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Human nature question regarding fat women

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I have observed this many times. The biggest cows are always pushing around a grocery cart full of kids[quite obviously from different fathers] Do they know the beer glasses effect will not work forever and crank em out as fast as they can?


I think you are mixing up the cause and the effect.

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Fat women have very low self esteem a lot of the time and so they are willing to put up with more **** than anyone to keep a man around. They are huge targets for playas. Making them have a lot of kids causes her to look the other way when a playa has affairs. JMO

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Making them have a lot of kids causes her to look the other way when a playa has affairs. JMO

Let me make sure I get this right. The playa (or the man) is actually making these women have a lot of kids specifically because it puts her in a position to look the other way when the playa has affairs?


Am I getting this right?


Just out of curiosity, does the woman get a say, or does the man strap her down, have sex with her until she's pregnant, keep her strapped down until the baby is born, and then starts the process again? How many babies does the average playa feel is enough to make the woman finally look the other way? Five? Six?

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Let me make sure I get this right. The playa (or the man) is actually making these women have a lot of kids specifically because it puts her in a position to look the other way when the playa has affairs?


Am I getting this right?


Just out of curiosity, does the woman get a say, or does the man strap her down, have sex with her until she's pregnant, keep her strapped down until the baby is born, and then starts the process again? How many babies does the average playa feel is enough to make the woman finally look the other way? Five? Six?

No, let ME get something straight.


Steely is solving a mystery again and you are asking him to provide you with his logic?


Dude, his logic on the Sean Taylor murder has a better chance of being right about why fat women get pregnant than it did about why Sean Taylor was murdered. Don't look for the logic. Spend your time on something with better odds like trying to buried treasure in the islands by using a Canadian-made map of Mars.

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I have observed this many times. The biggest cows are always pushing around a grocery cart full of kids[quite obviously from different fathers] Do they know the beer glasses effect will not work forever and crank em out as fast as they can?


Because they are lazy and would rather pump out kids and collect welfare than actually work for a living.

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Because they are lazy and would rather pump out kids and collect welfare than actually work for a living.


That actually sounds harder than "working for a living". Like the low paying, manual labor jobs... They are actually "harder" and more physically taxing than getting an education, making more money and having somebody do the dirty work. Now, that is easy. WTF is so hard about that?

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