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Union members terrorize son of bank executive

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First: It's "Yeah", not "Ya". Moron.


Second: Running around agreeing with every moron who tries to climb this particular mountain gets more pathetic every time you do it. Take a step back, Eric.


No... I am saying "ya"... As in: "You are a YA-hoo." I see you are claiming to know everything again... Even how people talk. :blush:


You are slipping just like Gene said. Go home and bang around the significant other... You will work it off. Even that weak reply has more sticking power.

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No... I am saying "ya"... As in: "You are a YA-hoo." I see you are claiming to know everything again... Even how people talk. :blush:

Sure. You talk like the Swiss Miss Cocoa chic. Got it. I'm sure your skirt matches your accent.

You are slipping just like Gene said.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Follower. The two of you are in the middle of a pathetic stadium wave.

Go home and bang around the significant other...

You're treading on thin ice.

You will work it off. Even that weak reply has more sticking power.

Your opinion means nothing, Riddler. There isn't a single lucid person on this site who looks at you as anything but a mental case.

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Lighten up Francis, I was being nice. You're the dumbass that couldn't figure out that I was using the archaic meaning (For effect... Sure got your effect) Next time I will spell it out for the tards. Jesus H. Christ, the more degrees, the dumber they are!




What possible reason could you have for using "usury" in its archaic sense other than to demonstrate you're a complete clot-head?

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What possible reason could you have for using "usury" in its archaic sense other than to demonstrate you're a complete clot-head?


To express that the taking of all interest is unhealthy. To villify it. The word "interest" simply doesn't have that effect.


You are the clot-head for not seeing that... THINK my dear man... THINK!

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What is that supposed to mean... If it means what I think then:


See the going gets rough and you pull the power trip on me. I will back down boss. Enough said. I know who controls the strings. Figures... :blush:

It has nothing to do with "pulling a power trip". You whine about decorum and societal norms when defending your bigotry, but feel its OK to bring my wife into an insult. I have zero tolerance for wife/kid of poster insults and will end anyone's participation on this board who engages in that behavior.


But you can pretend you're the victim in this instance. It says a lot about you.

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To express that the taking of all interest is unhealthy. To villify it. The word "interest" simply doesn't have that effect.


You are the clot-head for not seeing that... THINK my dear man... THINK!


And the alternative is...what, precisely?

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Just last week President obama said there would be no more bailouts




I'll believe it when I see it. :worthy:




"The bill, which would put the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation behind struggling pensions for union workers, is being introduced by Senator Bob Casey, (D-Pa.), who says it will save jobs lavish and unsustainable pension plans and help people union members."


"Although right now taxpayers could possibly be on the hook for $165 billion, the liability could essentially be unlimited because these pensions have to be paid out until the workers die."



An example of the insanity of these pensions...




"Assuming the teacher lived to 85 and got health benefits until Medicare eligible, he or she would collect about $3.4 million after retiring. Not a bad return. If the annual raise were 5 percent, the teacher would get a return of $4.2 million on an investment of $199,317."



Bob Casey is certifiable if he thinks the taxpayers will stand by and watch this attempted robbery of our money to cover union liabilities. Casey should be thrown in jail for even introducing this.

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