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My computer is being retarded...


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The problem is that much of Windows 7 is not designed for business productivity. I think a lot of IT experts would have a hard time justifying shelling out money for new OS to their bosses.


What in the flying !@#$ are you talking about?!? Windows 7 *was* designed for business productivity! Why do you think they have Professional and Enterprise versions?

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What in the flying !@#$ are you talking about?!? Windows 7 *was* designed for business productivity! Why do you think they have Professional and Enterprise versions?

There are a lot of features that accomplish nothing other than entertainment value. I haven't noticed anything that would make my bosses scream "We have to have that on every computer". Like i said, in this economy I don't think that companies will be lining up to make the switch just yet. There are a lot of benefits, but unfortunately a lot of the less technical people in charge I've spoken with see it eye candy.

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Just curious. What sort of multimedia work do you do?


The group I mentioned above, it is just media players for web content. I also support a digital media group who use a variety of products: Adobe Premiere (they are hoping CS5 sucks less), rendering software (can't remember the names), etc. This group does AV production, media conversion/duplication, streaming to a name a few things.

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God I'd love to see how fast Ubuntu 10.04 boots on that bad boy. I bet it'd be like 3 seconds.


Probably, considering Windows boots up (including POST) in about 12 seconds... Win7 comes out of sleep in 3-4 seconds. :rolleyes:

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I'm a photographer and I've been shooting digital for about 7 years. Before that,(starting in '96)I was scanning film,and prints for my digital content. I use CS3, but 95% of what I do involves Photoshop.

Photoshop or Camera RAW?


I find that I do most of my work in ACR nowadays...

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