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Where is anything in Exiled posts bigotry? The part where he says he doesn't agree with gay marriage? The part where he says it shouldn't be recognized by the government? From the polls I've seen, more than 50% of the populace feels the same way. If I disagree with it and think it shouldn't be recognized by the government, does that make me a bigot? Personally, I think it just means that I stand up for what I believe in...

Off topic but that's one good lookin pup SigHunter. Have two shepherds myself, both pups. 1 year old Red/Black Female, 8 month old Black Male. Best Dogs Ever!

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Where is anything in Exiled posts bigotry? The part where he says he doesn't agree with gay marriage? The part where he says it shouldn't be recognized by the government? From the polls I've seen, more than 50% of the populace feels the same way. If I disagree with it and think it shouldn't be recognized by the government, does that make me a bigot? Personally, I think it just means that I stand up for what I believe in...

50% of the populous used to think "Black people weren't create equal" - popularity contests should be left to high school. And yeah, it's pretty much the same thing.


It has nothing to do with "standing up for what you believe in". It has far more to do with hiding behind institutional intolerance masked as something else.


Quick, chirp some "I love freedom" while denying others the same.

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50% of the populous used to think "Black people weren't create equal" - popularity contests should be left to high school. And yeah, it's pretty much the same thing.


It has nothing to do with "standing up for what you believe in". It has far more to do with hiding behind institutional intolerance masked as something else.


Quick, chirp some "I love freedom" while denying others the same.


Where is there intolerance? Because I don't agree with it means I am intolerant? On the contrary...


My friends who have an alternative lifestyle know that I love them. They know that I would do anything for them. They also know where I stand. We can have (and have had) intelligent, mature discussions about the topic. It seriously bothers me that anyone who stands for a conservative value in this country is quickly demonized (in this case as a bigot).

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Off topic but that's one good lookin pup SigHunter. Have two shepherds myself, both pups. 1 year old Red/Black Female, 8 month old Black Male. Best Dogs Ever!

Good dogs, no doubt! I am thinking about going over to Belgian Malinois for my next dog, though. They don't have as many genetically predisposed medical issues as GSDs. Or, so I've heard...

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If I were a cop I'd do my best to not see anything. :ph34r:





Agreed but that will never happen. Human nature forbids it for some people.





You're not for them then you're against them.





Who's social mores? Yours I guess. Do you really believe that your definition of social mores doesn't differ from others. Some people think social mores are; don't do anything to take away someone's rights, help people whenever you can, don't judge people.








Main Entry: big·ot

Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\

Function: noun

Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot

Date: 1660


: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective


— big·ot·ed·ly adverb



Sounds like you.





I'd stop before I became a real dick. Just sayin




Where do you draw the line? A line does have to be drawn, doesn't it? You may stop at incest. I stop at homosexuality being recognized... Heck, I even stop at hetero relationships and think that they (hetero marriages) shouldn't even be recognized by the state (we live in a time and have progressed enough where that can be done).


That is one way to grant equal protection, isn't it?

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Where is there intolerance? Because I don't agree with it means I am intolerant? On the contrary...


My friends who have an alternative lifestyle know that I love them. They know that I would do anything for them. They also know where I stand. We can have (and have had) intelligent, mature discussions about the topic. It seriously bothers me that anyone who stands for a conservative value in this country is quickly demonized (in this case as a bigot).

That argument never gets old. "I'm not a bigot because I have friends! Friends who I love! Friends who don't deserve the same rights I have! But I love them!"


Yeah, conservatives are such victims. Just like the liberal !@#$s they demonize. The reason most people flip you assclowns the crap you deserve is because you're hypocrites. I don't expect you to be able to face that reality, anymore than EII can face the fact that he's a bigot. That's cool because in another generation or 2, bigots on this particular subject will be laughed off as the nuttos that they are. It's called progress.

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That argument never gets old. "I'm not a bigot because I have friends! Friends who I love! Friends who don't deserve the same rights I have! But I love them!"


Yeah, conservatives are such victims. Just like the liberal !@#$s they demonize. The reason most people flip you assclowns the crap you deserve is because you're hypocrites. I don't expect you to be able to face that reality, anymore than EII can face the fact that he's a bigot. That's cool because in another generation or 2, bigots on this particular subject will be laughed off as the nuttos that they are. It's called progress.

Gay couples do not produce Generations.

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That argument never gets old. "I'm not a bigot because I have friends! Friends who I love! Friends who don't deserve the same rights I have! But I love them!"


Yeah, conservatives are such victims. Just like the liberal !@#$s they demonize. The reason most people flip you assclowns the crap you deserve is because you're hypocrites. I don't expect you to be able to face that reality, anymore than EII can face the fact that he's a bigot. That's cool because in another generation or 2, bigots on this particular subject will be laughed off as the nuttos that they are. It's called progress.


In your dreams. You are in for a rude awakening. Keep hope alive! Progress? Keeping heteros and now including homos to get special treatment? Are you the same Darin? Where is he and what have they done to him. You are a hypocrite.



Okay. What part of CHOOSE to be gay don't you understand? I guess I am a bigot then.


I guess I am a bigot against hetero marriage too because I don't want them to be recognized by the state. Hey lemming, how do you feel about that?


Still puking up the same crap as the rest of the crowd (at least one side of the crowd) I see...

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That argument never gets old. "I'm not a bigot because I have friends! Friends who I love! Friends who don't deserve the same rights I have! But I love them!"


Yeah, conservatives are such victims. Just like the liberal !@#$s they demonize. The reason most people flip you assclowns the crap you deserve is because you're hypocrites. I don't expect you to be able to face that reality, anymore than EII can face the fact that he's a bigot. That's cool because in another generation or 2, bigots on this particular subject will be laughed off as the nuttos that they are. It's called progress.


Its interesting. There is one side to this argument that does not seem to be able to hold an intelligent debate on the subject, ignores the same repeated question, and has its only response as name calling and inflammatory rhetoric. When are you going to answer the question: Show me where there is intolerance?

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In your dreams. You are in for a rude awakening. Keep hope alive! Progress? Keeping heteros and now including homos to get special treatment? Are you the same Darin? Where is he and what have they done to him. You are a hypocrite.



Okay. What part of CHOOSE to be gay don't you understand? I guess I am a bigot then.


I guess I am a bigot against hetero marriage too because I don't want them to be recognized by the state. Hey lemming, how do you feel about that?


Still puking up the same crap as the rest of the crowd (at least one side of the crowd) I see...


i can respect your point about not wanting special treatment for ANY type of couple. fine. there is no discrimination there i guess.


what i believe is an incredibly ignorant POV, is that you insist that being gay is definitely a choice for everyone. that simply is not true. now, im sure in the history of man and sex, there were a few (or many) that chose to go that route, or experiment. but if you actually take the time to get to know some gay people, and ask them and find out if it was indeed a choice, or simply the way they were made, i think you will find that 99% of the people tell you that is always how they have been since they can remember.


because their sexual orientation is not a choice, just like your race is not a choice and your gender is not a choice, any type of disapproval is indeed bigotry.


you say that if your children ended up being gay you would let them know about your disapproval at every opportunity. do you tell them how disappointed you are in them that they have brown eyes when you wanted them to have blue?


i think your views/ideas of why a person is gay is making you come off as a worse person than you really are.

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Its interesting. There is one side to this argument that does not seem to be able to hold an intelligent debate on the subject, ignores the same repeated question, and has its only response as name calling and inflammatory rhetoric. When are you going to answer the question: Show me where there is intolerance?


That is all he has been doing since joining the board, it is his MO. If he doesn't get his way, he stomps his feet and slings the name calling. No big deal when in Rome, do as the Romans I guess... Just be careful becuase the TOS are a one-way street. You and I may disagree on a lot of things, but we can still be civil... People like Darin can't. On top of it, he is calling others intolerant... :blush:


He can never answer the real questions... So he throws up the smoke screen. I am not intolerant of gays, but if they want to call me a bigot... The fine... It doesn't matter.

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i can respect your point about not wanting special treatment for ANY type of couple. fine. there is no discrimination there i guess.


what i believe is an incredibly ignorant POV, is that you insist that being gay is definitely a choice for everyone. that simply is not true. now, im sure in the history of man and sex, there were a few (or many) that chose to go that route, or experiment. but if you actually take the time to get to know some gay people, and ask them and find out if it was indeed a choice, or simply the way they were made, i think you will find that 99% of the people tell you that is always how they have been since they can remember.


because their sexual orientation is not a choice, just like your race is not a choice and your gender is not a choice, any type of disapproval is indeed bigotry.


you say that if your children ended up being gay you would let them know about your disapproval at every opportunity. do you tell them how disappointed you are in them that they have brown eyes when you wanted them to have blue?


i think your views/ideas of why a person is gay is making you come off as a worse person than you really are.


Thanks for being civil. I just disagree about the biology. It is not like blue eyes and being born with a skin color. I do agree, my stance makes me come off as a worse person whereas I will take flak from both sides. Outside of one's religious beliefs, marriage or sexual orientation should not be a factor. What people choose to do in this regard is their business. The problems begin when the state gets innvolved and others start passing judgement on such deep personal issues. You see it from both sides... The one side is throwing around bigot and the other queer. The problem is really becuase hetero relationships get preferred treatment. I don't find homsexuality strange. Unfortunately, the societal rules are set up giving hetero relationships that priority. That needs to change.


And what I mean about expressing my disapproval has to do with not following the rules in place. I got no problem with people breaking the rules, it is just that there should be a price for that. Our society doesn't need another burden. This is one area (all marriage) where gov't does NOT belong.


The whole game needs to be scrapped.

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Its interesting. There is one side to this argument that does not seem to be able to hold an intelligent debate on the subject, ignores the same repeated question, and has its only response as name calling and inflammatory rhetoric. When are you going to answer the question: Show me where there is intolerance?

So that's your version of intelligent debate? It's more like Internet 101. Pretend you're a victim, play the "I have friends...", then complain when called out about it. Yeah, really bright guy stuff there.


Show you intolerance? You believe it's OK to deny people the same rights you enjoy based on their choice of life partner. Very tolerant. (Do me a favor, spare me the "they can marry any person of the opposite sex" garbage.)


As far as being a "conservative" goes: If you were an actual "conservative", you'd realize that it's wrong to deny ADULTS the same rights other adults enjoy. You'd also know that creating unique laws to cover things is completely opposite of the conservative mantra.

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Thanks for being civil. I just disagree about the biology. It is not like blue eyes and being born with a skin color. I do agree, my stance makes me come off as a worse person whereas I will take flak from both sides. Outside of one's religious beliefs, marriage or sexual orientation should not be a factor. What people choose to do in this regard is their business. The problems begin when the state gets innvolved and others start passing judgement on such deep personal issues. You see it from both sides... The one side is throwing around bigot and the other queer. The problem is really becuase hetero relationships get preferred treatment. I don't find homsexuality strange. Unfortunately, the societal rules are set up giving hetero relationships that priority. That needs to change.


And what I mean about expressing my disapproval has to do with not following the rules in place. I got no problem with people breaking the rules, it is just that there should be a price for that. Our society doesn't need another burden. This is one area (all marriage) where gov't does NOT belong.


The whole game needs to be scrapped.


and what if your OPINION about why people are like they are, is wrong? the ever mounting evidence seems to agree with the stance that people are indeed born that way. then what?


you make statements like you are sure, beyond any doubt or scientific proof, that people choose to be that way. MILLIONS of people, especially those living that life, say differently...


are you able to see it from that point of view at all? and if you can, then what? what would happen to your view if scientists found "the gay gene" tomorrow? im honestly curious.

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That is all he has been doing since joining the board, it is his MO. If he doesn't get his way, he stomps his feet and slings the name calling. No big deal when in Rome, do as the Romans I guess... Just be careful becuase the TOS are a one-way street. You and I may disagree on a lot of things, but we can still be civil... People like Darin can't. On top of it, he is calling others intolerant... :blush:


He can never answer the real questions... So he throws up the smoke screen. I am not intolerant of gays, but if they want to call me a bigot... The fine... It doesn't matter.

Translation: Eric is desperate for an alliance. Won't some other bigot join him in his quest for the ring?

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In your dreams. You are in for a rude awakening.

I doubt it.

Keep hope alive! Progress? Keeping heteros and now including homos to get special treatment? Are you the same Darin? Where is he and what have they done to him. You are a hypocrite.

You need to look up the definition of hypocrite. It has nothing to do with special treatment but I'm not surprised that's your take.

Okay. What part of CHOOSE to be gay don't you understand? I guess I am a bigot then.

It's nice to know that someone who opens doors for a living is so into DNA and what makes people who/what they are.

I guess I am a bigot against hetero marriage too because I don't want them to be recognized by the state. Hey lemming, how do you feel about that?

I don't care - mostly because it's your opinion.

Still puking up the same crap as the rest of the crowd (at least one side of the crowd) I see...

Why would that change?

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