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Eliot Spitzer, talk show host?

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Can you see him on CNN with Wolf? The Spitzer-Blitzer hour.

Eliot Spitzer show: coming soon?

Wait a sec....


"Keith Olbermann has the left, Bill O'Reilly has the right"?


That makes it sound like they are = , and that is not even close to being the case.


More like:


"Keith Olbermann has Connecticut, and O'Reilly has the rest of the USA and 30 other countries".


And, please, by all means, let Spitzer be on TV. We seem to have forgotten Jimmy Carter, so... We need more daily reminders of why we shouldn't let the far-left be in charge of things. Who are finer examples of failure than John Corzine, Elliot Spitzer and their respective legislatures?


How did NJ/NY get where they are today? Who was in charge for a hell of a lot longer than Patterson?

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Whee, who cares if it it is true, go with what you agree with.


FoxMSNBCNews.com won't disagree


Well, so long as the Conner Lemmings don't object.

If they buy the Most Ethical Change to the Congress You Can Believe in, we'll keep the majorities we need to keep the status quo

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