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This is why i think the original Texas Chainsaw holds up. Very little gore or effects (i don't think there is any actual bloodletting in the film), just some really bad situations and your imagination running wild...

If you think about it... all the best ones had very little gore or effects. It's a trivia question about how much blood you see in Halloween or Psycho. Because there is none, but you're sure there's blood... you remember seeing it. That's' how good those movies are. They put the images in your head, they don't have to show them to you.


The Shining is up there as one on the scariest ever. As an adult that thing can still scare you late at night.


Another rare one... I Saw What You Did (1965). For kids that used to like to sit home on Fridays and prank call, that movie pretty much ended that. I haven't seen it in years, so maybe it doesn't hold up.


No mention of Friday the 13th? I figured someone would have by page 3.

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I saw it on tv - getting tired of watching Dern's non-stop open-mouth gape, I switched channels. It was a real "eye roller" - and that's being kind.


Jurassic Park is pretty damn dull, but Jurassic Park 2 is pretty fun in a kind of dumb campy way. If only for Jeff Goldblum inexplicable having a black gymnast daughter. And, although it's going to make me sound like one of those contrary a-holes, I actually feel it's Spielberg's best shot movie. But then I also feel Spielberg should be shot shot....so do what you will with that opinion.


A really great semi-lost classic horror film is Carnival of Souls from 1962. A little creaky in places, but in it you see where the modern zombie film got all of its ideas. Literally, every single idea. It's like primordial Night of the Living Dead. Also has a killer score. All done on a pipe organ...spooky as hell.


This is easy...two films that scared the SHEEAAT out of me when I was a kid...Salem's Lot and Poltergeist. Granted, if I were to see them for the first time as an adult, the impact wouldn't have been quite the same. But I still remember EXACTLY where I was when i saw both of those films, and those were easily the two times I was creeped out the most. I can still picture that damn bald, pointy-eared, sharp-toothed vampire BASTARD! :thumbsup:


the original Night of the Living Dead is still the only movie ever to freak me the f out. Just the claustrophobic feeling and the sparce information delivered so matter-of-factly. I still eye the windows suspiciously after that movie.

I loved Jurassic Park. But I wouldn't call it anything close to a "horror" film.

I dunno...I had nightmares soon after seeing that movie of cows, yes cows, trying to get me in my car. :thumbsup:B-)

If you think about it... all the best ones had very little gore or effects. It's a trivia question about how much blood you see in Halloween or Psycho. Because there is none, but you're sure there's blood... you remember seeing it. That's' how good those movies are. They put the images in your head, they don't have to show them to you.


The Shining is up there as one on the scariest ever. As an adult that thing can still scare you late at night.


Another rare one... I Saw What You Did (1965). For kids that used to like to sit home on Fridays and prank call, that movie pretty much ended that. I haven't seen it in years, so maybe it doesn't hold up.


No mention of Friday the 13th? I figured someone would have by page 3.

Pretty sure Psycho had blood.


A little older than most here - but 2 horrors of my youth


Invasion from Mars (1953) - scared the S&*T out of a young-in - catch it if you can - copied many times but still an original


The original "Thing" - James Arness was the monster - still plays well today although the remake wasn't bad


Modern Era - Sigourney Weaver and her tank top in the first "Alien" - still a thriller in the old tradition

Horror sucks ...


More often than not, I have to agree. It's consistently the genre that disappoints me the most.

More often than not, I have to agree. It's consistently the genre that disappoints me the most.


That's why most of my horror I read. Hollywood has a way of !@#$ing thing up. But I will say that my wife has been buying Hammer Film DVDs. Now that's just good stuff. :thumbsup:

This is easy...two films that scared the SHEEAAT out of me when I was a kid...Salem's Lot and Poltergeist. Granted, if I were to see them for the first time as an adult, the impact wouldn't have been quite the same. But I still remember EXACTLY where I was when i saw both of those films, and those were easily the two times I was creeped out the most. I can still picture that damn bald, pointy-eared, sharp-toothed vampire BASTARD! <_<

Salem's Lot.....that vampire floating in the air, tapping on the window is classic :thumbsup:

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