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Union members terrorize son of bank executive

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Generally it's only "relevant" if it agrees with your ridiculous partisan view of the world. Now go back to all the news you want to hear.

Not even close.


I wasn't calling you a retard as a mod. Given your limited brain power, I don't expect you to understand the difference and you're not worth the time it would take to explain it.

You can call me whatever you like in whatever capacity you like without fear because your opinion means that much to me.

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Not even close.

Robble, robble, robble.


You can call me whatever you like in whatever capacity you like without fear because your opinion means that much to me.

Thanks. I was waiting for your permission to do what I've been doing on this board since long before you ever showed up here.


The fact of the matter is tards like you like to use the mod thing as some kind of trump whenever I make fun of your ridiculous takes, even though it's quite plain for everyone to see that I'm simply posting - NOT MODERATING. It's a pathetic tactic that you pretty much have to resort to because you have so few tools in your box.

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They were protesting because Bank Of America is holding them accountable for the money they borrowed?


What the !@#$ is wrong with this country?

The source was biggovernment .com so who knows? They may have photoshopped the tape to look that way when the real protest was about something else.

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Would that be the usury asscoiated with the money borrowed too?


Try looking up the definition of "usury" before you use the term. "Usury" is lending at extortionist terms. It is NOT lending to high-risk borrowers who can't pay the money back. There's another term for that - "stupid".

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The fact of the matter is tards like you like to use the mod thing as some kind of trump whenever I make fun of your ridiculous takes, even though it's quite plain for everyone to see that I'm simply posting - NOT MODERATING. It's a pathetic tactic that you pretty much have to resort to because you have so few tools in your box.

Stop being such a whiny little B word. Instead, focus on being the ray of sunshine that everyone here has come to expect.

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Stop being such a whiny little B word. Instead, focus on being the ray of sunshine that everyone here has come to expect.

That's a great tactic, Gene. When exposed for being a whining idiot, attempt to deflect by accusing the opposing party of exactly the same behavior. Novel. Now flip to page 2 of the "Internet Retard Handbook" so you can expand your game.


I'm pretty sure there wasn't a vote of the masses that gave you any kind of power to speak for anyone...

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That's a great tactic, Gene. When exposed for being a whining idiot, attempt to deflect by accusing the opposing party of exactly the same behavior. Novel. Now flip to page 2 of the "Internet Retard Handbook" so you can expand your game.


I'm pretty sure there wasn't a vote of the masses that gave you any kind of power to speak for anyone...

Your smack talk has taken a serious turn toward flaccid in recent years, old man.

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Suspected as much.


Lighten up Francis, I was being nice. You're the dumbass that couldn't figure out that I was using the archaic meaning (For effect... Sure got your effect) Next time I will spell it out for the tards. Jesus H. Christ, the more degrees, the dumber they are!



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Ya... He needs to take some Viagra and bang the old lady around (or old man... I guess what ever floats his boat... Who am I to judge). :blink:

First: It's "Yeah", not "Ya". Moron.


Second: Running around agreeing with every moron who tries to climb this particular mountain gets more pathetic every time you do it. Take a step back, Eric.

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