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The sounds that irritate you most

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The women from The View cackling in the background when my mother is watching TV


Nancy Grace's voice in the background when my mother is watching TV.

Sounds like it's time you moved out of your mom's house.
Considering that his mother is probably Mrs Bates the house would technically be his, no?
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"Hi, my name is Carol, I'll be your server this evening" Oh wait that's Cincy, not me. :rolleyes:


Mine would be finger nails scratching a chalkboard.....


No problem!





As for sound, I'll add the alien beings with vehicles that boom to the point of causing other cars to resonate.

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:rolleyes: Does that even make any sound?


There are times when we need to realize the problem is OUR problem and not the person making the noise. I worked with a woman who was on the verge of firing an assistant because she didn't like the sound the girl make when she ate an apple. Um...that's the sound of eating an apple. Deal with it.


She could be like that annoying guy in the staples ads. "That's a great apple!"



Another one for my list, the sound of the horn of subway trains. I know they're like that so you notice him, but so often you get the idiot drive who feels the need to lay on the horn if someone is within 20 feet of a moving train.

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The sound that Styrofoam makes when someone is ripping/ breaking it down.


That right there puts chills up my spine just thinking about it. Styrofoam is the worst sounding material on the earth, period.


This isn't a sound, but the feeling of rubber soled sneakers on carpet if you drag them in anyway is too much for me also.

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Dare I add to the list...phone calls at 11pm by a three-sheets-to-the-wind AiO?


Okay, not really "annoying", per se...but amusing at the very least.


Shoot, I thought my name might come up in the APB thread.

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For me its the sound of a baby crying.......both irritating as @ell and creeps me out at the same time......


To the woman in the movie theatre that refuses to leave when her baby is about to break a lung screaming....I HATE YOU


The Basil Bros' long-gone Colvin Theater on Kenmore Ave. Had a room with a big window, seats and speakers for that express purpose.


The building had a "penthouse" so to speak, that was used by them from time to time. Nice men - the theater had a stage, and every Halloween they'd have a costume judging contest and gave out prizes. Free admission and a free popcorn and candy for the kiddies.

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