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Typical double standard, where's the outrage?

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Could you imagine if one of the conservatives would of said this?


Comedian Bill Maher stereotypes black people as ghetto hoodlums and there's no outcry. The long-standing racial double standard always shields the left.


'I thought when we elected a black president we were gonna get a black president," HBO's Maher told viewers last week. "You know, this is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt so they can see the gun in his pants."

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Religulous had it's pretty damn funny moments.

Religulous is great. Maher's a credulous idiot otherwise though. He buys into and supports all kinds of crazy crap: he's anti-vax, anti-Western medicine, pro-homeopathy, etc... A very confused individual.


Hitchens is great.

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I don't know him much outside that movie so it beats me.

I used to love him back when he did "Politically Incorrect." Even went to a recording of one of his shows. He was funny as hell.


Then he turned hard, hard left and all his comedy was mocking Republicans, so naturally now I can't stomach him. Unless he's getting completely schooled by George Will.

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I used to love him back when he did "Politically Incorrect." Even went to a recording of one of his shows. He was funny as hell.


Then he turned hard, hard left and all his comedy was mocking Republicans, so naturally now I can't stomach him. Unless he's getting completely schooled by George Will.

I really like George Will. I read "Men At Work" a long time ago and liked it very much. And I'm not even a baseball guy. That book taught me a lot about baseball. As thorough as that book was I can only imagine how effective he would be tearing down some one like Maher.

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ahhh, so you were one of the 17 people that watched it....


Netflixed it. It made money--probably rare for a documentary not made by Michael Moore.


It was an amusing trip into the silly things people do and believe in practice of organized religion.

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I really like George Will. I read "Men At Work" a long time ago and liked it very much. And I'm not even a baseball guy. That book taught me a lot about baseball. As thorough as that book was I can only imagine how effective he would be tearing down some one like Maher.

I'm sure if you google those two names, you'll find the video. Maher was on ABC's This Week, and was complaining that "Brazil got off oil...why couldn't America." Except Brazil isn't off oil, and Will called him on it, and what you ended up with was video of a guy who usually sounds smart when talking to a cheering audience of drones suddenly realizing he can't just make crap up when he's not surrounded by his followers.


Video here at Newsbusters (about 3:30 in). At one point Maher asks for a fact check, so Politifact accomodated his request.


In the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean anything, but if you've grown tired of Maher's constant yapping of ridiculous stuff to keep his ratings up, it's funny to watch Will turn him into Vinny Barbarino.

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In the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean anything, but if you've grown tired of Maher's constant yapping of ridiculous stuff to keep his ratings up, it's funny to watch Will turn him into Vinny Barbarino.


I'll give you another example. On his recent show, Maher started off on a lament that Bork's SCOTUS hearing was the beginning of the wide polarization of political views and how we should try to overcome it. In the very next breath, he read Ted Kennedy's diatribe on Bork, which many attribute to be the precise speech that started it all. Except Maher used Kennedy's exaggerated politically motivated fact-short speech as an actual description of Bork & his views.

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Oh, I thought this thread was going to be about the media giving Obama a free pass on his lack of leadership and response to the major disaster in the Gulf.


Carry on....


And what would you have Obama do? Ride in on his magic rainbow farting unicorn and wave a magic teleprompter?


At first it was fun to poke the PJ's and pbills types who used to raise holy hell anytime something went wrong and blamed it on BushBad! Turnabout was fun, but after 40 days the joke's worn off


Of course the joke has gone from funny to not funny and is now creeping into the depressing "Wow, there really are sheeple who think that only the President can solve every problem facing America". :rolleyes:

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And what would you have Obama do? Ride in on his magic rainbow farting unicorn and wave a magic teleprompter?


At first it was fun to poke the PJ's and pbills types who used to raise holy hell anytime something went wrong and blamed it on BushBad! Turnabout was fun, but after 40 days the joke's worn off


Of course the joke has gone from funny to not funny and is now creeping into the depressing "Wow, there really are sheeple who think that only the President can solve every problem facing America". :death:



First, way to take my post ten times more seriously than it was obviously intended. :rolleyes:


Second, the point is that there hasn't been any joke at all about Obama. Apparently you missed the fact that I was primarily questioning the media.


As for the oil spill, what I would have had Obama do is not wait 2 weeks to notice the problem, put an immediate full court press on BP to start drilling the relief wells sooner (which is the only thing that's going to stop the oil), and tell the Army Corp of Engineers to stop dragging their feet on the boom plan to protect the LA coastline. Hell, Obama has been criticizing himself, which is certainly refreshing for a politician.

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First, way to take my post ten times more seriously than it was obviously intended. :rolleyes:


Second, the point is that there hasn't been any joke at all about Obama. Apparently you missed the fact that I was primarily questioning the media.


As for the oil spill, what I would have had Obama do is not wait 2 weeks to notice the problem, put an immediate full court press on BP to start drilling the relief wells sooner (which is the only thing that's going to stop the oil), and tell the Army Corp of Engineers to stop dragging their feet on the boom plan to protect the LA coastline. Hell, Obama has been criticizing himself, which is certainly refreshing for a politician.


I would add, not burning off the spill from the beginning to that list.

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