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Congrats Beerball!!!


I know how it feels. It'll be 3 weeks at 11PM tonight since I had a cigy. Been off the patch for 2 weeks.


I only used them for a week b/c they were screwing up my sleeping patterns even with them off at night.

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I tried the patch a couple years ago. (I am only 25, but have smoked since i was 15). Anyway, the patch worked, as when I did have a cigarette on top of it, it made me VERY dizzy. Anyway, the best part about the patch was the most amazing realistic dreams I had (never once a sexual dream, DAMNIT) but they were so real, I would wake up and even a couple minutes later not know whether it was real or a dream.


Anyway, after I used em for 8 weeks, I stopped, and for a whopping 2 days went without nicotine. Then, I started dipping, as 3 of my roomates did, and it was there. Then I realized that was ridiculous, and just started smoking again. I'll try again soon.


Congrats, man... really impressive.

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Anyway, the best part about the patch was the most amazing realistic dreams I had (never once a sexual dream, DAMNIT)



I had one bad one while on them........fuggin scared the crap out of me for hours...I couldn't fall back asleep.

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Anyway, the best part about the patch was the most amazing realistic dreams I had (never once a sexual dream, DAMNIT)



I had one bad one while on them........fuggin scared the crap out of me for hours...I couldn't fall back asleep.




I thought it was just a coincidence - the first day i had one on, i had the most amazing (colors, realistic, everything) dreams ever.


The next night, same thing. I told my roomate who was also on the patch (we tried quitting together, thought it would be easier - he is now almost 3 years without a smoke) and he said he found the same thing.


I checked the box and it actually said that "vivid dreams" is a side effect.


I might buy em again just for that! :lol:

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That's great Beerball, but what do you think about "The Christmas Shoes?"


Seriously, great job on quitting.  I've done it before and never stayed "quit."


Thank you for bringing this LAMP back where it belongs...to me! The usual suspect tried to hijack the damn thing. Their(AW) all fuggers. :lol:


After 27 years of smoking it was finally time. I had tried to quit umpteen times and always went back within a couple days, never for longer than a couple weeks. Always started back the same way...I'll just have one...then throw out the pack. Next day same thing, only this time I don't want to waste the money, so I keep the pack. Next thing you know, pack a day.


Nothing different about the approach this time, I guess I was just ready.


Christmas Shoes make me want to hurl!

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