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Supercreep Rand Paul

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From his own website:


Official Website of Dr. Rand Paul for US Senate from Kentucky. A Lifelong Republican running for the Senate seat being vacated by Jim Bunning.





So one fact being true means we get to ignore all the others that are just as true? Funny the same exact bad thinking drove the Health Care debacle, the Stimulus, hey pretty much everything this Administration and the idiots in Congress have done since 2006. How is this myopic approach working?


We have all heard of selective memory. This is selective perception. You honestly can't see the difference between Tea Party Republicans and establishment R's? There's another description for selective perception: f'ing nuts. Or, to quote Rahm Emmanuel: f'ing retarded.

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Did I miss a press release? Everything I've heard says that BP is taking responsibility and paying for the clean-up.

If you can't tell this guy is the biggest idiot produced by the teabaggers since...dare I say it?.....that ain't my issue to explain to you.

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If you can't tell this guy is the biggest idiot produced by the teabaggers since...dare I say it?.....that ain't my issue to explain to you.


I wasn't talking about him. I was talking about you. When did you read that BP isn't themselves being responsible for the spill?

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And Paul just keeps on giving. How dare Obama come down hard on BP! This is business we are talking about! Not responsibility or ecological damage.





I didn't watch the whole clip but I think it's fine for Obama to say he's unhappy with BP. He should be, even if they do pay for the entire cleanup.


Obama's anti-business rhetoric as a whole is the real problem.

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Things have improved in race relations tremendously since the Federal government began imposing its will on the racists.


Tell that to Sharpton, Jackson, et al who seem to think there's still fire hoses and dogs out there keeping the black man down.

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Paul is the new Sarah Palin



And what if he is? It's amazing to me that these idiots don't see how simple this all is. Well, I suppose I shouldn't expect much from the people that gave us the Health Care debacle, and in the media's case: miserably failed to do their jobs, again. Has the media been right about the Tea Party, on anything?


Fools: The Tea Party feeds on your idiot criticism. The more that idiots, and especially the media, unfairly criticize them, the larger their numbers and support grows. You are accomplishing the exact opposite of what you intend by attacking them. Is that really such a difficult concept to understand?


Who keeps the Tea Party at the top of the news each day? The Tea Party? or the unfair, and often ridiculous, criticisms by the usual suspects? How does giving the Tea Party the lead story every day marginalize them? How irrelevant can the Tea Party be made to look if you won't stop talking about them?


How much credibility does the media have right now? 0

How much do they empower the Tea Party every time they attack them? 1000


I really can't believe that this many people on the left are this stupid....but, then again...Health Care, Stimulus, Trying to tell us terrorist attacks by islamic fascists are....not..... I suppose the evidence is mounting that they are in fact this stupid.

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I wasn't talking about him. I was talking about you. When did you read that BP isn't themselves being responsible for the spill?

That was not the reason why I posted that. I don't even know what you're talking about. Let me try asking somebody who is on an even keel....why is it "un-american" for the president to come down hard on a buisness and not even an American one at that? That's why I posted the link.


I have no doubt that Paul is as establishment as they come despite all the phony teabag credibility bestowed on him by the right media. In fact he's nothing but a corporatist.

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It's unAmerican to criticize a British oil company! :thumbsup::lol:

That's what I'm saying. He's had his macaca moments and now hopefully Kentucky will come to their senses.



While he may be as nuts as his father it's obvious Rand is being groomed as the great white dope of the teabagger and libber-tear-uhn fringe movements on a national level.

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I wasn't talking about him. I was talking about you. When did you read that BP isn't themselves being responsible for the spill?


I realize you are !@#$ing with Hedd, but do you genuinely think they will make good on all the damage this will do? It is apparent that more oil has been leaking than they (BP, feds, 3rd party, whoever) said, the question is how much?

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I realize you are !@#$ing with Hedd, but do you genuinely think they will make good on all the damage this will do? It is apparent that more oil has been leaking than they (BP, feds, 3rd party, whoever) said, the question is how much?


Trick question. How do you put a dollar value on the ecological damage to begin with? They won't "pay" because the price tag will be determined in a civil suit that will go on long after I'm dead.


Other than that...yes, I think they'll (along with Transocean) pay for the direct costs related to containment and capping the well, simply because it'll be really tough for them to dodge it - they are, for example, renting third-party equipment and services on the open market (and probably getting ass-raped on the costs); those are costs they're not going to dodge.

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Trick question. How do you put a dollar value on the ecological damage to begin with? They won't "pay" because the price tag will be determined in a civil suit that will go on long after I'm dead.


Other than that...yes, I think they'll (along with Transocean) pay for the direct costs related to containment and capping the well, simply because it'll be really tough for them to dodge it - they are, for example, renting third-party equipment and services on the open market (and probably getting ass-raped on the costs); those are costs they're not going to dodge.


So that is essentially no. They will not pay for the disaster. They will pay for as little as they can get away with. Corporate responsibility is just a slogan and they have been weaselish from the start. They are still acting this way.


In a response to a demand to turn over all information about this disaster BP said this:


In a press conference with reporters Friday, however, BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles downplayed the request, saying his team “has been working very cooperatively and open from the start.”


“We’re going to do everything we can to comply,” Mr. Suttles said, while also expressing concern that, due to the “massive amount of information” requested, he “would not want the administrative effort to slow down the response effort.”


Seems simple to me, anyone with info takes five minutes of their day to e-mail any documents pertaining to the disaster. They won't do this of course as those documents could be used against them. Only, this disaster is so epically huge and there really are other concerns than British Petroleum's existence as a corporate entity. Sorry, IMO, this screw up is so huge, British Petroleum should have fallen on their sword long ago.


This disaster has been delayed, not averted, by good fortune and who knows how many million gallons of a toxic dispersant. When ordered to use a different one, that is available, British Petroleum responds:


Suttles said that Corexit “is the most widely used dispersant in the world for this type of activity” and that BP has yet to identify another product that is both widely available for immediate stockpiling and less toxic.


Mind you, they weren't ordered to use that specific one, but do the British Petroleum guys lack Google or what? Kidding there really, but the arrogance is astounding. British Petroleum is clearly out to pay as little as possible in this whole mess. They have spun this as best as they could, yet they are lying or completely incompetent. In either case, they deserve to go down (at least the upper management, if not the company).


Oh, this means Rand Paul is a complete moron if he doesn't realize all of this. Just to stay slightly on topic. Pity, I would like a less crazy version of the dad.

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