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How is one going to write a book about something if they they don't study it up close? One can't exactly write a good book about Borneo from a penthouse apartment in New Yourk City. Isn't it called: "going into the field?"


Anyway... Like you said... If the best are scared out of politics because of this and Palin is not, what does that say about Palin? Clue: She is anything but the best. :wallbash:


Maybe she should take it up with the neighbor that rented the house out? Seems like a wonderful thing for them to do to poor Sarah... Unless there were issues there too... :rolleyes:

LOL. Yes, Sarah Palin is the best politician.


I was reading about something today. You immediately popped into my head (actually half of this board did).

Your head popped long ago


Yes, I'm saying you are too stupid to realize that you are stupid. And I really don't expect me informing you of this to change anything. But I know it'll piss you off a bit, and that's good enough for me.

Nothing. Try again. Or better,not.


"We're sure to have a doozey to look forward to with this treasure he's penning. Wonder what kind of material he'll gather while overlooking Piper's bedroom, my little garden, and the family's swimming hole?" she wrote.


McGinniss is renting the place "for the next five months or so," Palin wrote.


Isn't that an inappropriate joke about a minor? :rolleyes: Geez Sarah you'll have to ask for yourself to be fired.

How is one going to write a book about something if they they don't study it up close? One can't exactly write a good book about Borneo from a penthouse apartment in New Yourk City. Isn't it called: "going into the field?"


Anyway... Like you said... If the best are scared out of politics because of this and Palin is not, what does that say about Palin? Clue: She is anything but the best. :wallbash:


Maybe she should take it up with the neighbor that rented the house out? Seems like a wonderful thing for them to do to poor Sarah... Unless there were issues there too... :rolleyes:

Up close? he needs to spy in her backyard? What is he looking for, topless shots? And yes the best are afraid of the political process which is why we have the "representative's" we have today. Oh and Palin holds no office, nor is running for any. Maybe that qualifies as someone who voluntarily got out of public office because of the endless BS about her personal life by enemy's sniping at her. I would bet you know nothing about Palin politically, but you sure know her daughters boyfriends name.

Palins new neighbor

What a creep. No wonder the best are scared out of politics.


He's not doing anything illegal, yet. While I think that is going too far she's gonna have to get used to it. She's a walking character study who is trying to convince America that she's a lot smarter than she really is. I love how her Katie Couric interview was the product of the "Gotcha" media according to her when a lot of VP candidates, I assume, have been asked what they read and of those hundreds of candidates only one was a "Gotcha!" moment. Anybody, know why that is?


(She's a freakin idiot who couldn't answer a simple question honestly. If she was thrown off guard by that question God forbid she ever becomes President.) JMO




Maybe she is smart after all she reads "all of them".

"We're sure to have a doozey to look forward to with this treasure he's penning. Wonder what kind of material he'll gather while overlooking Piper's bedroom, my little garden, and the family's swimming hole?" she wrote.


McGinniss is renting the place "for the next five months or so," Palin wrote.


Isn't that an inappropriate joke about a minor? :rolleyes: Geez Sarah you'll have to ask for yourself to be fired.

Joke? It's her daughters name. explain your point. Or wantever the hell you are talking about.


My question is: wtf is the point of the book he is writing? I understand observing a Vice Presidential candidate...sort of. But wtf insight does he possibly hope to gain on Palin's political policies...by observing her back yard?


Seems stupid to me. In fact, now that the cat is out of the bag, I wouldn't be surprised if this book gets canceled. Is this all about doing National Enquirer stuff? Who the f cares about that? It's all been done.


And again, let's say this goes the way this dirtbag intends. All it's going to really accomplish is to further immunize Palin to this garbage journalism. Like I said, we've heard it all before. Before Cigargate, we all basically stopped caring that Clinton f'ed around. It was old news.


This "get Palin" thing is only going to help her. But, given the stupidity we have seen from the left in the last 4 years, it's not surprising that they are doing things that produce the exact opposite of the results that were intended, again.

He's not doing anything illegal, yet. While I think that is going too far she's gonna have to get used to it. She's a walking character study who is trying to convince America that she's a lot smarter than she really is. I love how her Katie Couric interview was the product of the "Gotcha" media according to her when a lot of VP candidates, I assume, have been asked what they read and of those hundreds of candidates only one was a "Gotcha!" moment. Anybody, know why that is?


(She's a freakin idiot who couldn't answer a simple question honestly. If she was thrown off guard by that question God forbid she ever becomes President.) JMO




Maybe she is smart after all she reads "all of them".

Give me a break on the Couric interview Your hero BO thinks there are 57 [no 58] states.

Joke? It's her daughters name. explain your point. Or wantever the hell you are talking about.


She is calling the guy a pedophile though not in so many words and making a sarcastic joke about his looking into her youngest daughters bedroom.


When David Letterman made a joke about her daughter Bristol and she turned around and pretended to be aghast because it was actually Piper at the game. In her poorly concealed politically media whoring way, she made a stink about it. She wanted Letterman fired. She made a joke about keeping him away from 14 year old girls. It seems that her defense to stuff is to call anyone a pedophile to get attention.

Give me a break on the Couric interview Your hero BO thinks there are 57 [no 58] states.


I don't know how you can call a bonehead moment worse than becoming a deer in the headlights and saying a lot of words but in fact saying nothing.


I can tell you that I read the CNN site daily, I read the Demagogue and Comical a few times a week and I just ordered a subscription to TIME. It's not a hard question. There are three options I see here:


One is that she doesn't remember what she reads.


Another is that she doesn't read anything.


And Another is that she reads a lot of stuff she doesn't want people to know about.


None of those speak well of her. JMO

She is calling the guy a pedophile though not in so many words and making a sarcastic joke about his looking into her youngest daughters bedroom.


When David Letterman made a joke about her daughter Bristol and she turned around and pretended to be aghast because it was actually Piper at the game. In her poorly concealed politically media whoring way, she made a stink about it. She wanted Letterman fired. She made a joke about keeping him away from 14 year old girls. It seems that her defense to stuff is to call anyone a pedophile to get attention.

Well good. If you had 5 children and a creep rented the house next door so he could point a telephoto lens at them, and Letterman made coarse unfunny jokes about them, you would just slap your knee and say thats a good one. You are just helping my point of why the best stay out of public office.

Well good. If you had 5 children and a creep rented the house next door so he could point a telephoto lens at them, and Letterman made course unfunny jokes about them, you would just slap your knee and say thats a good one. You are just helping my point of why the best stay out of public office.


I said I thought this guy went too far so I agree with you that some people can't take the heat. In this case the heat is from a reporter. IMO, the best answer she could have given would've been "Well if he's watching our house he'll be bored to tears." She's only using these things to get face time in the media. She keeps crying about how almost nobody respects her. She's trying to milk the disrespected underdog to the hilt. Unfortunately a lot of people are buying her BS.

I said I thought this guy went too far so I agree with you that some people can't take the heat. In this case the heat is from a reporter. IMO, the best answer she could have given would've been "Well if he's watching our house he'll be bored to tears." She's only using these things to get face time in the media. She keeps crying about how almost nobody respects her. She's trying to milk the disrespected underdog to the hilt. Unfortunately a lot of people are buying her BS.

She said that, but you were to dense to get it.

We're sure to have a doozey to look forward to with this treasure he's penning. Wonder what kind of material he'll gather while overlooking Piper's bedroom, my little garden, and the family's swimming hole?" she wrote


Read more: http://www.adn.com/2010/05/25/1293965/auth...l#ixzz0p1SyBMvr

I know, I'm saying that those exact words are all she should have said.


"We're sure to have a doozey to look forward to with this treasure he's penning. Wonder what kind of material he'll gather while overlooking Piper's bedroom, my little garden, and the family's swimming hole?" she wrote


Read more: http://www.adn.com/2010/05/25/1293965/auth...l#ixzz0p1XC5WfD


They need to be YOUR exact words? I give up.


Well if he's watching our house he'll be bored to tears."



They need to be YOUR exact words? I give up.



All of the stuff implying he's a pedophile is just another attempt to make this into another David Letterman media blitz. Everybody is against her and only her supporters can understand her pain. :rolleyes:


This one will fail and just as her attack on Family Guy did.


Fox's animated series Family Guy thrives on being offensive, and Sunday's episode -- in which teenage son Chris dates a girl with Down syndrome -- is a prime example of the show's twisted "yes, we're going there" humor. But not everyone was laughing. Sarah Palin (the butt of a joke in the episode) called the episode a "kick in the gut" and posted a strongly worded Facebook rant from daughter Bristol, calling Family Guy's writers "heartless jerks."




The show's most convincing defender is Huffington Post writer Ellen Seidman, the mother of a child with cerebral palsy. In an editorial, Seidman applauds the episode for spreading the message that "people with disabilities are just like everyone else," and says "the genius of this episode is that it made a girl with Down syndrome seem like just another feisty teenager with 'tude."


Read More http://www.ivillage.com/sarah-palin-family...4#ixzz0p1boWSUL

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That try barely made a ripple in the news. Ya gotta give her credit for trying though, maybe?


BTW, here's what the actress who played the downs syndrome girl had to say about it;


Update: It should be noted that Friedman also has Down Syndrome.


Of additional interest, according to the website Palingates, the Times edited her e-mail message. The following apparently is the complete text:


My name is Andrea Fay Friedman. I was born with Down syndrome. I played the role of Ellen on the "Extra Large Medium" episode of Family Guy that was broadcast on Valentine's day. Although they gave me red hair on the show, I am really a blonde. I also wore a red wig for my role in " Smudge" but I was a blonde in "Life Goes On". I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska" was very funny. I think the word is "sarcasm".


In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.




Again you prove my point over and over. WHAT IS THE RELEVANCE OF HER DAUGHTER HAVING DOWNS SYNDROME TO HER ABILITY TO HOLD OFFICE. Your beloved Liberal media and "comedians" are the ones who bring it front and center,against her wishs.

My question is: wtf is the point of the book he is writing? I understand observing a Vice Presidential candidate...sort of. But wtf insight does he possibly hope to gain on Palin's political policies...by observing her back yard?


Seems stupid to me. In fact, now that the cat is out of the bag, I wouldn't be surprised if this book gets canceled. Is this all about doing National Enquirer stuff? Who the f cares about that? It's all been done.


And again, let's say this goes the way this dirtbag intends. All it's going to really accomplish is to further immunize Palin to this garbage journalism. Like I said, we've heard it all before. Before Cigargate, we all basically stopped caring that Clinton f'ed around. It was old news.


This "get Palin" thing is only going to help her. But, given the stupidity we have seen from the left in the last 4 years, it's not surprising that they are doing things that produce the exact opposite of the results that were intended, again.

The only intelligent response so far, but I hope you have a bathrobe on :rolleyes:

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