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Supercreep Rand Paul

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Ya, keeping their boot to the neck of a company that is ruining the entire southern coast line seems pretty smart to me. What would you do, give them a tax cut to make them feel better? It's the Libertarian/Retard way, afterall! But criticising a company that totally f*** 's up after buying all the politicians is totally un-American! God Bless those oil men!


Yes, I am painting the Libertarians as retards because that's what they are. Morons with an opinion. Just as bad as the Commies, except Libertarians actually win votes. They are for Free-Dumb ya know!


Oh boy, Rand Paul is gonna be fun! :rolleyes:

The main point here is that this is bigger than Kentucky. It's obvious the fringe element that took over the once proud republican party want this little man as some sort of figgerhead. That's why you see Caribou Barbie going on the Wallace show expressing her exuberence for his little known qualities.


The old man fizzled on the national stage despite a small cult following of what appeared to be fratboys. The boy appears to have inherited the mantle from his dad and seems to have come down with a bad case of foot in mouth disease.

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The main point here is that this is bigger than Kentucky. It's obvious the fringe element that took over the once proud republican party want this little man as some sort of figgerhead. That's why you see Caribou Barbie going on the Wallace show expressing her exuberence for his little known qualities.


The old man fizzled on the national stage despite a small cult following of what appeared to be fratboys. The boy appears to have inherited the mantle from his dad and seems to have come down with a bad case of foot in mouth disease.


So Rand Paul's campaign is bigger than Kentucky, but Scott Brown's election was just local to Mass :rolleyes:

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How funny, Paul had to dump so many of his sick Libertarian views to not look like a complete idiot, the Libertarians are now angry at him for doing so. Too funny!


Once an ally, Koch had strong criticism for Paul, who won the Republican Senate nomination last week by trouncing the GOP establishment candidate, Secretary of State Trey Grayson.


"He had gone from being an outsider candidate to a tea party candidate to an establishment candidate in the past nine months," Koch said. "It's a complete identity crisis. I've never seen anything like it."


Insisting Paul is no Libertarian, Koch called Paul and his Democratic opponent, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, "faces of the same bad coin."


Gees, why didn't he stick to Libertarian ideas? 0:)

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How funny, Paul had to dump so many of his sick Libertarian views to not look like a complete idiot, the Libertarians are now angry at him for doing so. Too funny!




Gees, why didn't he stick to Libertarian ideas? :angry:

The teabaggers all hate Brown now as well. :P






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You know you are toxic when that model of rational thought michelle Bachman won't go near you




The good thing about guys like you, Bishop, is if you ever want to know who the left is afraid of this week/month/year, all you need to do is follow your posts.


"Teabaggers are idiots! Rand Paul's an idiot! Sarah Palin's an idiot! Michelle Bachman's an idiot!"


For a bunch of idiots, you sure seem to spend a lot of time talking about them. In fact, the only thing that DOES seem to stop you from talking about them is a Levi Johnston Playgirl centerfold. And even that's only good for a few weeks.


Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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The good thing about guys like you, Bishop, is if you ever want to know who the left is afraid of this week/month/year, all you need to do is follow your posts.


"Teabaggers are idiots! Rand Paul's an idiot! Sarah Palin's an idiot! Michelle Bachman's an idiot!"


For a bunch of idiots, you sure seem to spend a lot of time talking about them. In fact, the only thing that DOES seem to stop you from talking about them is a Levi Johnston Playgirl centerfold. And even that's only good for a few weeks.


Not that there's anything wrong with that.

You're an idiot! Naw man I'm just kidding..yer ok.



I don't fear any of the aforementioned people. I'm both a and b mused by them.

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Like they are any worse than the Democrat and Republican lemmings.

Yeah I remember when I read my first Ayn Rand Paul book. I was in junior high and it was called Dickhead. I was enthralled. Since then I've wised up...some didn't...they are called "libber-tear-uhns".

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