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Here's the period to the "Global Warming is a scam"

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You rednecks sure know how to hold a grudge.


Tell me you're not bigoted toward any group. :pirate:


Well, let's compare posting sins here. You are accusing me of being unoriginal. I freely grant that.


On the other hand you think all of us rednecks are murdering savages. Hmmmm

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On a Friday night no less! Thanks for the perspective. I'm going to start drinking now. :pirate:


I've been drinking for about an hour. Busy installing Linux on an old machine and writing a financial analysis program.


I'm so far from "cool", the light from "cool" will take about a thousand years to reach me.

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Well, let's compare posting sins here. You are accusing me of being unoriginal. I freely grant that.


On the other hand you think all of us rednecks are murdering savages. Hmmmm

I tried to explain to you a while ago that I've revised my opinion, for whatever that's worth. I don't actually think of you as a redneck. You're more like a Jane Goodall, living among the rednecks and watching over them.

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I've been drinking for about an hour. Busy installing Linux on an old machine and writing a financial analysis program.


I'm so far from "cool", the light from "cool" will take about a thousand years to reach me.

In a universe that continues to expand faster and faster, that light might never reach you.


How's the install coming?

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"Cool"? We're arguing global warming on a football site. We abandoned "cool" about a decade ago.


I abandoned cool when I stopped bartending. I enjoy my new job, but damn, those days were far more fun. I guess the best I can say is, my job is satisfying. Hot chicks, liquor, and drugs everywhere made for more fun times. Pity, I wish I could remember them...

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In a universe that continues to expand faster and faster, that light might never reach you.


How's the install coming?


Pretty easy, actually...SELinux installs like a dream. Can't figure the wireless settings, though (can't get it to match encryption algorithms with my router.) It also defaults to Gnome, which I do not like (prefer KDE - when I set the default to KDE, it switches the login to network authentication, and won't let me change back because I can't log in :wallbash:). It's all good, otherwise.

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I tried to explain to you a while ago that I've revised my opinion, for whatever that's worth. I don't actually think of you as a redneck. You're more like a Jane Goodall, living among the rednecks and watching over them.


FWIW I occasionally feel the same contempt to a degree. Good God, you have a computer, use it. Tons of info on the internet, read it, sift through it, form your own opinions. I just don't find the astounding ignorance confined to one area.

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FWIW I occasionally feel the same contempt to a degree. Good God, you have a computer, use it. Tons of info on the internet, read it, sift through it, form your own opinions. I just don't find the astounding ignorance confined to one area.


Most people only read what fits their preconceived notions. They'd rather have one heartfelt opinion than be confronted by ten facts.


Conner is an excellent example.

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I've been drinking for about an hour. Busy installing Linux on an old machine and writing a financial analysis program.


I'm so far from "cool", the light from "cool" will take about a thousand years to reach me.

Mind if I get a copy...i'm willing to try anything now :wallbash:

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I've been drinking for about an hour. Busy installing Linux on an old machine and writing a financial analysis program.


I'm so far from "cool", the light from "cool" will take about a thousand years to reach me.


I spent the last night as well as the previous 2 months in a coffee shop studying financial analysis and I haven't seen my friends in the longest time.


I think I've surpassed your lack of coolness ...

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Wow. This is an impressive level of conspiracy theorism. You are so jaw droppingly detached from reality that I don't know where to start in attempting to correct you. Additionally, I'm not at all convinced that any amount of effort on my part would back you down from the ledge. I think you are beyond hope of return to the world of reality on this topic.

As usual you are too chickenshit to actually provide evidence against anything I am saying. Hint: it's not a conspiracy "theory" if the so-called "conspirators" announce their attentions on every major news media outlet, you friggin idiot.

Long live the IPCC, they will be our new overlords!

More evidence of the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about. The IPCC is not a scientific organization, idiot. The IPCC is a public policy organization...which is...political, idiot. So, while I have no fear of scientists, idiot. I am afraid of our giving away our national sovereignty to a bunch of unelected, UN, "citizens of the world", because I know full well their agenda is 100% about screwing us over, you giant f'ing idiot.


Tom is right. You are easily the biggest idiot on this board.

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I love how the global warming theory has somehow turned into a partisan issue.

It never should have. But, if you are seeking truth, perhaps it's best to look at who started making this a political issue in the first place, and why.

If somebody could give me one good reason why political leanings have ANYTHING to do with views on climatology, I'll be impressed.

The good reason you are looking for is: how do you get the US to voluntarily give up our production capacity and economic dominance? They can't take it away from us via war, and certainly not by outworking us, and they have never been able to convince us that socialism is a good idea.


So, what's left? You have to create an argument that forces us to give up our economic dominance voluntarily. Therefore you need an argument that no one can "rationally" argue against, and, you need to be able to demonize anyone who does argue against it in sound bite. Preferably you need a name to call them, like "denier", that invokes the Nazis = evil. (Don't you love it how evil only exists for the left if it is expedient?) And, it's got to be something whose consequences are so horrible that it can reasonably be looked at as a #1 issue, worthy of spending big $$$ on and potentially life-threatening.


Global WarmingTM coincidentally :wallbash: and conveniently :lol: fits the specification perfectly.


The reading I have been doing lately suggests that Global WarmingTM was a political idea long before it was a scientific idea. Think about it: it's 1995 and the retarded ideas of Karl Marx and Joseph Engels are dying world wide....and their long standing supporters know it. They can't convince us based on the ideas themselves, so, they need something to latch onto where world wide socialism is the effect, not the cause....


....what a surprise that Global WarmingTM once again coincidentally and conveniently fits the bill. Did you ever notice that right around the same time the Greatful Dead culture started dying out, the environtologist culture started picking up? Especially since Phish told a lot of them to "get a life"? :lol: If only they had kept touring...

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As usual you are too chickenshit to actually provide evidence against anything I am saying. Hint: it's not a conspiracy "theory" if the so-called "conspirators" announce their attentions on every major news media outlet, you friggin idiot.

You mean evidence like "Al Gore bought ocean view property so Global Warming is a scam"? :rolleyes:

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