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They found Jaws

Just Jack

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How does the conversation with that junkyard owner go?


"You don't happen to have a mechanical shark laying around, do you?"


"You mean a Plymouth Barracuda?"


"No, not a Barracuda. A shark."


"Let me see...yeah, I got a '76 Pinto..."


"No, a shark. You know, a big-ass fish. Mechanical. Not real."


"Uhhh...yeah, I think I got one o' those. Had it fifteen, twenty years, maybe. Why?"


"Dude, have you ever heard of the movie Jaws?






Really...how do you take possession of a giant mechanical shark and not think that just maybe it might have some worth as a famous movie prop? :ph34r:

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Keep in mind...Tracy Morgan in the role of Quint.


Quint dies.


Yeah, I'd pay to see Tracy Morgan get bitten in half by a shark.



Honestly, I was thinking Tracy Morgan may be the ONLY reason to see a Jaws 3D remake. Given that, I was thinking it might be a spoof of some kind.

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