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Two year old smokes two packs a day

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Since we have a 12 year old car theif today I though I'd show you a two pack a day two year old.


A national hero, I'd say - think of the tax revenue! Forget the smoking deaths - NY Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y is steamed about the 32 child deaths since 2000 because of cribs, and wants to ban them:





No words yet from her about NY's continued lack of banning cigs. No surprise there, eh? 0:)

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He is 2 just take the f'ing cigs away from him and let him be cranky. How did he even start smoking in the first place.


Parents shove these so-called attention disorder pills down their kid's throats all the time. I say give the kid a pack of smokes before ramming buzz bombs down his maw.

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