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World AIDS day?


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What the hell is this? I mean, we all know AIDS is still around. Do we need a day to tell us about it? And by having this "commercial" day in the US, are people in 3rd world African countries going to stop having unprotected sex and 80 kids a pop? How assinine. I mean, if you want my money or something to donate, fine - ask me for it, but putting a ribbon up on Google, or referring to this as World AIDS day?


I think they should have a World Herpes day. I think more people would celebrate.....

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What the hell is this? I mean, we all know AIDS is still around. Do we need a day to tell us about it? And by having this "commercial" day in the US, are people in 3rd world African countries going to stop having unprotected sex and 80 kids a pop?  How assinine. I mean, if you want my money or something to donate, fine - ask me for it, but putting a ribbon up on Google, or referring to this as World AIDS day?


I think they should have a World Herpes day. I think more people would celebrate.....


The French were just looking for another holiday so they wouldn't have to work.

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easy guys, it's just an awareness thing, they've been doing it for years...herpes isn't the scourge on global health that AIDS is...i'm sure you have read about the catastrophe of HIV infestion in underdeveloped countries... i'm sure many here will find a reason to criticize it, but a little education doesn't hurt.

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the simple fact is that no one wants to talk about it, and most americans look at african countries with 25% of the population infected wth AIDS and say better them than us.


yes we already know it exsists, but "world aids day" is trying to get you to talk about it. and maybe get you to realize that it IS a HUGE threat to people here in america. and maybe get you to talk to your kids, or firends about it.


or maybe it will get you to put on that condom, insted of thinking "shes only 18 and she doesnt like condoms, she cant have anything bad right???......." (when most likley if she is sleeping with you without a condom your probubly not the first guy shes been with....)


people went crazy when burt and ernie puppets got an AIDS infected puppet friend (even though that only aired in S. Africa). cus most americans think people with aids deserve to have it because they engaged in sinful acts. and treats anyone who tries to talk about it like they are condoning the sinful acts. i can just picture some nice house wife saying "i dont have to talk to my daughter about condoms cus he isnt going to have sex till shes married."


i dont think ive EVER had a conversation with my parents about STDs. but after a few years in college you learn quickly not to mess with the "loose girls" without a condom.

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the number of people in the US with some form of STD is HUGE (more than you think). people just overlook them cus most have cures. just imagin if insted of those curable STDs all the people had AIDS, do you think we would have a cure by now??? or atleast talk with our kids more, and try to educate them about the danger?

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the number of people in the US with some form of STD is HUGE (more than you think). people just overlook them cus most have cures.  just imagin if insted of those curable STDs all the people had AIDS, do you think we would have a cure by now??? or atleast talk with our kids more, and try to educate them about the danger?




Just funny how Magic Johnson, arguably the most wealthy person to ever get AIDS is the only person to have technically "beat" AIDs (as of the last report i hard, he has no traces of the HIV virus).

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Just funny how Magic Johnson, arguably the most wealthy person to ever get AIDS is the only person to have technically "beat" AIDs (as of the last report i hard, he has no traces of the HIV virus).


he likes to say that, but it's not quite true. the fact that they can't find antibodies in his blood does not mean that there's no virus left, nor does it mean the drugs will work forever. the treatment regiman he made famous is routinely and inexpensively administered now, but there have been other like him who have had their antibodies disappear, only to get sick and die later.

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What the hell is this? I mean, we all know AIDS is still around. Do we need a day to tell us about it? And by having this "commercial" day in the US, are people in 3rd world African countries going to stop having unprotected sex and 80 kids a pop?  How assinine. I mean, if you want my money or something to donate, fine - ask me for it, but putting a ribbon up on Google, or referring to this as World AIDS day?


I think they should have a World Herpes day. I think more people would celebrate.....


Be honest. When you first saw it, did just a little part of you go, "ooh, here's something I can complain about"?

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