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Here's the period to the "Global Warming is a scam"

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I'm simply asking you to provide proof for your claim. Seems like you can't.

Are you telling me that you want me to provide you a link of a "climate scientist", who admits to basing his man made climate beliefs, based off his political idealogy? :P Oh Gene, you crack me up. :angry:

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If only the issue were as simple as this. It becomes increasingly humorous to me watching so many people these days mock opinionated people as sheepish drones who echo the talking points of their fearless leaders (Al Gore, Rush Limbaugh), while in doing so, also echo the sheepish drones who honestly believe that to be true.


That said, if you take a closer look, you'll find that you, yourself, are wrong in your beliefs in this matter. While the left has the market cornered on extreme environmental views, most conservatives I know don't automatically throw trash out their car windows or drive to the lake to dump their month-old George Foreman Deep Fryer Daddy cooking fat. In fact, your average lib-on-the-street is right; we need to take care of our planet. Most conservatives believe the same thing. What you apparently fail to see is that the issue most conservatives have with the Goretastic freaks of the world is the belief that there is a significant effort to create a problem that may not exist to create legislation that may not be needed to increase taxes that most companies can't afford to pay to grab more control of industries the government should not be controlling.


Neither of us needs Bill Nye to explain that while highly publicized, the data on global warming is also excessively flawed...not because it's proven wrong, but because of how the data is collected, cultivated, examined, compared, contrasted, whatever. And our government is trying to create policies, laws and taxes BASED on this flawed data.


What doesn't help the problem is when people like yourself try to boil global warming down to two simple concepts of Leftists = Goretastic Junkies vs. Righties = Limbaugh Autobots, typically all for the sake of thinking that this somehow makes you the smartest of all idiots. In other words, you think your position is explaining part of the problem, when you position is actually part of the problem because you see only what is easiest to digest.


Very nice post. I agree with all of this. While you must admit that far too many people DO take a particular stance on global warming just for the sake staying on their "side", I was wrong in my vapid overgeneralization, and therefore no better than those I criticized.


Thank you.


Truth be told, I don't understand the issue very well myself because I find meteorology/climatology very dull. I suppose I just wanted to join the conversation for the sake of my own ego, and drivel spilled out.

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I love how the global warming theory has somehow turned into a partisan issue. Every liberal I know blindly believes that global warming is destroying everything because that's what their masters tell them. Every conservative I know blindly refutes global warming because that's what their masters tell them. Sure, both libs and cons try to produce bogus "evidence" to support their "side", but in reality they probably don't understand the first thing about climatology.


I'm a Democrat, and I believe in global warming. Just look at this movie by Al Gore.


I'm a Republican, and I don't believe in global warming, because Rush Limbaugh told me how it's all a big liberal conspiracy.


And the beat goes on.


If somebody could give me one good reason why political leanings have ANYTHING to do with views on climatology, I'll be impressed.


Some ridiculous number, like 96% of climatologists accept the global warming theory. Basically every major body of scientists has come out with a supporting opinion on the theory. Most of these people do not live in the USA. But yes, those are all crazy left wing liberal Democrats trying to push a liberal agenda on us all.

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Some ridiculous number, like 96% of climatologists accept the global warming theory. Basically every major body of scientists has come out with a supporting opinion on the theory. Most of these people do not live in the USA. But yes, those are all crazy left wing liberal Democrats trying to push a liberal agenda on us all.


"Consensus" is a political principle, not a scientific one.

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Some ridiculous number, like 96% of climatologists accept the global warming theory. Basically every major body of scientists has come out with a supporting opinion on the theory. Most of these people do not live in the USA. But yes, those are all crazy left wing liberal Democrats trying to push a liberal agenda on us all.


Have the determined a cause yet?

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Some ridiculous number, like 96% of climatologists accept the global warming theory. Basically every major body of scientists has come out with a supporting opinion on the theory. Most of these people do not live in the USA. But yes, those are all crazy left wing liberal Democrats trying to push a liberal agenda on us all.



Theory? So its not settled Science?

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DC Tom .. do you see this, and how ridiculous it is? This is what you sound like to me when you say thing like "I know how to criticize the scientific communities work better than they themselves do".


The key words being: "to you". It has nothing to do with my criticism of the research; it has everything to do with your complete inability to comprehend the criticism. But since I absolutely do not at all care what I sound like to you, you just keep pretending your intelligent and erudite by dismissing me with arguments to "authority", and I'll keep laughing at your ignorant ass.

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Kinda like religion?


Unlike God, most scientists actually have to earn their stripes and demonstrate they know what they are doing. They earn their "authority", and have to back up their opinion with peer reviewable evidence. God does not provide evidence.

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Unlike God, most scientists actually have to earn their stripes and demonstrate they know what they are doing. They earn their "authority".


You mean like I have.


So why are you !@#$ing arguing with me, idiot?

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DC Tom .. do you see this, and how ridiculous it is? This is what you sound like to me when you say thing like "I know how to criticize the scientific communities work better than they themselves do".



Moran :thumbsup:




  1. [YouTube] - The Great Global Warming Swindle
  2. [Google] - The Great Global Warming Swindle
  3. [Google] - The Great Global Warming Swindle
  4. [YouTube] -

  5. [YouTube] - Climate Catastrophe Cancelled
  6. Green
  7. The Anti "Man-Made" Global Warming Resource, STOP the hysteria
  8. Man-made Global Warming - So What If It's a Hoax? By Geoffrey P. Hunt
  9. EARTH IN THE BALANCE Don't Believe the Hype Al Gore is wrong. There's no "consensus" on global warming. BY RICHARD S. LINDZEN
  10. FREE INQUIRY Climate of Fear Global-warming alarmists intimidate dissenting scientists into silence. BY RICHARD LINDZEN
  11. Why Global Warming is Probably a Crock By James Lewis
  12. [PDF] - Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth One-sided, Misleading, Exaggerated, Speculative, Wrong By Marlo Lewis, Jr.
  13. Gorey Truths 25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore. By Iain Murray
  14. Chill out over global warming By David Harsanyi
  16. Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts? By Timothy Ball
  17. There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998 By Bob Carter
  18. Resisting Global Warming Panic By J.R. Dunn
  19. A Necessary Apocalypse By J.R. Dunn
  22. Inconvenient Truths for Al Gore A Skeptic's Guide to An Inconvenient Truth By Marlo Lewis
  23. Gore's flying visit questioned
  24. Group questions level of energy use at Gore home High electric billing records show 'green power' also was purchased By ANNE PAINE
  25. Al Gore's Personal Energy Use Is His Own "Inconvenient Truth" Gore's home uses more than 20 times the national average
  27. Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- $30,000 utility bill
  28. Gore Responds to Charges His House Uses Too Much Electricity
  29. A Modest Proposal to Eco-Celebs Clarice Feldman
  30. Green Power Switch®
  31. Gore may get doctorate By Elena Rozwadowski
  32. Al Gore rains on his party Andrew Bolt
  33. Celebs Who Claim They're Green but Guzzle Gas
  34. Citadel, Shaw, Tudor Shun Global Warming as Short Sales Climb
  35. Say what? The report on global warming you didn't hear about BY TARA SERVATIUS
  36. The IPCC Should Leave Science to Scientists By Marc Sheppard
  37. Global warming activists turn storms into spin
  38. FOX News Poll: Most Americans Believe in Global Warming By Dana Rohinsky
  39. Global Warming Effects Could Be Seen in 10 Years Giant Mirrors to Deflect Sun Suggested as a Possible Solution
  41. Remember Global Cooling? Why scientists find climate change so hard to predict. By Jerry Adler
  42. [PDF 1975] - Newsweek: The Cooling World
  43. Amazing Mars picture show planet's 'dramatic climate changes'
  44. Cosmic rays blamed for global warming By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent, Sunday Telegraph
  45. On Global Warming: Follow the Money Indeed! By David Asman
  46. Who's Afraid of Global Warming? By J.R. Dunn
  47. An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change Nigel Calder, former editor of New Scientist, says the orthodoxy must be challenged
  48. Del. global warming skeptic stands pat State climatologist on opposite side of governor in court case By JEFF MONTGOMERY
  49. Del. scientist's view on climate criticized Ties to big oil, industry-funded lobbies draw criticism By JEFF MONTGOMERY
  51. Al Gore, Global warming, Inconvenient Truth Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe "The Inconvenient Truth" is indeed inconvenient to alarmists By Tom Harris
  52. Harper's letter dismisses Kyoto as 'socialist scheme'
  53. AEI Critiques of Warming Questioned Think Tank Defends Money Offers to Challenge Climate Report By Juliet Eilperin
  54. Two New Books Confirm Global Warming is Natural, Moderate
  55. The real deal? Against the grain: Some scientists deny global warming exists Lawrence Solomon, National Post
  56. Climatologist Timothy Ball sends PhD to Canada Free Press By Judi McLeod
  57. Global Hot Air Greenhouse hysteria. By Thomas Sowell
  58. Global Hot Air: Part II By Thomas Sowell
  59. Global Hot Air: Part III by Thomas Sowell
  60. Climate change: our fault, or cosmic consequence? JAMES MORGAN, Science Reporter
  61. Global warming is a theory, not scientific fact By PETER WORTHINGTON
  63. Global warming 'over-hyped'? By Christina Bellantoni
  64. Media climate By Greg Pierce
  65. Al Gore full of hot air: Klein, Gore bashes oil sands development By FRANK LANDRY
  66. Global Warming's Real Inconvenient Truth By Robert J. Samuelson
  67. Two New Books Confirm Global Warming is Natural; Not Caused By Human Activity Drudge Report
  68. Humans' beef with livestock: a warmer planet By Brad Knickerbocker
  69. Scientist Alleging Bush Censorship Helped Gore, Kerry By Marc Morano
  70. Spokesman for U.S. senator says global warming skeptics are 'demonized'
  71. Will the sun cool us? LAWRENCE SOLOMON
  72. No change in political climate By Ellen Goodman
  73. Global-warming skeptics cite being 'treated like a pariah' By Eric Pfeiffer
  74. Global warming debate spurs Ore. title tiff VINCE PATTON
  75. Bad Research, Worse Reporting on Global Warming By Dennis Byrne
  76. Inconvenient Kyoto Truths George F. Will
  77. Global Warming Skeptics Shunned By Fred Lucas
  78. Global Warming: Just Another Liberal Orthodoxy Chris Adamo
  79. Cleveland's weather wizards downplay global warming Michael Scott
  80. Antarctic temperatures disagree with climate model predictions
  81. The "carbon sink" and global warming James Lewis
  82. More Hot Air on Global Warming By Roger Aronoff
  83. Flights of Fancy by Gregg Easterbrook
  84. Hollywood Golightly An interview with Hollywood eco-crusader Laurie David By Amanda Griscom
  85. Who is Laurie David
  86. Can't stand the heat? Laurie David wants you Ray Richmond
  87. Why is global warming a forbidden topic for most TV weather reporters? Climate change is "controversial" and bad for ratings. By Linda Baker
  88. Kyoto is pointless, say 60 leading scientists By Philip Sherwell
  89. What about the left-wingers who put politics over science? Jay Ambrose
  90. Experts question theory on global warming Anil Anand
  91. The Executive Ranch The scoop on Bush's Texas getaway By Umbra Fisk
  92. Prairie Chapel Ranch From Wikipedia
  93. Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
  94. Statistics needed -- The Deniers Part I
  95. Warming is real -- and has benefits -- The Deniers Part II
  96. The hurricane expert who stood up to UN junk science -- The Deniers Part III
  97. Polar scientists on thin ice -- The Deniers Part IV
  98. The original denier: into the cold -- The Deniers Part V
  99. The sun moves climate change -- The Deniers Part VI

Global Warming List 101-200

  1. Will the sun cool us? -- The Deniers Part VII
  2. The limits of predictability -- The Deniers Part VIII
  3. Look to Mars for the truth on global warming -- The Deniers Part IX
  4. Limited role for C02 -- the Deniers Part X
  5. End the chill -- The Deniers Part XI
  6. Clouded research -- The Deniers Part XII
  7. Allegre's second thoughts -- The Deniers XIII
  8. The heat's in the sun -- The Deniers XIV
  9. Unsettled Science -- The Deniers XV
  10. Bitten by the IPCC -- The Deniers XVI
  11. http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/st...7f-53d338709fb1Little ice age is still within us -- The Deniers XVIIhttp://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/st...2d-947d65555e8e
  12. Fighting climate 'fluff' -- The Deniers XVIII
  13. Science, not politics -- The Deniers XIX
  14. Greenhouse effect is a myth, say scientists By JULIE WHELDON
  15. Gore's guru disagreed -- The Deniers XX
  16. The ice-core man -- The Deniers XXI
  17. Some restraint in Rome -- The Deniers XXII
  18. Discounting logic -- The Deniers XXIII
  19. Dire forecasts aren't new -- The Deniers XXIV
  20. They call this a consensus? - Part XXV
  21. NASA chief Michael Griffin silenced - Part XXVI
  22. Forget warming - beware the new ice age - Part XXVII
  23. The Great Global Warming Swindle
  24. Global-warming theory and the eugenics precedent By John Linder
  25. 'Hannity & Colmes' Lists More Than 70 Scientists Skeptical of Global Warming Hysteria Show proves case isn't closed, discusses major new documentary. By Dan Gainor
  26. Bush's Ranch House 'Far More Eco-Friendly' Than Gore's By Randy Hall
  27. All those scientists may still be wrong By Martin Livermore
  28. Global Warming will make you healthy and sexy By James Lewis
  29. Profit of Doom - Bill Hobbs
  30. Carbon credits: indulgence or commutation fee? Thomas Lifson
  31. Valentine bouquets 'are bad for the planet' By Nicole Martin
  32. Global-warming theory and the eugenics precedent By John Linder
  33. Sun Responsible for Global Warming
  34. Climate Momentum Shifting: Prominent Scientists Reverse Belief in Man-made Global Warming - Now Skeptics
  35. [XLS file] - Skeptic Scientists
  36. Polar Bear Baby Boom Occurring in Eastern Arctic, Will Media Notice?
  37. Polar bears 'thriving as the Arctic warms up' By Fred Langan in Toronto and Tom Leonard
  38. Global Warming Is Not a Crisis OPINION By PHILIP STOTT
  39. Danish scientist: Global warming is a myth
  41. Researchers Question Validity Of A 'Global Temperature'
  42. Hummer Greener Than Prius?
  43. UK (C4) Documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle
  44. Al Gore's Science Fiction A Skeptic's Guide to An Inconvenient Truth by Marlo Lewis, Jr.
  45. [PDF] - Al Gore's Science Fiction A Skeptic's Guide to An Inconvenient Truth By Mario Lewis, Jr.
  46. [PDF] - A Skeptic's Primer on Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth One-Sided, Misleading, Exaggerated, Speculative, Wrong By Marlo Lewis, Jr.*
  47. [PDF] - Some Convenient Distortions A Brief Guide to Distortions, Misleading Statements, Exaggerations, and Errors in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth* By Marlo Lewis, Jr.†
  48. Gore plan will harm us all By MARLO LEWIS JR
  49. Czech leader Klaus fights global warming 'religion'
  50. NASA Finds Sun-Climate Connection in Old Nile Records
  52. Dazzling new images reveal the 'impossible' on the Sun
  53. The Big Chill by Kirk A. Maasch
  54. 150 Years of Global Warming and Cooling at the New York Times
  55. Global warming on trial Sixth-graders decide that humans aren't to blame By Ben Ready
  56. Gore's Faith Is Bad Science By Michael Barone
  57. In age of reason, the brouhaha over global warming can leave you cold
  58. Critic takes longer view of warming NED ROZELL ALASKA SCIENCE
  59. Global warming hits Mars too: study
  60. Study: Red planet heating up
  61. Forecaster says Al Gore does 'great disservice' with film about global warming Says Gore "a gross alarmist" By CAIN BURDEAU
  62. Why So Gloomy? By Richard S. Lindzen
  63. [2004] - Sunspots reaching 1,000-year high
  64. Scientist: Warming not caused by humans
  65. Climate change skeptics say it's hard to get heard
  66. Global warming debate 'irrational': scientists Stephanie Stein
  67. Industry caught in carbon 'smokescreen' By Fiona Harvey and Stephen Fidler in London
  68. Is Global Warming a Sin? Alexander Cockburn
  69. Climate change hits Mars - Jonathan Leake
  70. A New Ice Age: The Day After Tomorrow? by Brad Lemley
  71. [1996] - A Major Deception on Global Warming Op-Ed by Frederick Seitz
  72. Hurricane Forecaster: Oceans Cause Global Warming, Not CO2
  73. Scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming From Wikipedia
  74. Earth's Climate Is Seesawing, According To Climate Researchers Science Daily
  75. Scientists blame global warming on rice
  76. Not the End of the World as We Know It By Olaf Stampf
  77. SUNDAY SPECTATOR May 13, 2007 Getting cooler
  78. Did the U.N.'s IPCC Report Exaggerate CO2 Increases to Hype Global Warming?
  79. Climate Momentum Shifting: Prominent Scientists Reverse Belief in Man-made Global Warming - Now Skeptics
  80. Global warming debunked By ANDREW SWALLOW
  81. [Video] - Dr. Gray: People not to blame for global warming
  82. So how did An Inconvenient Truth become required classroom viewing? Even climate change experts say many of the claims in Al Gore's film are wrong. Kevin Libin
  83. Water Vapor Rules the Greenhouse System
  84. - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
  85. INHOFE OPENING STATEMENT: The Issue of the Potential Impacts of Global Warming on Recreation and the Recreation Industry" May 24, 2007
  86. Junk Science: Hot Air Study Melts Global Warming Theory By Steven Milloy
  87. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin Questions Need to Combat Warming
  88. Water Vapor Rules the Greenhouse System
  89. Global warming -- just "hysteria"?
  90. "Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt called for an end to the 'hysteria' over global warming in the lead-up to the [Group of Eight] summit
  91. Meteorologist: 'Al Gore's Global Warming is the Biggest Myth of the Century'
  92. Cut & paste: Greenhouse gas emissions do not lead to global warming
  93. Global Overheating by Jay D. Homnick
  94. Kilimanjaro not a victim of climate change, UW scientist says By Sandi Doughton
  95. Study: Kilimanjaro's shrinking snow not sign of warming
  96. Prius Outdoes Hummer in Environmental Damage By Chris Demorro
  97. High price for load of hot air
  98. Helping along global warming By Bill Steigerwald
  99. Local scientist calls global warming theory 'hooey' Samara Kalk Derby
  100. Read the sunspots R. TIMOTHY PATTERSON

Global Warming List 201-300

  1. BBC Caught Editing Story To Appease Global Warming Lobbyist
  2. The BBC Changes News to Accommodate Activist
  3. Good science isn't about consensus
  4. Academic cool on warming
  5. Huge Dakota Oil Pool Could Change Energy Climate Debate By Dennis Avery
  6. BBC heats up the climate news Special to the Financial Post
  7. Geologist: Sun's shift could mean global chill 'Warming' fits 30-year cycles, geologist argues JOHN STARK
  8. Gore Admits Financial 'Stake' In Advancing Global Warming Hysteria
  9. Revisiting the global warming-hurricane link
  10. Gore Won't Ask Wealthy Hollywoodans to Alter Lifestyle to Save Planet
  11. Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh Phil Chapman
  12. Gore Used Fictional Video to Illustrate 'Inconvenient Truth'
  13. Jeb Bush Skeptical About Global Warming
  14. Greenpeace founder now backs nuclear power
  15. Walter E. Williams: Environmentalists' wild predictions
  16. Hollywood Agenda: 'Day The Earth Stood Still' Remake Is All About Global Warming!
  17. NASA Confirms Natural Climate Shift Marc Sheppard
  18. Environmentalists' Wild Predictions
  19. Washington Post Enlists Kids in Fight for Polar Bears Lacking key facts, Post asks young readers to decide if polar bears 'deserve' to be listed as endangered. By Genevieve Ebel
  20. Gore Financially Invested in Climate Cause By Fred Lucas
  21. Global warming may 'stop', scientists predict
  22. You hippy-crites! When it comes to saving the planet do celebrities practise what they preach?
  23. Cold Water Thrown on Antarctic Global-Warming Predictions
  24. Study says global warming not worsening hurricanes
  25. Global warming hysteria challenged Book reveals how controversial the science is on climate change
  26. McCain Finds His Crisis in Global Warming By John Stossel
  27. 'Grantsmanship' Distorts Global Warming Science By Jerome J. Schmitt
  28. Myth of human CO2 causing warming or climate change The Unholy Alliance that manufactured Global Warming By Dr. Tim Ball
  29. Over 31,000 U.S. scientists deny man-made global warming By Dennis T. Avery
  30. Unlike Global Warming Alarmists, Hurricane Forecasters Now Deliberately Vague By P.J. Gladnick
  31. Global warming: Upon further review it looks like a hoax
  32. Roger F. Gay Global Warming: Has Anyone Noticed that it's Over?
  33. The end of the fake consensus on global warming Mark Milke
  34. White House issues climate report 4 years late
  35. Pouring cold water on climate report
  36. Climate concern ripped as 'religion' Czech leader condemns it David R. Sands
  37. Water Vapor Rules the Greenhouse System
  38. Global Whining vs. the Truth By Brian Sussman
  39. Gore Invests In Carbon Credit Company, Will Media Care?
  40. Congressman Rohrabacher's Floor Speech on Global Warming Washington, May 14
  41. Global Warming 'Alarmism' Is Hurting New Jersey Economy, Say Conservatives By Kevin Mooney
  42. Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Arthur B. Robinson, Noah E. Robinson, and Willie Soon Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
  43. American Physical Society Sponsors Debate On Validity Of Global Warming Science
  44. You were saying something about a Global Warming Consensus?
  45. Former Global Warming Alarmist Deals Blow to Greenhouse Gas Theory
  46. Shifting of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation from its warm mode to cool mode assures global cooling for the next three decades. Don J. Easterbrook, Dept. of Geology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
  47. No smoking hot spot David Evans
  48. Bad luck, not global warming to blame By O'Ryan Johnson
  49. WaPo: Stop Blaming Everything on Global Warming! By Noel Sheppard
  50. Great Global Warming Myth Explodes
  51. Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered
  53. Decade has had fewest 90-degree days since 1930
  54. The global warming scare may have peaked Thomas Lifson
  55. Debate still heating up on global warming Disagreement lies over heat trend, sun's influence, lessons from past by Faye Flam
  56. Global warming scares: It's getting cooler
  57. Latest science debunks Hurricanes and Global Warming Link
  58. Sun Makes History: First Spotless Month in a Century
  59. Archaological Find: Global Warming Thousands of Years Ago
  60. Solar Winds Cooling Warmist Doomsaying Timothy Birdnow
  61. Global warming has paused We still need to study nature's contribution to trend Syun-Ichi Akasofu
  62. Yes, global warming "is just propaganda" by Nigel Calder.
  63. Lorne Gunter: Thirty years of warmer temperatures go poof
  64. Long-term Variations in Solar Activity and their Apparent Effect on the Earth's Climate K.Lassen
  65. MIT scientists baffled by global warming theory, contradicts scientific data
  66. RIP Michael Crichton 1942 - 2008 - Aliens Cause Global Warming: California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA January 17, 2003
  67. Sunspots spell end of climate myth The Dominion Post
  68. Global warning: We are actually heading towards a new Ice Age, claim scientists
  69. The world has never seen such freezing heat By Christopher Booker
  70. 'Planet Has Cooled Since Bush Took Office' – Scientists Continue Dissenting – Gore Admits 'I've failed badly' - Global Sea Ice GROWS! Part 1
  71. Part TWO: 'Planet Has Cooled Since Bush Took Office' – Scientists Continue Dissenting – Gore Admits 'I've failed badly' - Global Sea Ice GROWS!
  72. The Global Warming Goons Want Your Little Ones by Doug Giles
  73. UN Data shows 'Warming has Stopped!' – Climate Fears Called 'Hogwash' – 'Global Carbon Tax' Urged Aussie Scientist Says 'No relationship between CO2 and temperature'
  74. Soil study suggests future climate change models should be revised By Krishna Ramanujan
  75. Cleveland-area TV meteorologists disagree with prevailing attitude about climate change
  76. UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims
  77. UN Global Warming Conference Criticize Al Gore Community Of 650 Scientists Challenge The UN and Gore
  78. AP Jumps the Shark Over Global Warming
  79. Warmist hysteria intensifies as temperatures plunge (updated) Thomas Lifson
  80. AP: 'Global Warming Is Accelerating. Time Is Close to Running Out' By Noel Sheppard
  81. Documenting the global warming fraud Thomas Lifson
  82. Documenting the Global Warming Fraud (continued) Thomas Lifson
  83. Horse Hockey Climate Scientology: "Getting Rid" of the Medieval Warming Period
  84. 2008: Another Grim Year for the Global Warmers By Michael R. Fox Ph.D.
  85. EU's new figurehead believes climate change is a myth
  86. Sea Ice Ends Year at Same Level as 1979 Michael Asher
  87. Global Warming is Really Global Cooling by Christopher Monckton
  88. The earth's magnetic field impacts climate: Danish study
  89. James Hansen's Former NASA Supervisor Declares Himself a Skeptic Says Hansen 'Embarrassed NASA' & 'Was Never Muzzled' Gore Faces More Scientific Blowback
  90. Weather Channel Founder Blasts Gore Over Global Warming Campaign
  91. The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam By John Coleman
  92. Former astronaut speaks out on global warming
  93. Former astronaut Harrison Schmitt calls global warming a 'political tool'
  94. War Over The Climate Heats Up Even As Climate Itself Cools Down By S. FRED SINGER
  95. Arctic Ice Extent Understated Because of "Sensor Drift"
  96. Gore Pulls Slide of Disaster Trends By Andrew C. Revkin
  97. Global Warming: On Hold? Michael Reilly, Discovery News
  98. Has NASA's Hansen Finally Lost His Mind? By Marc Sheppard
  99. UW-Milwaukee Study Could Realign Climate Change Theory
  100. Global warming? More doubts

Global Warming List 301-400

  1. Global Warming Is Running Out of Hot Air by Phyllis Schlafly
  2. The Civil Heretic By NICHOLAS DAWIDOFF
  3. Sunspots and a possible new ice age (updated) Thomas Lifson
  4. Are sunspots prime suspects in global warming?
  5. Climate myths: Global warming is down to the Sun, not humans by Fred Pearce
  6. NASA - Deep Solar Minimum
  7. More than 700 scientists discredit man-made global warming fears
  8. Sunspots May Cause Climate Fluctuations
  9. Report: Antarctic Ice Growing, Not Shrinking
  10. [WSJ] - Carbon Reality, Again Australia's prime minister discovers how much an emissions trading policy will cost.
  11. [PDF] - Is the U.S. Surface Temperature Record Reliable?
  12. http://surfacestations.org/
  13. Sun Oddly Quiet -- Hints at Next "Little Ice Age"?
  14. NASA Study Shows Sun Responsible for Planet Warming
  15. NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming
  16. Global warming? Not so fast, skeptics say at meeting
  17. Levy on international air travel could fund climate change fight
  18. Think twice about 'green' transport, say scientists
  20. 'Global warming is baloney' signs put the heat on Burger King
  21. The Man Who Cried Doom NASA's James Hansen is the least-muzzled climate alarmist in America. by Michael Goldfarb
  22. 'Scaremongering': Scientists Pan Obama Climate Report: 'This is not a work of science but an embarrassing episode for the authors and NOAA'...'Misrepresents the science' Geologist rips Obama's 'new scare report': 'I become more skeptical every year' By Marc Morano
  23. Turkey Twizzlers are GOOD for you and polar bears AREN'T dying out!
  24. USA Today: Could we be wrong about global warming?
  25. Carbon dioxide forcing alone insufficient to explain Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum warming by Richard E. Zeebe1, James C. Zachos & Gerald R. Dickens
  26. EPA Suppressed Global Warming Report
  27. Science cannot explain global warming
  28. Is global 'warming' very 'cool?'
  29. Government monopsony distorts climate science, says SPPI The climate industry is costing taxpayers $79 billion and counting
  30. Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites By Jonathan Manthorpe
  31. The Late Great Planet Girth By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY
  32. Public opinion turning against global warming almost as quickly as science
  33. [Video] - Greenpeace: Yeah, we misled, but we needed the emotionalism!
  34. Drop in world temperatures fuels global warming debate
  35. [Amazon] - Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years
  36. Svensmark: "global warming stopped and a cooling is beginning" – "enjoy global warming while it lasts"
  37. Exposed: Climate Fear Promoters Greatest Fear -- A Public Trial of the 'Evidence' of Global Warming Fears! Inconvenient Developments Continue To Mount
  38. Media Tipping Point! Houston Chronicle Reporter Reconsiders Science is 'Settled' Claims! 'I am confused. 4 years ago this all seemed like a fait accompli'
  39. Interview with Piers Corbyn: What happens when the SUN heats up a planet?
  40. Collapse of Climate Alarmism by Will Alexander
  41. Skiing While the Earth Burns Written by Joe Wolverton, II
  42. Global Warm..er...cool...Climate Change
  43. Scientist: Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause Global Warming Paul Bedard
  44. What happened to global warming? By Paul Hudson Climate correspondent, BBC News
  45. [Video] - Organizers Cut Microphone as Filmmaker Presses Al Gore Over 'Errors'
  46. [WSJ] - Al Gore's First (and Probably Last) Q&A A Nobel Prize winner takes a few questions.
  47. Cooling Down the Cassandras By George F. Will
  48. UN Climate Reports: They Lie By Marc Sheppard
  49. Climate Myths and National Security By Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
  50. Lawrence Solomon: The end is near
  51. UN Quietly Scrubs Embattled Graph from Climate Report Marc Sheppard
  52. Steward's 10 'Myths' About Global Warming and CO2 Damage
  53. [Amazon] - Fire, Ice, and Paradise
  54. Climate change 'sceptic' Ian Plimer argues CO2 is not causing global warming
  55. Stagnating Temperatures Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out By Gerald Traufetter
  56. Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?
  57. Climate sceptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists Hundreds of emails and documents exchanged between world's leading climate scientists stolen by hackers and leaked online * Leo Hickman and James Randerson
  58. Warmist conspiracy exposed?
  59. "Global Warming" SCAM - Hack/Leak FLASH
  60. "Global Climate Center" email torrent
  61. Energy-saving bulbs 'get dimmer'
  62. [NY Times] - Paying More for Flights Eases Guilt, Not Emissions
  63. Global Warming's 'Blue Dress' Moment? by Christopher C. Horner
  64. Scientific scandal appears to rock climate change promoters Clarice Feldman
  65. Global Warming Report Finds Time Running Out 26 Scientists Say Assessment Gives World Leaders Solid Data for Climate Summit
  66. Three Things You Absolutely Must Know About Climategate This could prove to be climate science's Vietnam. by Iain Murray
  67. Congress May Probe Leaked Global Warming E-Mails
  68. [Audio] - Inhofe Says He Will Call for Investigation on "Climategate" on Washington Times Americas Morning Show
  69. EDITORIAL: Hiding evidence of global cooling
  70. [WSJ] - Climate Emails Stoke Debate
  71. Alleged CRU Emails - Searchable
  72. Global Warming Skeptics
  73. Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away
  74. [WSJ] - How to Forge a Consensus The impression left by the Climategate emails is that the global warming game has been rigged from the start.
  75. Congress 'studying' hacked Global Warming emails
  76. Has ClimateGate Changed Obama's Global Warming Strategy? By Noel Sheppard
  77. Climate change data dumped Jonathan Leake
  78. Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation By Christopher Booker
  79. Climategate: University of East Anglia U-turn in climate change row By Robert Mendick
  80. [WSJ] - Climategate: Follow the Money
  81. [WSJ] - The Climate Science Isn't Settled Confident predictions of catastrophe are unwarranted
  82. UK climate scientist to temporarily step down
  83. Inhofe Asks Boxer to Investigate Possible Scientific 'Conspiracy' in 'Climategate'
  85. Boxer: Hackers should face criminal probe over 'Climategate'
  86. Sen. Inhofe tells UA Professor not to delete 'Climategate' e-mails
  87. Australia's Parliament defeats global warming bill
  88. Climategate: it's all unravelling now - You think!?
  89. Obama science officials defend warming research
  90. Gibbs: Despite research dispute, 'climate change is happening'
  93. Researcher: NASA hiding climate data
  94. Copenhagen Climate Conference to Create 'Huge' Carbon Footprint
  95. Climate-Gate Heats Up But Mainstream Media Ignore Firestorm
  96. 12 Days, 3 Networks and No Mention of ClimateGate Scandal
  97. Here comes Copenhagen: As the fraud turns
  98. University to probe whether scientists fudged global warming data
  99. [Video] - Al Gore confronted on Climategate in Chicago
  100. Take back Al Gore's Oscar, 2 Academy members demand in light of Climategate

Global Warming List 401-500

  1. [NY Times] - Gore Cancels Copenhagen Book Event
  2. [Video] - Hide The Decline - Climategate
  3. [WSJ] - Climate of Uncertainty Heats Up Bloggers peer review a scientific 'consensus.'
  4. [WSJ] - WSJ Guide to Climate Change A collection of our editorials and op-eds.
  5. [Video] - Climategate: Science Is Dying Daniel Henninger
  6. [WSJ] - The Inconvenient Truth Al Gore "brushes aside" evidence of scientific misconduct.
  7. The Fiction Of Climate Science Gary Sutton
  8. Climate e-mails were hijacked 'to sabotage summit'
  9. [NY Times] - World Concerns About Climate Change Dwindle - Survey
  10. The climate-change travesty By George F. Will
  11. Ice Cores Show No Significant Warming
  12. US climate agency declares CO2 public danger Environmental Protection Agency declaration allows it to impose emissions cuts without agreement of reluctant Senate
  13. [NY Times] - E-Mail Controversy Shifts Debate From Economy to Climate Science -- but for How Long? By ALEX KAPLUN
  14. CNSNews.com 'Climate Change' Is the Terrorist the U.S. Should Be Fighting, Muslim Leader Says
  15. CNSNews.com EPA Finding on Greenhouse Gases Could Cost Businesses and Consumers
  16. By Mac Johnson Global Warming: Worst When It's Not
  17. Global warming is a hoax
  18. Surprise, Surprise, Many Scientists Disagree On Global Warming By John Lott
  19. Climategate: Gore falsifies the record
  20. Copenhagen climate summit: global warming 'caused by sun's radiation'
  21. ClimateGate: Was Data Faked?
  22. Hurricane Expert Rips Climate Fears: 'There has been an unrelenting quarter century of one-sided indoctrination' Climategate revelations 'are but the tip of a giant iceberg'
  23. End 'authority' on climate change
  24. ClimateGate: This Can't Help by Christopher C. Horner
  25. Global Warming's Real Inconvenient Truth
  26. Obama's Top Climate Advisers Can't Get Doomsday Story Straight While Testifying Before Same Committee on Same Day By Pete Winn and Christopher Neefus
  27. CLIMATE CHANGE IS NATURAL: 100 REASONS WHY Climate change campaigners: 100 reasons why climate change is natural and not man-made By Dan Parkinson
  28. [Video] - East Anglia CRU's below-standard computer modeling
  29. Climategate goes SERIAL: now the Russians confirm that UK climate scientists manipulated data to exaggerate global warming
  30. [WSJ] - How to Manufacture a Climate Consensus The East Anglia emails are just the tip of the iceberg. I should know. By PATRICK J. MICHAELS
  31. [WSJ] - How to Manufacture a Climate Consensus The East Anglia emails are just the tip of the iceberg. I should know. By PATRICK J. MICHAELS
  32. Climategate: You should be steamed By NEIL FRANK
  33. Climategate and the Migrating Arctic Tree Line
  34. Millions pray for global warming as cold spell grips the planet By Carey Roberts
  35. Save the Planet! (from freezing)
  37. The mini ice age starts here By David Rose
  38. Feld column: I'm not convinced our activity causes global warming
  39. Sea icy off part of Antarctica despite fear of melt
  40. Met Office computer accused of 'warm bias' by BBC weatherman
  41. World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown
  42. Climate change? Sunny Serafino
  43. Carbon emissions market could reach $1.4 trillion in 2020 By Ben Geman
  44. Glacier scientist: I knew data hadn't been verified By David Rose
  45. [WSJ] - Climate Change's Latest Storm Good news for the Earth, bad news for the IPCC.
  46. Scientists in stolen e-mail scandal hid climate data Ben Webster, Environment Editor, and Jonathan Leake
  47. Climate chief was told of false glacier claims before Copenhagen
  48. UN climate change panel based claims on student dissertation and magazine article
  49. Leaked climate change emails scientist 'hid' data flaws
  50. No apology from IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri for glacier fallacy
  51. Climate change emails between scientists reveal flaws in peer review
  52. Controversy behind climate science's 'hockey stick' graph
  53. Credibility is what's really melting Take the disappearing Himalayan glaciers. Turns out that 'research' was idle speculation. by Mark Steyn
  54. Strange case of moving weather posts and a scientist under siege
  55. The Ruse Unravels
  56. Margaret Wente The great global warming collapse
  57. Global warming con artists
  58. IPCC: International Pack of Climate Crooks By Marc Sheppard
  59. Penn State Probe into Mann's Wrongdoing a 'Total Whitewash' By Ed Barnes
  60. Climate makes money move in mysterious ways The British Government has been pouring millions of pounds into 'climate-related' projects all over the world, says Christopher Booker
  61. The Death of Global Warming
  62. Attempt to Combat Global Warming Falls Victim to Cold Sting of Irony
  63. The newest blow to global warming theory
  64. And now for Africagate Richard North
  65. Africagate: top British scientist says UN panel is losing credibility Jonathan Leake, Environment Editor
  66. [WSJ] - Climate Group Admits Mistakes Some IPCC Officials Say the U.N.-Sponsored Group Must Improve Procedures for Reviewing Reports
  67. World may not be warming, say scientists Jonathan Leake
  68. Now IPCC hurricane data is questioned Open science: Got Excel? Debunk this By Andrew Orlowski
  69. Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995 By Jonathan Petre
  70. From the Register's Opinion Page: What to say to a global warming advocate By MARK LANDSBAUM
  71. [WSJ] - Consensus or Con? The global warmists are the real deniers.
  72. The AGW Smoking Gun By Gary Thompson
  73. Climate scientists admit fresh error over data on rising sea levels
  74. Climate scientists withdraw journal claims of rising sea levels
  75. Britain's Weather Office Proposes Climate-Gate Do-Over By George Russell
  76. Inhofe Weighs Criminal Probe of Scientists' Climate Change E-Mails
  78. Scientists examine causes for lull in warming
  79. New Climate Agency Head Tried to Suppress Data, Critics Charge
  80. The Global Warming Blizzard Myth By JAMES M. TAYLOR
  81. Head of 'Climategate' research unit admits sending 'pretty awful emails' to hide data By David Derbyshire
  82. Al's Latest Global-Warming Whopper By Alan Reynolds
  83. [Video] - NSF To What Degree? What Science is Telling Us About Climate Change
  85. Reason Magazine's Global Warming Archives
  86. Inhofe: Climategate Shows There's No Global Warming Consensus Sen. James Inhofe cites flawed data on global warming and the deceit of climategate By James Inhofe
  87. NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, Space Agency Admits By Blake Snow
  88. Arctic Sea Ice about to hit 'normal' – what will the news say? Forecasting The NSIDC News By Steven Goddard and Anthony Watts
  89. Global warming graph attacked by study By Fiona Harvey, Environment Correspondent
  90. Why cleaner air could speed global warming By Eli Kintisch
  91. [WSJ] - What Next From Iceland's Volcano? By MICHIO KAKU
  92. [WSJ] - Man and the Volcano
  93. [WSJ] - Climate Science In Denial Global warming alarmists have been discredited, but you wouldn't know it from the rhetoric this Earth Day. By RICHARD S. LINDZEN
  94. Add another exposed doomsday mistake to IPCC's failures
  95. Climate Scientist, Heated Up Over Satirical Video, Threatens Lawsuit By Ed Barnes
  96. Global Cooling Is Coming -- and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns

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Get a paper published on climatology, and you will carry more weight (and if its a dissenting argument against the theory, you will be f'ing rich)


Only with you, dumbass...and like I've said, I'm well beyond caring what you think.

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