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Greatest TV or Movie Character of Last 20 Years


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Those two things had very little in common other than the name and some of the background. I have the feeling that you would like it if you got over your initial prejudice and watched a big chunk of them. You are still stuck on the idea it was a kid's show. Vampires rarely came across as weak individuals, well except for Spike falling for Buffy, but can you really blame him? Link


Decent acting, mostly awesome story-lines and good writing. Sex appeal and humor, with some genuinely dramatic moments. Top 3 as a character, not really, but far better than the haters suggest.



I only watched some of season #1, as I was testing the shows with viewers/potential viewers. The idea it appealed to teens (mostly girls) didn't come from my bias, it came from the data.

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Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson, Homer Simpson.



Any questions?

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You liked the movie? I thought it was terrible... Maybe it was because Luke Perry was in it. :rolleyes:


Not sure I agree with the "pussification of the vampire genre" either. The character development from season to season was great. Season 2, one of Spike's best lines was:

Spike: "We like to talk big, vampires do. 'I'm going to destroy the world.' It's just tough guy talk. Strut round with your friends over a pint of blood... the truth is I like this world. You've got dog racing. Manchester United. And you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It's all right here."


But years later, his character slowly starts to change and he's not looking to eat everyone who moves. Sorta... ;)


And come on, how can you not like writing like that? :)



pussification of the vampire genre comes from Twilight.....sparkling in daylight? C'mon...I'll put Angelus or Spike against any other vampire and the only one that could give them a fight would be Dracula

The writing on Buffy was easily the best of its era...that's what made the show and outstanding and watchable for anyone. The movie was cute and campy but that's it for the positives. I had low expectations for the series because of the movie but after seeing a few episodes, I came away thoroughly impressed

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92. Christopher Boone from The Curious Incident of the Dog in Night-Time - Now come on, I can't be the only one that's never heard of this.

Not only have I heard of it, but I read the friggin book! :rolleyes:

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Riiiiiight.... ;)


I stated earlier in the thread about duo/groups on that list as invalid as they are not a single character. Just abiding by my own statement


How about a compromise? Instead of putting Beavis and Butthead up there, how about The Great Cornholio :rolleyes:

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I stated earlier in the thread about duo/groups on that list as invalid as they are not a single character. Just abiding by my own statement


How about a compromise? Instead of putting Beavis and Butthead up there, how about The Great Cornholio :rolleyes:



I need TP for my bunghole!

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Yes, far superior writing there.





You know what strikes me as humorous? Well before Beavis and Butthead appeared, my friends and I used to jokingly talk about "Dr. Cornholio" (he made house calls but always came in the back door!). We were very funny and a lot of odd bits of bizarre humor. The B&B bit is feels more real/authentic/credible than anything I ever heard while watching Buffy, which always came across as stilted and cloying to me. But I fear that says more about me and my friends (and not it a good way) than it does about anything else.

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No character from Friends deserves to be on that list. George Costanza should be on there. From sitcoms I'd put almost any regular character from Cheers ahead of anyone from Friends.


John Locke is way to low on the list. I would have liked to have seen Benjamin Linus and Desmond Hume on there as well.


I didn't much care for Mary Katherine Gallagher from SNL. I don't know if it would qualify but I'd put the Church Lady on there or Stuart Smalley instead.


I'm surprised that not a single character from ER made it.

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No character from Friends deserves to be on that list. George Costanza should be on there. From sitcoms I'd put almost any regular character from Cheers ahead of anyone from Friends.


I think I mentioned it earlier in the thread that I would put Norm Peterson on any list like this. The problem is that Cheers went off the air 17 years ago, so it is pushing that 20 year thing pretty tightly. I don't remember whether or not any of their characters made it, but I have no problem if they left them off simply because they screwed up the timeline.

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I only watched some of season #1, as I was testing the shows with viewers/potential viewers. The idea it appealed to teens (mostly girls) didn't come from my bias, it came from the data.

Dean you disappoint me. Ok you gave Buffy a shot and watched season 1, which is the weakest season of the show, but you need to see the seasons beyond that, and only then will you see why Buffy was a fantastic show.


Joss Whedon is one of the best writers/directors out there and you can see how creative and humorous the guy is. It was'nt just Buffy that made the show it was the other characters as well, especially Spike, Faith & Anya.


Maybe the show was targeted more to teen girls, but that does'nt mean that adults could not appreciate it. Unfortunately nobody would watch the show mainly because of it's silly title.


It was a disgrace to see the Emmy awards constantly giving blow jobs to shows like "ER" & "The West Wing", saying what great acting and writing they had, while Buffy had some of the best writing and acting on tv as well. And if you do'nt believe me you can look at all the TV critics who constantly praised Buffy for it's characters and great writing, and year after year calling it "The Best Show on TV that nobody is watching".


Give the show more of a chance Dean, and you'll see how good it really is.

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from what i read and think:


homer, great choice.


10. spongebob. great choice too. i remember this show was being praised, but didnt see it. when i finally saw it i was laughing my ass off. drinking beer on a freaking kid show. loved it. cartoon character just like our agreed #1.


buffy at #3. kind of high on my scale. but justified imo. the first 2 or 3 seasons were kind of cool. then add the fact that buffy was pretty, intelligent, and hot.


ps. dont judge a show/character if you just took a "peek"


i love the character Dexter. he would be my #2

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I'll take the bottom 20



94. Truman from The Truman Show - Is this about the President that dropped the bomb? Ok, ok, I've heard of it never saw it.

91. Hancock from Hancock - Is this about the guy with the crazy signautre? Nope, never heard of it.

87. Tony Stark from the Iron Man series - I've seen the billboards but not the movie.

80. Gorillaz, the animated rock band - :)

truman show. great movie.

hancock. blockbuster movie. nice movie. will smith plays bum superhero.

iron man series. rob downey is freaking back. great blockbuster movie.

gorillaz, i'm a fan of all types of music. they are just freaking basic. 2-3 major hits only....


i love going to see the blockbusters. ie, jurassic parks, tranformers, xmen, avatar


and now with the 3-d revolution, for a moviegoer like me, i'm as happy as can be. granted the selection is not all that great, all the time, but it beats staying at home right.

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It was'nt just Buffy that made the show it was the other characters as well, especially Spike, Faith & Anya.



Which really brings us back to the original objection. Again, based on my limited experience, Buffy wasn't even the best character on the show. I understand some here are real big Buffy fans, and I can respect that even if I'm not a fan. My big issue was with Buffy as #3 on that list.

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Which really brings us back to the original objection. Again, based on my limited experience, Buffy wasn't even the best character on the show. I understand some here are real big Buffy fans, and I can respect that even if I'm not a fan. My big issue was with Buffy as #3 on that list.

You know what Dean, I agree with you. I was shocked(pleasantly) that they put Buffy at #3. She's a good character, but she was probably not THE best character on the show.


I'm still glad that she's there yet I do'nt know if I'd have her at #3. This list does make that mistake a few times, by making the lead charcter of the show the best character, when that show has better characters.


Can anyone honestly say that Carrie from Sex and the City and Ally McBeal were the best characters from their shows?

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I stated earlier in the thread about duo/groups on that list as invalid as they are not a single character. Just abiding by my own statement


How about a compromise? Instead of putting Beavis and Butthead up there, how about The Great Cornholio :)

I do'nt have an issue with them putting duos on this list, even though I hated Beavis and Butthead.


What pisses me off is that they put B&B on this list and not Ren & Stimpy, or Pinky & The Brain?

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I do'nt have an issue with them putting duos on this list, even though I hated Beavis and Butthead.

I hate you


What pisses me off is that they put B&B on this list and not Ren & Stimpy, or Pinky & The Brain?

Even though I hate you for your comments about B&B, I have to respect your comments about Ren & Stimpy and Pinky & the Brain



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