansas, and although I can't stand her, I'm glad she won. My biggest worry is that Halter might actually have been able to convince these idiots to vote for him this fall, but I'm pretty sure that ol' Blanche has worn out her welcome.

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The teabagger/libber-tear-uhn right is way too small in numbers to have any impact at all...no matter how much the corporate conservative biased mainstream media tries to jack up their numbers and make a big deal of them. Any mass demonstrations they hold usually fizzle with just the extremists left holding up their racist signs.


Conner, is that you?

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I live in Arkansas, and although I can't stand her, I'm glad she won. My biggest worry is that Halter might actually have been able to convince these idiots to vote for him this fall, but I'm pretty sure that ol' Blanche has worn out her welcome.



Can Independents vote in Primaries there?

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Can Independents vote in Primaries there?




Now that you mention it, though, I think you can only vote a party's runoff election if you also voted in their primary. I've never voted in a runoff election, so I'm not entirely sure about that.

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The teabagger/libber-tear-uhn right is way too small in numbers to have any impact at all...no matter how much the corporate conservative biased mainstream media tries to jack up their numbers and make a big deal of them. Any mass demonstrations they hold usually fizzle with just the extremists left holding up their racist signs.

What in the heck? What does this have to do with this thread? This is about Big Unions wasting $10 mil of their members money on a loser. Great argument for joining a union, huh?


And, this is about a billionaire who should have been deported 10 years ago for actively trying to subvert this country, wasting even more money and not advancing that agenda.


Ask Brandon: Bill Clinton went back home and ran ads against both the Unions and MoveOn.org/Soros saying specifically that outsiders were trying to affect an Arkansas election. That is credited for Lincoln winning.


Is Clinton part of the TEA party now? Was he holding up racist signs?


WTF are you talking about?

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Now that you mention it, though, I think you can only vote a party's runoff election if you also voted in their primary. I've never voted in a runoff election, so I'm not entirely sure about that.



I only asked because we're not allowed to here in Florida. I had thougth there were some states that allowed it, wasnt sure if Arkansas was one of them.



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I live in Arkansas, and although I can't stand her, I'm glad she won. My biggest worry is that Halter might actually have been able to convince these idiots to vote for him this fall, but I'm pretty sure that ol' Blanche has worn out her welcome.


Her winning the primary is best. She'll be easy to campaign against in fall. She's toast.

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What in the heck? What does this have to do with this thread? This is about Big Unions wasting $10 mil of their members money on a loser. Great argument for joining a union, huh? WTF are you talking about?

You see, it screws up his far left dialogue. If you noticed in some of the earlier primaries, when the right was bumping out the establishment candidates, the far left was going out of its way to yell that the right was eating its own...as if the left would simply NEVER be able to do something so stupid.


And while I'm a constant critic of the WH, I have to agree with their position reported here in the HuffPost.


"Organized labor just flushed $10 million of their members' money down the toilet on a pointless exercise," the unnamed official said to Politico's Ben Smith. "If even half that total had been well-targeted and applied in key House races across this country, that could have made a real difference in November."

Labor went all in to show the moderate left incumbents that labor is like strong like Popeye on a double shot of spinach, and that they better start shifting far left if they want to survive, but when labor woke up in the morning, they looked more like Olive Oyl.


The only response people like Bishop have is "Blah, blah, teabaggers, blah, blah."

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Two articles this morning that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.




The loss of Lt. Gov. Bill Halter in the Arkansas Senate Democratic primary runoff election resulted in a rare outburst of intense, sometimes nasty, griping between the White House and the organized labor community on Tuesday night.


Shortly after Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) emerged victorious, an anonymous White House aide began spreading word that the President Obama's political team thought that the money unions had spent on Halter's candidacy was a massive waste and damaging to the party.


"Organized labor just flushed $10 million of their members' money down the toilet on a pointless exercise," the unnamed official said to Politico's Ben Smith. "If even half that total had been well-targeted and applied in key House races across this country, that could have made a real difference in November."


Another senior Democrat (who also would not be quoted by name) echoed the point in an exchange with the Huffington Post. "Labor is humiliated," the source said. "$10 million flushed down the toilet at a time when Democrats across the country are fighting for their lives, they look like absolute idiots."


It was a remarkably blunt dumping on the unions. And, in the process, it provided one of the most telling revelations as to how frayed the relationship between Obama and the modern labor movement truly is. Up until now the two parties have generally aired their disagreements over policy and politics in private, with scant public acknowledgment that friction was building below the surface.




A key business group saw a body blow for "card-check" legislation on Tuesday night in Arkansas.


The Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI), a group opposed to the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a piece of union-organizing legislation favored by organized labor, seized on incumbent Sen. Blanche Lincoln's victory over the state's lieutenant governor in a closely contested Democratic primary.


"A massive investment on the part of union bosses, which they will not be able to duplicate in other races, resulted in a loss for Big Labor’s poster-child candidate, producing a general election where both nominees will oppose [EFCA]," WFI Director Katie Packer said in a statement.


Lincoln eked out a 52-48 percent victory over Arkansas Lt. Gov. Bill Halter (D) last night after labor groups had spent around $10 million to unseat the centrist senator, who had angered unions over her opposition to the card-check bill, as well as the public option in healthcare reform.


The move pitted labor, usually a Democratic constituency, against the party establishment, which had backed Lincoln as the better general-election candidate against challenger John Boozman, a Republican congressman in the state.


WFI pointed out that Halter had refused to answer questions on EFCA throughout the race, despite his heavy union backing. While there is a sizable labor movement in the state, it is also the headquarters to companies like Wal-Mart, which has fought back against unionizing its employees.


Halter's ambiguity on the issue, along with Lincoln's win, helped signal the death knell for card-check, WFI argued.


"Blanche Lincoln’s victory, coupled with Big Labor’s failure to get its candidate to endorse their top legislative priority even after spending millions of dollars, speaks volumes to how far [EFCA] has fallen in the last year and serves as an unambiguous victory for those who oppose forced unionization," Packer said.


And they say Civil War is only happening within the GOP. :wacko:


I've said it before, the big losers over the next few years will be the Unions, liberals, progressives and keynesian philosophists (Krugman).


We are so heavily indebted that the public, not just here in the U.S but through out Europe as well, will continue to demand fiscal responsibility. At some point that will change, but for now, there is a reversal of trend, and it may stay that way for a bit.

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Two articles this morning that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.










And they say Civil War is only happening within the GOP. :wallbash:


I've said it before, the big losers over the next few years will be the Unions, liberals, progressives and keynesian philosophists (Krugman).


We are so heavily indebted that the public, not just here in the U.S but through out Europe as well, will continue to demand fiscal responsibility. At some point that will change, but for now, there is a reversal of trend, and it may stay that way for a bit.


Slick Willie running the bus over the unions, for Kate. We'll see how that works out. :bag:



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Her winning the primary is best. She'll be easy to campaign against in fall. She's toast.

That's a good thing? I always thought it would be great to have as many good candidates as possible. Unfortunately, that isn't the American Way. The American way is to fix or buy your way into office and use as many of the lemmings as possible. People can say the lemmings are in all the other countries they want.....I don't care about those countries.

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