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Canada's Banking System

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Panda Liberation Army. Stole one of Rosen's pandas at the first tailgate. Posted a few times under "Panda Liberation Army", before he forgot to switch logins and outed himself as JSP.



Not quite right. I posted as Yassir Pandafat and demanded the liberation of all East Rochester in exchange for the return of the panda. And yes, I botched my login and outed myself. had him going for a few months, anyway. Someone had left the panda on my car.

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JSP, cool.


Joe in Macungie, not cool.


At that first tailgate, I remember SDS, NG, #89, Bob Lamb, and Darin's Limo. I am sure I met more people but I wasn't there long. I was up from Philly so I had other tailgates to attend to and probably only hung out for 45 minutes.



I only have hazy recollections of that tailgate. What a bloody mess.

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I had to race to post this before Magox.


Canadian bubble about to pop?


Jackson notes that real estate prices in Canada have increased by an average of 40% over the last year while average incomes have dropped.


Add to that record-high levels of Canadian household debt - even higher than in Greece - and he might just have a point.


Canadian experts have been debating the bubble or no bubble housing argument for months now.


Stephen Jarislowsky of Montreal-based investment adviser Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd., said back in February he was “convinced” there’s a bubble in Canada’s housing market.


Mr. Jarislowsky’s firm owns shares in Canada’s four largest banks and is himself one of the country’s wealthiest investors, making his opinion worth hearing.



Ahh that Canadian bliss...lasted almost 3 days in this thread.

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Classic...I enjoy the "our economy sucks, so let's hope every other country's economy starts sucking too" thread.


Hey, that is the sign one see when heading into Michigan:


Welcome to Michigan:


"Our economy sucks, so let's hope every other state's economy starts sucking too!"




Be careful Marauder24, Michigan and the rest of the Great Lakes states (outside of Illinois and possibly Indiana) may want royalties for swiping their slogan!

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